Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Prayer Request 3/22 - 3/28

Hong Kong's vibrant Christian community has long been a magnet for mainland Chinese visitors. Tens of thousands of people cross the border each year for Sunday school, seminars and megachurch gatherings in this former British colony. Hong Kong enjoys greater freedoms, including religious liberties, than the mainland. We praise God for the vibrant churches, their dedication to mission effort, not only to China, but ​to ​the whole world.
In recent months, Chinese officials have barred mainland residents from attending some religious conferences in Hong Kong, increased oversight of mainland programs run by Hong Kong pastors, and issued warnings to outspoken leaders, causing some to reconsider their work in the mainland. We pray for the situation of increased restriction and monitoring of churches in Hong Kong. May the Lord give favor and protections to those who are involved.
Christianity is China's fastest-growing religion, with at least 67 million followers, many of whom worship in independent,house churches or unofficial churches, often with the acquiescence of the government. We pray for churches in China, especially in the time when the government seem​s​ to be tightening control at home and restricting interaction with churches abroad. ​The Lord protect all who are under increased scrutiny by the officials.​ May the Lord protect all who are under increased scrutiny by the officials.
The Chinese Communist Party has long associated Christianity with subversive Western values​​, and over the past year , officials have accelerated efforts to demolish churches, shutter Christian schools, and remove crosses. We pray for comfort and strengthening of spirit for all the churches who experience demolition and closure. May the Lord give them wisdom and patience as they express their feeling of frustration and disappointment.
Chinese leaders have historically shown much lenience toward Hong Kong, which is now home to about 850,000 Christians, 1,500 churches, a Christian newspaper and a Baptist university.​ ​The ​Hong Kong Christian community is indeed unique and much blessed by the Lord. We pray that they will continue to be ​an ​example of love, unity and sending missionaries for all Chinese believers.
About 60 percent of Hong Kong's churches have ministries inside China such as theological training, but spreading the gospel in the mainland can be difficult. Hong Kong residents are often treated as foreigners, and they are not permitted to establish churches, hand out pamphlets, proselytize or preach.
China promised to give Hong Kong freedom. The term used to describe it was "one country, two systems"​. We do not know how long Beijing will keep her promise of giving Hong Kong special treatment. We pray for​ the​ future of churches there and their contribution and influence to all Cantonese-speaking churches worldwide.

大約60%的香港教會在內地都有事工,如神學培訓。不過在中國傳福音卻非常困難,因為香港居民往往被當作 "外國人" ,不允許建教堂、發放福音小冊子、分享信仰和傳教。我們為香港教會多年來忠心支援內地教會感恩。願神記念他們為主的擺上,也祝福他們所撒下的福音種子得到百倍的收成。

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