Monday, May 08, 2017

Prayer Request 5/9 - 5/15

Churches in China cannot ignore domestic violence. People who abuse have often been victims of abuse themselves in their childhood, thus forming a vicious cycle which goes on and on. We pray that faith in Jesus Christ will end this chain of suffering and bring blessing to those who repent and receive His grace. God gives us His power so we "recompense not evil for evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:17, 21).
As long as churches in China avoid talking about the existence of spousal abuse and refuse to speak of it as a sin, Christian families will continue to suffer and brothers in the church will remain weak. We pray for wisdom and understanding for church leaders so they can provide pastoral care for those suffering from domestic violence. We pray for spiritual cleansing of men in churches and that through them revival will begin.
Laws provide protection for victims of domestic violence but they lack any power to solve marital problems. If we want to resolve domestic violence, we must focus on building up marriages. This is especially true for Christian couples. We pray for an awareness of the need for premarital counselling and the availability of marriage courses to help prepare those planning to be married and strengthen current marriage relationships in China. Much more is needed to teach couples to apply the love of Christ in their marriages than is now being done.
The majority of believers in churches in China are women. Finding an available Christian male to marry is rather difficult so many of the sisters resort to relationships with unbelievers and even marry them. We pray for those who are still waiting for God's provision and know that God is good. We pray, too, for those who are dating or have married . unbelievers. May the Lord answer their prayers and bring salvation to their boyfriends and husbands.
There is a huge uneven distribution of medical resources in China. Rural areas lack preventive and basic health care, and farmers try not see doctors for minor illness, but end up unable to afford serious illness. Many kinds of disparities are very obvious between the rural and urban churches in China. We again pray for His comfort and assurance for rural churches, not to be disappointed but be fervent once again.
It is very common for rural families in China to borrow large sums of money to get medical care and then have to give us the education of their children to pay it back. Becoming "dirt poor" because of illness causes much family discord and even breakups. We pray for poor and even impoverished rural believers in China. May the Lord have mercy on them, give them grace, answer their prayers, and grant them great faith and joy.
Almost all villages in China have a simple clinic owned and run by a country doctor who has only a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and thermometer. Likewise, an average rural church lacks many resources that city churches take for granted. We pray that the more wealthy churches will assist and strengthen the weaker and poor churches, many of which are merely an hour away from them by car.

當教會閉口不談家暴的可怕,也不將家暴當作神不喜悅的罪。信徒家庭就會繼續地軟弱,教會的弟兄們也無法復興。求主興起更多教會領袖,有智慧和憐憫的同理心,來為家暴受害者提供教牧關懷。但願神親自潔淨自己的教會, 復興從認罪悔改開始。
雖然目前中國的法律為家暴的受害者提供了保障,但它沒有能力解決婚姻問題。如果要解決家庭暴力,就必須著眼於建造健全的婚姻, 尤其是教會中的家庭。求主幫助教會提供婚前和婚後輔導,使他們明白進入婚姻後,雙方關係及日常生活上可能遇到的轉變,並學習如何以基督的愛來共同面對、接受和調適這些轉變。

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