Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Prayer Request 3/29 - 4/4

There are two big challenges for churches in China, one is that the vast majority have no​ children's ministry since the children of believers do not attend church, and the second is the lack of Sunday school trained teachers. ​We pray that churches will realize the terrible consequences of the falling away and drifting from their faith of the second generation as well as the spiritual state of their children and be willing to invest in teachers for the Sunday schools.
In China, a new generation of young, Western-trained psychoanalysts is concerned that early childhood separation from parents or primary caregivers, considered normal​ there for generations, has caused profound, hidden trauma in millions of Chinese. ​Separation from parents in early childhood creates hidden emotional dangers. We pray for Christian parents that they will focus on not only the health and academic areas of life but​ will teach their children to know God and love Him throughout their lives.
Many believe that early separation from parents (a documented psychological phenomenon) has led to emotional problems in adults who fail to form healthy relationships.​ Feeling abandoned as children, they struggle with worthlessness and depression. We pray for many Chinese believers who struggle with the idea of “Heavenly Father”, unable to accept God’s unconditional love. May the Lord draw them close so they would comprehend how great God’s love and acceptance is.
The pastors of house churches in China need to focus on ministering to the believers rather than arguing about whether to register with the government or not. If churches are unable to gain the trust of either believers or the officials overseeing them, registration with the government is a moot point.​ ​We pray specifically for churches embroiled in the debate about whether to register with the government or not. May the Lord grant them unity and spare them from division. May He add many who have come to know Jesus and cause them to grow.​
Strictly speaking the churches under the CCC/TSPM are not true churches but a movement rather than a denomination. The churches under the China Christian Council system retain their own financial independence. Many believers are highly emotional and resist the idea of ​their church registering with the government. We pray for wisdom and vision from above for church leaders as they try to move their churches past the bottleneck of being an​ “underground” church.
Churches in China are supposed to register with local and county government but in many areas where there is no CCC/TSPM, an officially registered church is an open church but not necessarily a "government church" which causes them to have a great deal of autonomy. We pray for wisdom for churches that are debating about whether to register with the government or not. May they never lose their vision to share the gospel in their communities and may their ministries continue to grow.
Official administration of churches is usually done locally because the registration is with either the local or county government, while in some cities​ ​it is done at the city level. This shows how churches are monitored differently depending on the location.​ ​We pray for the management and operation of each church in China. Many are run by a selected few people or even a single individual which severely hampers​ participation and ownership by others in the church. May the Lord help these churches to grow and bring glory to Himself.


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