Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Prayer Request 4/29 - 5/5

TuesdayDuring the 1980's. soon after the Cultural Revolution, there was a great revival among China’s rural churches. But, the urban churches started to grow larger only after the Economic Reform and the subsequent migration of 300 million people into the cities. We commit to pray for the urban churches because they are still young and learning to face their own unique challenges, especially those of how to minister to believers who are busy professionals. May the Lord bless their ministries, especially those among young families.
Many of the urban house churches in China are changing from their previous hidden underground meetings to open public meetings. These churches are pushing themselves into the public domain and exploring how they will be accepted by the officials. These churches are surely blazing a new trail, not creating a church under a charismatic leader but rather "a church with rational organization". We pray they will be received and accepted by the government because they do represent the future of churches there.
As the urban house churches grow vibrantly and many of them become involved in social issues, there are certain serious issues they must face as churches. One of them is how Christian faith interacts with Chinese culture or how Christian theology is indigenized. We thank the Lord for the growth of the urban churches but we must also pray about the steady decline and languishing attitude in the rural churches. Although many believe these two extremes are inevitable, we have faith that God can do miracles and send revival once again.
Urban house churches in China are divided into two theological camps: Theological Confucianism--the merging of traditional values and practices with Christianity and Practical Theology --a church with a mission to involve and transform society.We pray that Chinese people will not reject the gospel because they see Christianity as a foreign religion nor will they despise Christians as a group of unconcerned people. May the Lord stir each of us to do good deeds because the compassion of Jesus compels us.
Management is a big challenge which the churches in China face. As long as churches are without legal statutes, the transition of leadership is murky, not clearly defined, and subject to favoritism or else controlled by the selected inner circle. We pray that all of the leaders of churches will follow and imitate the Great Shepherd with His humility and gentleness, not be seekers of power, fame, or money. We pray, too, for the refining fire that will cleanse each of us so we will share in His holiness.
House churches by and large are not transparent about their finances so they will not give government officials evidence to oppress them. However, this leads to poor accountability and allows abuses such as embezzlement, misappropriation of church funds and discourages church members from giving. We pray for integrity for those who are in charge of finances in the churches. May God protect them from all temptation and give them humility to be worthy stewards, not power brokers of church policies.
The church in China cannot remain at the stage of seeking miracles. It needs a large number of preachers who are capable of teaching and leading the church. Without deeper teaching of Biblical truth, new believers end up following all kinds of cults. We pray for all of the churches ravaged by the extreme and unsound teaching of cults. May the Lord have mercy on all of the lost sheep. We lift up those who are dedicated to training pastors for rural churches. May their work bring great reward even though the pastors they train are poorly paid and required to make many sacrifices. May God remember them.

中國城市家庭教會在以蓬勃、積極主動的姿態融入並影響社會的同時,自身也隱含嚴重的危機。首先是關於基督教信仰與中國文化之間的張力的問題,即基督教神學的本色化問題。我們為城市教會的迅速增長感謝主, 但也必需為農村教會的沒落祈求。儘管許多人認為這種兩極化是無可避免的,求信實的上帝再次興起所有中國教會。
中國教會的發展不能停留在以求神蹟為主的階段,而是扎根真理,向高處行。這需要大量能教導真理、領導信徒成長、建造教會的傳道人。求主憐憫迷失的羊,我們要為異端,邪教,假先知蹂躪的眾教徒禱告 。也再次為參與農村培訓的每位同工代禱,願他們所作的工大有果效,所培養出來的牧者雖然薪水很低,工作艱難,但主必記念、獎賞他們的擺上。

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Prayer Request 4/22 - 4/28

TuesdayChinese peasants have always seen college education as the main way to get out of their poverty but a college diploma is no longer a guarantee to a job. Hence, parents must re-think their strategy. We ask for wisdom for young people in the church who face the choice between choosing a career and doing advanced study. May the Lord enable them to see the direction and the steps toward His goal for them and may their parents be willing to let the Lord use their children for His work.
We need to pay more attention to the needs of the wives of pastors in the churches of China that their personal growth. Their well-being mean a lot for their own families and the healthy development of their church as well. We pray for strength, revival of spiritual life, the joy of the Lord and a sense of God's presence for each and every one of them and that churches will be appreciative of them and recognize the great sacrifice they make--care about them holistically.
A good wife is the best helper for a pastor when she exemplifies a positive, responsive, victorious life that is full of hope. She can be a channel of blessing for the whole church. We pray for more people who care about the family of their pastors, especially his wife, We ask the Lord for more sisters who can be close friends to the pastor's wife and through their loving care and involvement bring revival to their church.
The major challenge to people who lead college ministries in China comes in issues of co-habitation, dating, and countering the secular view of marriage. Once the students begin to live together, they fall prey to lust and find it very difficult to extract themselves from that lifestyle. We pray for wisdom for those who minister among college students so they will be able with great tact, compassion, and friendship to help their young people discern God's will for their lives.
When it comes to dating, young seekers in the college fellowships usually approach it base on “feeling” or “gut instinct”. Among the believers, even though they know dating is for seeking marriage partner, but they are deeply influenced by secular views and attitudes. We know a bit of the difficulties of ministering to the college students, especially in dating, they often make their leaders sad. So, we pray that they would not discouraged, but rather able to serve their students with acceptance and love, helping them to mature spiritually and know His will.
Chinese girls these days look for tall, rich, and handsome men and men look for fair-skinned, rich, and beautiful girls. Many young Christians hold this exact same view and do not consider the quality of spiritual life at all. Many young Christian workers fail miserably in this aspect and even give up serving in the church. We pray for them that the Lord will revive them spiritually and lead them back to church knowing full well that God would never forsake or condemn them.
Many of the ladies In the churches in China are forced to marry non-believers because there are always fewer men in the church to begin with and the brothers are not good matches. Hence, they are forced to many non-Christians. We pray for those sisters who are advanced in age and are afraid of "being left out of marriage". We pray for peace and joy for them knowing the God has a great plan ahead for them so they will not lower their standard but rather seek to know and do God's will in their lives.

教會應該更關注師母群體的靈命成長及關懷等事工,這不僅是關乎牧者家庭的幸福和諧,更是整個中國教會事工健康開展的重要因素。我們來為師母們禱告,願神加添她們的力量,復興她們的靈命,常存喜樂,經歷神的同在。也求主賜給教會有感恩的心,肯定師母們的犧牲擺上,更實際地關心她們在身心靈上的需要 。
牧養當今大學生團契的最大挑戰是抗衡社會流行的同居、擇偶和婚戀觀。在社會風氣的影響下,同學容易耳濡目染、隨波逐流。當同居後,就很難脫離,軟弱地陷在情慾的轄制中,需要加倍努力才能掙脫開。 我們為服事大學生的同工們有聖靈的引導禱告,能有智慧幫助年輕信徒明白神在他們一生的旨意,也有技巧地帶著愛與憐憫來教導同居的同學們認識神的心意。

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Prayer Request 4/1 - 4/7

TuesdayIn China, unethical merchants sell fake and even poisonous food; corrupt officials betray the public’s confidence and even professors are dishonest just to make a few dollars. It is urgent that China regains its moral moorings. As the Chinese people search their consciences, we pray that Christians can powerfully articulate the salvation of Jesus Christ and the reason for following the Biblical commands in a society that is bent on making money over all else.
China has very strict laws to counter the endless child-trafficking problem. Kidnapping and selling more than three children by use of violence or coercion can carry the death penalty. We pray for God's comfort for all parents who have lost children whether through accidents, illness, or if they have run away from home. We pray specifically for Christian parents who have a prodigal son or daughter that the Lord will answer their pleas and restore that broken relationship.
Incidences of medical professionals who are involved in selling babies have shocked China but moral issues are restricted to neither doctors nor geography. The pursuit of material wealth seems to have become the primary faith of the people of China. Although Christians are in a minority, we pray that churches will boldly make an impact in their communities as good and caring citizens, and that believers will be a powerful witness of God's love and compassion.
The double-digit annual wage increases in China give the people enough disposable income to cause the domestic airline industry to grow ten percent a year. The need for full-time workers in the churches is pressing and huge as college ministries and new churches are started in the cities. We ask the Lord of the harvest in faith for more workers to help these struggling new church plants. We specifically pray for those who are involved in the training of new pastors.
New cities have sprouted up near the new high speed railway stations in China, usually found in the suburbs of other cities since many of the families whose homes lay in the path of the train tracks have been relocated to new districts. Each of these new areas is a wonderful opportunity for evangelism, friendship, and planting a new church. We pray that many of the established churches will catch the vision and quickly seize the opportunity before new temples are built and people grow comfortable in their busy daily routines.
Since train fares are less than half that of airfares, many people have taken to taking the train. in China. Because the wages of blue collar workers have more than doubled, many business executives as well as other workers have switched to the train. Using the high speed trains also narrows the distance between churches. We pray for more interchurch fellowship, especially that the stronger urban churches will support the weaker and less affluent churches in the neighboring provinces and share their resources with them.
Many of the sisters in the church are older and have not been married because there are few eligible brothers in the churches. As they face pressure from their families or feel the personal need, they have resorted to marrying Christian men who are five to ten years younger than they are. Dating and/or marrying younger men brings certain problems including how others judge that one due to difference in age or compatibilities. Let us pray for those involved in this kind of romantic relationship as well as the counseling and caring their pastors must provide.

拐賣兒童的犯罪行為, 法律的懲罰不可謂不嚴厲,對於拐賣兒童三人以上,使用暴力或脅迫等手段的,最高可判死刑。我們祈求神的安慰臨到失去孩子的父母中,尤其是信徒父母中,其子女可能因事故、患病、離家而失去。我們特別為這些浪子的父母禱告,願主垂聽他們的懇求,並修補這些家庭親子間關係的裂痕。
在中國竟然有醫生喪盡天良,參與嬰兒買賣的個案。今天社會中道德淪喪問題已不再侷限於醫生或是有何地域分別,追求物質利益似乎成為人們唯一的「信仰」。 基督徒雖然是少數,但我們有一位至高、聖潔的神。我們求主幫助教會在社區中,成為有愛心的公民,處處見證神的恩慈良善,流露出主耶穌的愛和憐憫,在黑暗中播下光明的種子。