Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Prayer Request 3/8 - 3/14

It is truly heart-wrenching to watch the footage of the destruction of majestic church buildings​ in Zhejiang China ​but the history of churches in China has taught us that God ​has allowed persecution to happen and turned it into revival. ​May the Lord comfort believers who are facing persecution, help them know that God is in control, and that this trying time can be ​a good time for self-reflection as well as an opportunity for new ministry.
Since the 1980's there have been many churches re-opened or rebuilt in China which has given the false impression that the buildings themselves represented the expansion of ministry and that they are the sole testimony to the public. We pray this wave of forced demolition will give all believers a new perspective of what the real church is--not buildings but people. May this difficult time help the churches in China to head in a new direction.
Hundreds of churches in Zhejiang have recently had their crosses forcibly removed which helps us realize that the true essence of the church is the spiritual bodies they build in response to the Great Commission and that the church buildings are only a tool toward that end. The Church exists even without a building and the building should not be the primary place that defines Christianity. May the Lord comfort those who have lost their church buildings and help each of us to reflect on the rush to rebuild churches all over China.
During the past twenty years a new church building was completed about every two days in China. Believers gave very generously to build buildings but very little to train pastors or other church workers. We pray that churches and believers will focus on the training and equipping of their pastors​ to be better leaders of the flock.
In Eastern​ China tens of millions of dollars are spent annually on new church buildings. If the same amount of money could be channeled into theological training, equipping, and improving the salaries of leaders, there would be pastors who are trained much better than they are now. May the Lord help us to see that He wants more shepherds to care for His flock and more workers for the harvest rather than our spending a lot of money on big church buildings.
In China it is common to find many churches with small and dilapidated buildings with no shepherd within a half hour drive from a huge new church​. We pray for all of the small churches there. May the Lord give each of the believers a vision to be a bright light for Him in their neighborhood and not compare themselves to bigger churches.
The demolition of church buildings and crosses in China highlights the strain and tension between Christianity and the Communist government which many once thought to be relaxed or even improved but which is actually ever-present. ​We pray that believers will stay clear-minded as they face the conundrum of finding a Biblical solution of how to worship and grow ministries with the imposed restraints. May they realize they should not feel they have failed because our Lord resides in our hearts, not in the buildings where we meet.


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