Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Prayer Request 3/1 - 3/7

The population of elderly people in China is rapidly expanding while those of working age is shrinking.​ This presents a challenge to both government authorities and the ordinary people, including many Christians. Let us pray for all of the issues regarding the rapid aging problem in China. Ask the Lord that He might show the church how she can be most effective in serving this growing group of people both in and outside of her walls.
Cultural expectations and legal requirements put the onus on families in China to care for older family members, but neither the government nor society at large is adequately prepared to support this effort. For churches, the immediate concern, especially in rural areas, is caring for elderly pastors in their later years. Let us pray for the well-being of all of the retiring and retired pastors.
Younger urban pastors are faced with caring for parents who, in many cases, still live in the countryside or in smaller cities. Many of their congregants find themselves in a similar situation. With living space limited in the city, it may not be practical or desirable to have older relatives move in with the family. We pray for wisdom and patience ​for those ​who encounter difficult issues trying to care for elderly parents.
The church in China is the only entity that has access to a sizeable pool of potential personnel which include​s both professionals whose expertise could be applied specifically to senior care and unskilled workers who can be trained to carry out support roles. We pray for joy and a beautiful live testimony by believers who care for the elderly. May their joyful disposition be a constant blessing to those for whom they provide care.
​Providing care for the elderly could involve Christians visiting and helping seniors who are living at home but whose families are unable to care for their needs. It could also involve setting up residential facilities for those who are no longer able to live in their own homes. We pray for the urban churches that have senior caring ministries and those that have care centers. May the Lord grant them His love and lead many of these seniors to become believers in Jesus.
Some churches and individual Christians in China have already begun to be involved in the ministry of caring for seniors, but there remains a huge and ever-growing need for such help. We pray that God might inspire and envision those Christians with the necessary skills and experience to play their part in serving their local elderly community.
Churches in China that care for seniors can provide a way for the church to gain legitimacy within the society as the Christian people are seen caring for not only their own needs but those of their community. Let us pray for those believers who are already involved in caring for seniors that the Lord will encourage and strengthen them and provide all they need to continue this vital ministry.


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