Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prayer Request 1/18 - 1/24

Chinese New Year is a time to give gifts or red packets (often crudely disguised as a bribe). As the government clamps down on corruption, the “gift recycling” business is thriving because recipients can exchange their gifts (cigarettes and liquors) for cash. For many churches, Chinese New Year is the time when much of the church giving is done. People who work in the city return to their home church. We pray that this will be a great time for all of us to count our blessings and be thankful for what the Lord has done.
Most of the “gift-recycling” stores are near the government offices or communities where officials live. It is no secret that gifts (expensive cigarettes and alcohol) are meant as bribes. In order to secure favor or get a promotion, it is necessary to buy gifts for superiors in China. Many Chinese believers have the mentality of: “I’ll give if God will bless me.” Believers should always give thanks (Ephesians 5:20). We pray that all of us will give cheerfully to the Lord, not because we want to curry God’s favor.
Historians have long debated when the slogan of "Long lives Chairman Mao!" really started being used. It was May Day (Labor Day) 1950 when the senior members of the party approved the slogan. This is in contrast to the belief that Mao himself demanded the "worship". Many older Chinese believers still remember those days of shouting the slogan. We praise God for their faithful devotion to Him all these years. May the Lord use them and their stories of trusting God in times of great persecution to inspire many young and new believers.
There is a huge disparity between the number of female and male believers ( 2 to 1 ratio) in the China churches today, often it could be 3-5 sisters to one brother. The ladies shoulder heavy responsibilities at home and at church as well. We know God has a beautiful plan and will accomplish great things for China churches. Therefore, we pray for spiritual revival among the female believers in China, may their husbands, their children be holy, please God because of their love for the Lord.
Believers in China like to "show off their spirituality" by bragging about how they attend church every Sunday. Church attendance often mistakenly becomes an external measurement of their inward spirituality. For Chinese believers, spirituality must be measurable and they often use the wrong kind of measurement. May the Lord have mercy on all of us and help us to know that our own righteousness is totally insufficient and that the Holy Spirit convicts us all of mere external religiosity.
Chinese believers love to study the Bible and they are very very good in reciting Scripture. Churches and fellowships also greatly encourage people to memorize the Bible. However, this often becomes a spiritual pitfall for many because they have the knowledge but are unable to follow the true meaning of the Word, especially when they face the challenges of life. May the Lord give each of us a craving for His Word which is sweet as honey and may we be like the deer that pants for the water. May we also have the determination to obey His commandments without excuses.
Chinese believers like to tell others that they have peace in spite of difficulties. It would be a "loss of face" if they admitted they were deeply troubled inside. To claim they have peace and pretend they are not shaken is considered to be a spiritual person. To pretend to be spiritual or be afraid to show one's vulnerability is really a weakness of the "Chinese brand" of spirituality. May the Spirit show us all that we are weak and fragile and it is only as He lives in us that we can boldly claim to be spiritual.

歷史學家們一直在爭論「毛主席萬歲」這句口號究竟是怎麽開始的。在1949年9月舉 行的全國政協會議上,不少代表呼喊「毛主席萬歲」的口號,在1950年《慶祝五一勞動節口號》中就有「毛主席萬歲」這個口號,這並非是毛澤東自己添加的。教會中很多老一輩的基督徒對於那段呼喊此口號的日子仍記憶猶新。我們真為他們經歷逼迫歲月卻能堅守愛主的心志和委身讚美主。求主繼續使用他們的親身經歷,來激勵更多的年輕基督徒。

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