Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Prayer Request 11/29 - 12/5

According to official 2015 data, a total of 3,841 million couples filed for divorce in China that year--an increase of 5.6% over the previous year.​ Many Christians and even pastors experience a marital crisis such as an extramarital affair or otherwise succumbing to temptation. We pray for the guarding of the hearts of all believers. "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." (Hebrews 13:4)
A survey found that the key reason for the rising divorce rate in China is extramarital affairs--nearly half of all divorces.​ Men who are employed in information/media are more likely to have an affair than others, and women who are full-time mothers are the ones most likely perpetrators. We pray that all believers will know that God has called us to be holy in our thoughts as well as our bodies. "Each one of you to know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in the passion of lust, even as the nations who do not know God. (1 Thess. 4:4-5)
Most migrant workers in China​ live near their factories where living conditions are poor. Many of the male workers who are there without their families, easily succumb to sexual temptation. Prostitution is also rampant there. Since we are called to care about the spiritual lives of millions of migrant workers in China, we also need to pray for the guarding of their hearts as well as their bodies,they sin against God and that they can overcome sexual temptation. (1 Corinth. 6:18)
The top five reasons for divorce in China are: extramarital affairs, domestic violence, personality clashes, in-law relationship discord, and spousal addictions. The idea of marriage lasting a lifetime or "growing old together" are totally thrown out. We pray for the marriages of believers, not only that they will stay intact but that they will be an example of Christ's love for others in the church. We pray also that couples will serve together in their churches.
​Believers need teaching from the church to grow and know God's will for their lives. Churches in China greatly need teaching ​ on building Christian families and holiness in their daily lives. Teaching for believers takes a long time. We pray that the churches will have systematic teaching designed to equip believers with truth and exemplified before them so they will not become hypocritical Pharisees.
While the false and extreme teachings of cults are ravaging rural churches in China, in the big cities, foreign cults are stealing young and innocent believers from the urban churches. We pray for God's mercy for all the churches there. May the Lord raise up more spiritual watchmen who will stand in the gap by praying for young believers, alerting them to the danger, and warning them to flee from the deceptive practices of these cults.
Many are alarmed by how quickly China churches are becoming secularized, people see churches a social gathering place especially after retirement. Also, churches are not transparent in its finance, causing believers to be cynical and not willing to be involved. We pray for revival of His churches, protection of those who love and serve Him. We ask God to corrupt the attacks of cults and punish the evil servants who treat the House of God as their own enterprise.

根據政府數據,在2015年依法辦理離婚手續的共有384.1萬對,比前年增長5.6%。不少信徒家庭甚至牧者也面對婚姻危機,例如誤陷婚外情或墜入其他誘惑等。求主保守我們所有信徒的心懷意念,謹遵神的教導:婚姻,人人都當尊重,床也不可污穢;因為苟合行淫的人,神必要審判。(來 13:4)
據調查資料顯示:中國離婚率越來越高的主要原因是出軌,導致的離婚占比 50.16%,其中男性出軌率最高的是職從資訊業,而女性出軌率最高的竟然是全職媽媽。求主再次提醒我們,我們蒙召是要在思想和身體上成為聖潔。決對不容許自己放縱私慾的邪情,像那些不認識神的外邦人。(帖前4:5)

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