Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prayer Request 10/29 - 11/4

It is strictly forbidden to discuss religiously sensitive words in Chinese classrooms. For example, when a student makes a sentence, the word "pray" cannot be paired into "prayer", and teachers will enforce usage of any words with religious meanings. Christian parents want their children to love the Lord, but they have other priorities for their children, academic and other pursuits, and quickly lose the impetus to help children develop habits of prayer and Bible reading. We pray that we will honor the Lord more than our children.
In China, the new textbook for the sixth graders has deleted all religious references. For example, “Bible” and “Book of Prayers” were deleted and changed to "found a few Portuguese books." We pray that believer parents will remember, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph 6:4) and spend time to communicate with their children and take an interest in their spiritual growth.
Christian phrases in several renowned Russian short stories mentioned in school textbooks, like "church worship," "God Bless," and "I’ll pray for you" were deleted from textbooks in China. Other references to God were changed to "lao tian ye", a generic term for a deity. Many Christian parents falsely think their children are adequately prepared spiritually, but in fact, they are wrong because their children do not have healthy spiritual lives and have already drifted away from God. We pray for keen awareness for parents, have a good parent-child relationship and always pray for them.
The Chinese government has also deleted any words in dictionaries with religious references. The new Student’s Dictionary no longer has the word “freedom”. Unfortunately, many naive Christian parents still think children should have the freedom to decide whether they should believe in Jesus Christ. We pray for His mercy so believer parents will diligently raise their children to know God and make it their greatest desire and utmost responsibility to teach them.
History textbooks did not escape revisions in China. Previous references to the mistakes made by Chairman Mao were deleted in the newly revised junior-high school history textbook. Parents’ attitude and their expectations determine how children behave and the path they will take the rest of their lives. We pray believers parents will expect their children to love the Lord the whole lives, above all things. We pray that Christian parents will expect their children to love the Lord above all else during their whole lives.
The historical references of the uprising against the tyranny of the late Qin Dynasty (200 AD) were scrubbed from all textbooks. The Chinese government does not want the people to imitate such rebellion and ordered the deletion of all such historical stories for students. Christian parents should not pray for their children only when they are sick or encounter difficulties, rather we pray that parents will make it the priority to pray that children will not follow the way of the world and have the boldness of Daniel and learn from their parents and seek blessing from God.
The story of the "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Uprising" in the late Qin Dynasty (200 AD), is a story once told to all children in China, praising their sense of justice and bravery to rebel against tyranny. We pray that believer parents will teach their children the Biblical worldview and ethics, and to have faith that God will protect them to love Him, even in the secular society and atheistic education system.

秦朝末年 (公元 200年)的「陳勝、吳廣起義」被視為中國民間家喻戶曉、充滿正義與勇敢反抗暴政的歷史事蹟。由於被認定是官逼民反,挑戰當權體制的典型歷史事例,因而在教科書中刪除這一歷史內容。求主幫助信徒家長以基督教的世界觀和倫理觀來養育兒女。更求神保守孩子處在混亂又似是而非的世俗環境中和無神論的教育體系裡,仍然能信心堅定,持守愛主愛人的真道來行事為人。

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