Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prayer Request 1/25 - 1/31

As Chinese New Year approaches a survey revealed that 90% of those surveyed said they would be getting a year-end bonus. About 80% of the government enterprises and 60% of the private companies are handing out bonuses. Half of the people are getting 5000 yuan or less, one-fourth are getting 5000-10,000 yuan and the rest are getting more than 10,000 yuan. We pray that believers will not forget to give an offering from their bonus. Many do not see it as their regular income so "God is not entitled to it". We pray for a heart of thanksgiving among all believers and that all of us will be good stewards of what God has given us, not merely money, but also our time, talents, and spiritual gifts.
Only thirty percent of the people are happy about the year-end bonus they have received this year. One reason is that they feel they deserved more and the other reason is that the cost of living has shot up greatly this past year and their bonus has not increased accordingly. Contentment and giving thanks for all things are difficult lessons for all of us. May all Chinese believers be thankful for not only the material things they have received this past year but may they also be able to see how God has blessed their lives and families.
When waves of people anxiously begin their journey back home for the Chinese Lunar New Year, many migrant workers have to spend more money getting home than in the past. This year as the high-speed trains are put into service, the number of ordinary trains in service is reduced and those cheaper tickets are much harder to get. Tickets for the high-speed trains easily cost three times more than those for the ordinary trains. Many churches are having special meetings, evangelistic in nature during the Spring Festival. We pray for a great harvest. May this coming month be a time of revival for those who have been away from home and have also been away from churches.
Although the actual interpretation and details are very sketchy, according to Chinese law, all lands are state-owned and the maximum lease is seventy years. Thus, behind the red hot phenomenon of the Chinese real estate market lurks the ultimate question, "What will happen when this building I live in reaches the seventieth year?" As people return to their home churches during this Spring Festival, the question of whether to remodel or rebuild the church building will undoubtedly surface. Even the law governing churches and church property is very vague. We pray for wisdom,faith and vision as churches come together to plan how they can be more effective in their communities.
57.39 million Chinese tourists visited abroad in 2010, a 20.4 percent rise from the previous year. Overseas tourists entering China hit 134 million last year, up 5.8 percent from 2009. China is Asia's largest source of outbound tourists and she ranks fourth in the number of incoming tourists, just behind France, Spain, and the United States. Many Chinese have visited abroad and perhaps have been exposed to Christianity. We pray for those who were baptized or even worshipped abroad. May the Lord use them mightily to share their experience with those who do not know Him. We also remember those who share the gospel with Chinese tourists abroad.
Young Chinese feel very awkward when they "return home without something to make their parents proud" such as a good job or a degree. They know their parents will be much happier if they bring home a future mate and they dread having their parents trying to match them with someone. Many young people lose their faith in God once they leave home. We pray along with their parents that the Lord will give them mercy. We pray, too, for the Lord to re-kindle the relationships between parents and children during this New Year's holiday.
Many Chinese young people have a fear of going home for Chinese New Year. Because of the huge expenses involved, the family reunion causes a lot of anxiety for them. There are the traffic jams on the way and then the fear of their parents nagging them to get married as well as a fear of owing people favors because they invited them out to eat. Parents simply want to enjoy seeing their child. Let us pray that Christian parents will make good use of this time of reunion to reafirm their love and God's love to their child, particularly those young peole who have not walked closesly with the Lord during the year.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prayer Request 1/18 - 1/24

Chinese New Year is a time to give gifts or red packets (often crudely disguised as a bribe). As the government clamps down on corruption, the “gift recycling” business is thriving because recipients can exchange their gifts (cigarettes and liquors) for cash. For many churches, Chinese New Year is the time when much of the church giving is done. People who work in the city return to their home church. We pray that this will be a great time for all of us to count our blessings and be thankful for what the Lord has done.
Most of the “gift-recycling” stores are near the government offices or communities where officials live. It is no secret that gifts (expensive cigarettes and alcohol) are meant as bribes. In order to secure favor or get a promotion, it is necessary to buy gifts for superiors in China. Many Chinese believers have the mentality of: “I’ll give if God will bless me.” Believers should always give thanks (Ephesians 5:20). We pray that all of us will give cheerfully to the Lord, not because we want to curry God’s favor.
Historians have long debated when the slogan of "Long lives Chairman Mao!" really started being used. It was May Day (Labor Day) 1950 when the senior members of the party approved the slogan. This is in contrast to the belief that Mao himself demanded the "worship". Many older Chinese believers still remember those days of shouting the slogan. We praise God for their faithful devotion to Him all these years. May the Lord use them and their stories of trusting God in times of great persecution to inspire many young and new believers.
There is a huge disparity between the number of female and male believers ( 2 to 1 ratio) in the China churches today, often it could be 3-5 sisters to one brother. The ladies shoulder heavy responsibilities at home and at church as well. We know God has a beautiful plan and will accomplish great things for China churches. Therefore, we pray for spiritual revival among the female believers in China, may their husbands, their children be holy, please God because of their love for the Lord.
Believers in China like to "show off their spirituality" by bragging about how they attend church every Sunday. Church attendance often mistakenly becomes an external measurement of their inward spirituality. For Chinese believers, spirituality must be measurable and they often use the wrong kind of measurement. May the Lord have mercy on all of us and help us to know that our own righteousness is totally insufficient and that the Holy Spirit convicts us all of mere external religiosity.
Chinese believers love to study the Bible and they are very very good in reciting Scripture. Churches and fellowships also greatly encourage people to memorize the Bible. However, this often becomes a spiritual pitfall for many because they have the knowledge but are unable to follow the true meaning of the Word, especially when they face the challenges of life. May the Lord give each of us a craving for His Word which is sweet as honey and may we be like the deer that pants for the water. May we also have the determination to obey His commandments without excuses.
Chinese believers like to tell others that they have peace in spite of difficulties. It would be a "loss of face" if they admitted they were deeply troubled inside. To claim they have peace and pretend they are not shaken is considered to be a spiritual person. To pretend to be spiritual or be afraid to show one's vulnerability is really a weakness of the "Chinese brand" of spirituality. May the Spirit show us all that we are weak and fragile and it is only as He lives in us that we can boldly claim to be spiritual.

歷史學家們一直在爭論「毛主席萬歲」這句口號究竟是怎麽開始的。在1949年9月舉 行的全國政協會議上,不少代表呼喊「毛主席萬歲」的口號,在1950年《慶祝五一勞動節口號》中就有「毛主席萬歲」這個口號,這並非是毛澤東自己添加的。教會中很多老一輩的基督徒對於那段呼喊此口號的日子仍記憶猶新。我們真為他們經歷逼迫歲月卻能堅守愛主的心志和委身讚美主。求主繼續使用他們的親身經歷,來激勵更多的年輕基督徒。

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prayer Request 1/11 - 1/17

Frugality is a Chinese virtue and a legacy of the past generations of poor Chinese. However, the 350 million Chinese between 18 to 35 years of age, who have not-so-frugal spending habits, are considered to be critical in the recovery of the world economy and one day pushing China ahead of America as the biggest consumer market. Young Chinese believers also feel very differently about how money is used in church. There is often tension between the young and old believers regarding monetary issues. We pray for unity and humility for all believers, especially regarding offerings and church spending.
China’s change from a state-planned economy to a market economy has spurred the recent consumerism. In the world’s second largest economy, buying discounted merchandise and using coupons are quickly becoming a way of life for young Chinese people. Young Chinese believers have many reasons to not give to their church. We pray that older believers can be a powerful model for them, in their generosity, hospitality and trust in God.
The divorce rate in China has doubled in the past ten years, and one in five Chinese marriages doesn’t last. The generation of spoiled singletons, known in China as the post-1980s (1980's) generation is struggling with issues in marriage, i.e. forgiveness, understanding, tolerance and compromise. We pray for all of the young married believers in the churches in China where marital counseling is sparse. We pray for those who are doing such counseling as well as those who are struggling with their marriages.
Every year, tens of thousands of officials and professors in China are sent abroad to learn new management skills. However, once they, they often forget what they learned or their influence is minimized by the status quo. The call to change the way churches are "managed" invariably meets that same fate. Many feel that it is very hard to change the way things are done in the churches in China. Let us pray that younger leaders in the churches will be promoted and given an opportunity to lead and that the older pastors will imitate the humility of Jesus Christ.
The gender imbalance in the rural churches of China is far worse than that in urban churches because so many of the young men have left for work in the cities. This is the overall picture through the countryside in China with about 90% of households not having young men at home. Without the comfort and help from above, serving in rural churches in China can be very discouraging but every one of those churches is a testimony of God's miracles. The Lord has raised up some sisters who work faithfully. We pray for them to have God's gifts so they may serve with unity and give glory to God without complaining.
Churches in China tend to be feministic because there are more female than male members. This shows up in the praise, worship, testimonies, and even rituals. The atmosphere tends to be emotional, relational, soft, and tender. Being feministic is not a bad thing but the key is whether the gospel is preached or not. We pray that Chinese brothers will be revived with holy passion, will be more spiritual and less carnal, and will be able to stand firm being on fire for God.
Since the churches in China have very few men, it creates a conundrum for the sisters because there are no eligible Christian men. It is nearly impossible for Chinese women to marry someone who is less accomplished than she is and Chinese men feel awkward to marry someone "more capable" than they are. Many sisters feel parental pressure to marry "any available men" before they are too old. They struggle with whether to marry unbelievers and face discrimination by other married sisters. Let us remember them and pray for their spiritual life, friendship, well-being, and all of their needs.

中國每年送出不少高官和教師到歐美學習外國的管理觀念。然而學成回國後,就如「泥牛入海」被一種無形的強大勢力包圍而「銷聲匿跡」。要改變中國教會的傳統管理方式 也是很難。讓我們為教會能提拔新一代的領袖,有機會操練來禱告,也求神幫助他們在前輩身上學習到耶穌基督的柔順、謙卑。
中國教會一般姊妹多於弟兄,使得教會文化朝女性化發展。教會在 詩歌,崇拜,見證和禮儀等方面受明顯影響,往往注重並追求溫馨的、個人化的、有柔情的氛圍。這樣的現象有憂也有喜,有好也有壞,但大使命的託付是不變的。我們要恆切禱告那復興的靈火再次點燃弟兄們。喚醒他們不貪愛世界,能站起來,走出來,為主大發熱心。
中國教會女多男少,給未婚姊妹的婚配帶來很大的難題。一般人的觀念是男子可以娶學歷和收入不如己的女人,女子要想「下嫁」不如己的男人卻需要很大的勇氣;而男子「高攀」也有很多障礙。未婚姐妹有許多難處,尤其來自家人「找個男人嫁了就好」的壓力。要找信主的配偶還是就妥協找未信主的,成為她們難以抉擇的問題。 在教會中她們也無法被有家室的姐妹完全的接納。讓我們特別記念她們靈命、友情、心理、全人的需要。

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Prayer Request 1/4 - 1/10

Recent statistics tell us that the average college graduate in China makes only 300 yuan ($44 US) more monthly than the average Chinese migrant worker. In recent years wages of college graduates have remained steady at about 1,500 yuan a month. The wages of migrant workers, however, have risen to 1,200 yuan and it is estimated that in five years the difference will be negligible. Many young people in China come to know Jesus in college but after they graduate many of them also stop going to church. We pray for everyone who has professed faith but is no longer a part of a local church. May the Holy Spirit continue to stir their hearts and bring them back to His fold.
China has begun to limit the export of rare earth. China mines ninety-seven percent of the global supply of this product which is essential for the making of modern electronics but which also causes severe pollution. Terrible environmental pollution is the price China has paid for her rapid growth in the past forty years. We want to pray against spiritual pollution in churches in many provinces, too. Many rural churches are ravaged by cults and many urban churches are robbed of their love for the truth because of secularism and extremism.
People in China rush to buy houses and the mentality behind this behavior is simply that they do not know how much higher the price of the house will be tomorrow. The story of someone who makes "a half a million yuan buying a small apartment" further fuels this case. It is hard to inspire believers to consider the needs of the church when they are in the mood to buy houses. We pray for those who are in ministry and do not own a house, like Paul; “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you.” (2Co 12:15) May the Lord give them reassurance that their dedication to His work is not in vain and has great rewards.
Given the current annual 15% increase in the average wage, government expects in the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", by 2015 the average wage of a Chinese laborer will double. Despite this rosy projection, the generally low wages of workers and the huge discrepancy regionally, the gap between rich and poor in China continues to widen. The vast majority of churches in rural area are in a survival mode, not able to collect enough offering to support any workers. The work of God is not done with money but it is our prayer that more of the rural churches will become more financially self-sustaining, celebrate their presence in the community, and be able to broaden their scope of ministry.
There is a twenty-fold difference in the income of homes in the top 10% and those in the bottom 10% of households in China. Income in urban areas is about 3.3 times that of income in rural areas. Those the profession getting the highest income get about 15 times more than those in the lowest. Uneven distribution of income is a source of potential unrest. The difference between income in wealthy and poor churches in China is also about twenty fold. Many poor churches go to bigger churches looking for support in finance and manpower. We pray that wealthy urban churches will not stop thinking about those churches that have less income than they do.
High school students in China play a tug-of-war for their own interests and influence. Having a "good family background" means money and power for the students. Those who lack this must build their own guanxi (connections). Churches in China find it difficult to retain high school students because there is a lack of programs for them, there are not many young people, and those who do come have a heavy academic schedule. We pray for the spirituality of those who are still in the churches. May their faith be strong and may they be nurtured in their faith by their church.
In a study conducted among women in China who have had higher education, two-thirds of them considered themselves very ambitious and more than seventy-five percent wanted to be executives--a far higher percentage than women in the United States. We lift up all the sisters in Christ in China. They preach, lead services, do visitation, serve as ushers, sing in the choir, collect the offering, clean the church, teach Sunday school, prepare communion, and much more.

中國稀土資源占全球約 97%市場,稀土主要應用於高科技電池、電視、移動電話與國防產品的金屬。這種材料的開採和生產對環境造成非常大的污染。近年中國開始限制稀土出口配額,但可怕的環境污染已是過去30年中國快速經濟增長所付出的沉重代價。我們為信徒在靈性上也受到污染禱告,許多農村教會被邪教蹂躪,許多城市的教會也因受世俗主義和極端主義誤導而偏離真道,我們求主親手堅固信徒,時刻儆醒,敬虔度日,免得被罪迷惑。
中國人們如同買白菜般爭先恐後買房子,因不知道明天的房價又會漲到多少,「買個煎餅的功夫,一套房便漲了50萬(人民幣)」的故事屢見不鮮。當信徒滿腦子都在想買賣房地產時,自然不會有心思關心神家裡的需要。求主幫助無房的神僕,效法保羅的服事態度:『甘心樂意為你們的靈魂費財費心。』(林後12:15) 不為自己籌劃得甚麼,而是學像基督傾己所有擺上。求主也親自賞賜這樣的工人。
中國前10%的最高收入戶與後10%的最低收入戶人均收入相差高達20倍;城市與鄉村居民收入差3.3倍;行業間收入差距最高達15倍。所得分配不均問題已形成大陸社會潛在的不安因素。中國教會的收入,富裕和貧困之間的差距,也將近有二十倍。許多貧困的教會,得向大的教會求財務和人力上的幫助與支援。 但願富足的教會能時常記念軟弱教會的缺乏,將恩典流通出去,成就神的祝福。
一項研究顯示,在中國受過高等教育的婦女中,2/3稱自己很有野心,超過75%的中國女性渴望獲得企業高管的職位, 此比率遠超過美國的婦女。姊妹們在教會在不同的崗位服事主,他們有的講道、帶領聚會、探訪、接待、聖詩班、收點奉獻、清潔、教主日學、預備聖禮等等。我們求神特別祝福悅納她們的忠心擺上。