Monday, May 01, 2017

Prayer Request 5/2 - 5/8

For more than three decades , mandatory placement of an IUD was the most important tool used by the government of China to limit couples to having only one child and nearly all new mothers were required to have one after the birth of her first child. In the churches in China, women have been outnumbering men three to one for years. We pray for God's mercy for those sisters whose husbands are not believers. May the Lord give them a great testimony at home so their husbands will be saved soon and have a desire to know God better.
It is already a year after they abandoned the "one-child" policy in China and Beijing is hoping to make it up to millions of women by removing their IUDs free of charge. However, there has been no hint of an apology so there has been incredulous outrage. Many couples there wanted to have a son instead of a daughter. We pray that parents who are Christians will know that children are an inheritance from God--whether daughter or son. And we pray they will know it is their duty to lead their children to God and raise godly children for Him.
While IUDs in other countries can often be removed with the tug of their strings in a doctor's office, surgery us usually required in China because most devices there were designed to be more permanent--some with shortened strings and others with no strings at all. We pray for the comfort of Chinese couples who are infertile or have lost their children. May the Lord give them joy, the ability to be spiritual parents, and through them bless the young ones in their churches.
In China, women often have the same IUD from soon after childbirth until menopause since those used there offer birth control for much longer than those used elsewhere. Sisters are able to serve in the churches only after their children are grown or have left home. We pray for all of these older mothers who not only labor without complaint. but also give a wonderful example to the younger mothers.
In the early 1980s, China began demanding that women be fitted with an IUD after one child and sterilized after they had two. Those who refused risked that their children would be denied access to public schools and health insurance. Civil servants and state employees who refused lost their jobs. The number of children in the churches in China will definitely increase now that the one-child policy has ended. We pray that they will have the vision and urgency to minister to this new crop of children and will not let them wander and become lost spiritually.
In the past, local officials in China were required to meet their target birth-control goals leading some to impose forced sterilization and even abortions on some women. All of this left a bad image for the birth-control policy there. We pray that churches will invest in training teachers for children's ministries and that believers will see why Jesus invited the children to come to Him. We pray they will also see how important it is that children learn what the Bible says and that they will be saved while they are still small.
Many parents in China are annoyed that they do not have time to pick up their children from school at 3:30 in the afternoon but have to leave them with childcare agencies even though many of these services that care for children after school are operating illegally. Very few churches in China have quality child care during worship services for various reasons. We pray that more leaders will see the need and importance of providing child care and ministry to children in their churches and not feel the little ones are a bother and burden to the adults.
1980 年代,婦女生了一個孩子之後必須放置宮內節育器,生了兩個孩子後要做絕育手術。拒絕如此做的人要承擔子女無法讀書和無醫療保險的風險,若是公務員更可能失去職位。中國取消一胎制後,教會的兒童數目必定會大量增加,我們為教會有異象來服事新生孩童們禱告,求主幫助教會知道如何牧養這批孩童們,不叫第二代流失。
許多中國家長為了下午3點半孩子放學之後,需要接送到孩童照顧處而煩惱。 這些課後托兒服務很多都不是合法經營的。由於種種原因,極少的中國教會在主日崇拜時能提供優良的孩童看顧。求主賜給更多教會領袖有異象和負擔,看見孩童事工的需要和重要性,不將孩童看顧當作麻煩事和重擔。

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