Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Prayer Request 11/1 - 11/7

More than 900 pastors of house churches from China gathered to mobilize at least 20,000 Chinese missionaries to plant thousands of churches by the year of 2030. We give thanks that churches in China have come together with this vision. We pray, too, that ministry goals will not become​ mere slogans but that churches will humbly work together and realize they can learn from each other.
When the ​pastors of house churches in China chose the number 20,000, it was because they estimate about that many foreign missionaries have been sent to China in the last two centuries. They claim that China must repay the "debt of the gospel" in order to be a true "missionary sending country". World evangelism should not be tinted with nationalistic pride so we pray for humility and willingness to learn from others for the church in China which has much to learn from Western and even Korean churches in sending missionaries.
The bold vision​ of the church in China to mobilize, equip, and send 20,000 missionaries in the next fifteen years will be achieved only the by work of God's Spirit Who unites the church to accomplish this God-sized dream. We ask our Lord on behalf of churches in China for true unity, not just ambition to expand one's churches for self gain, and that they will work as a team sharing their resources, time, effort, and finances.
To send out 20,000 Chinese missionaries in fifteen years will be the greatest missions effort of the church there in all of their history and can have a tremendous impact on global missions. We pray for humility and unity for church leaders so they can share the vision and begin selecting and training candidates in their churches and that overseas Chinese churches will also get involved and help them.
Cults and heresies​ thrive in rural China because hearts are empty and believers lack adequate teaching. They do, however, give poor people some hope and even some monetary benefits. We pray for those believers who have been led astray and also churches that have been ravaged by cults. May the Lord have mercy on them and deliver them from false teachings helping them to realize the deception and give them a desire to return to the truth.
All kinds of social issues, injustice or disparity of rich and poor, vicious competition, pollution, food safety and corruption, make poor people more vulnerable to the doomsday preaching of cults. ​Many believers in China simply accept what charismatic preachers say because they do not have ​a ​Biblical foundation. We pray for wisdom and spiritual discernment for all believers in China, ​but ​above all, a hunger for God's Word.​
There has been an increase in cheating on the college entrance and post-graduate entrance exams in China.​ This is a complex and profit-making business. Students view the buying of answers to the exam online as an open secret. We pray for parents who are believers and teach their children Biblical values along with Christian students in China who face immense pressure to excel in their studies.

邪教異端在農村中的興盛是因為沒有足夠的真理教導。 異端的教導不僅為那些在貧窮的農村信徒帶來一些不實的盼望,甚至也提經濟的好處。我們為被欺騙的信徒,求神的憐憫,叫他們發現錯誤,引領他們歸回真道。也為被異端摧殘的教會能再次被建立禱告。
中國各種社會問題, 例如不公義和貧富巨差、激烈的競爭、環境污染、食品安全,以及貪腐,都導使貧窮人特別容易接受異端邪教的世界末日宣傳。不少中國的信徒只是聽從傳道人說的,自己對聖經根本沒有基礎的認識。求主賜給我們智慧與能分辨的靈,更是對神的話語有渴慕追求的心。

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