Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prayer Request 10/22 - 10/28

In the past, churches in China emphasized much on holiness and spirituality, but nowadays churches have appealed to the masses with the "cheap gospel." Some churches are no different than supermarkets, offering a few hours of “entertainment” in exchange for donations. Other churches are more like clubs, avoiding the topics of holiness and even become dens of thieves. We pray that churches will be a living testimony of Jesus, leading sinners to salvation with His gospel. May His refining fire, especially in a time of great persecution, keep His churches holy and reject all sins.
In the past, house churches in China were “patriarchal” and pastors were unchallenged. As churches gradually adopt the Western model of hiring and termination of pastors, many pastors in the house churches are less willing to talk about sins and want to avoid offending people. We pray that more believers will see the importance of prayer and get involved in prayer ministries. We ask the Lord that more leaders will be willing to invite their members to pray and have a part in the decision-making process of their church.
In the past, church membership in China was very stable and believers were committed. Nowadays, church-hopping is the norm, so believers go where the preaching is appealing and leave churches that make them uncomfortable or point out their sins. We pray that believers will see their pastor as a shepherd who will lead them on the right path, help them grow spiritually, and be committed to their church. Just as Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)
Some "Christians" in China see their church as a "supermarket" in which they can pick and choose. Such a dangerous attitude is like Simon the sorcerer whom the apostle Peter severely rebuked. None of us should take the church pulpit lightly or treat it as a place of entertainment. Pulpits do not belong to church leaders to use to entertain. The pulpit is for preaching the word of God, The podium belongs to God and those who preach must “correctly handle the word of truth.” (2 Tim. 2:15).
Pornography is especially a big issue for the Christian believers born after 1980 to the 1990's. The internet and social media have plenty of them it in spite of censorship. Young people struggle with addiction to it and constant temptation. “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16). We pray that there will be more pulpit messages on holiness because if we stay silent, churches will be without discipline and become no different than social gatherings. We too pray that believers will not be self-righteous but show love, compassion, and justice.
This is the time for Christians in China to live a holy and victorious life at all costs. Pulpits everywhere must not avoid the subject of holiness, even though doing so will offend those who live in their sins. "It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.” The truth of God and tempting contents from the devil are all readily available online. We pray for His mercy as all believers must stay alert and diligent to keep ourselves pure.
Cohabitation has become very common among young people in China. More than 30% of those born after 1980 have lived together before marriage, and to some extent, such prevalence is higher than in many Western countries.Many young believers have engaged in premarital sex before they came to know Jesus and many more have an addiction to pornography. We pray for their struggle to break the bondage as they repent and seek His power to overcome.

昔日家庭教會多是家長式帶領,牧者有主導地位。隨著西方教會模式逐步向中國家庭教會移植,一些教會開始實行牧師聘任制。在該制度之下,有些牧師講道就不敢得會眾,也避免談論罪的議題。 求主提醒信徒更多參與教會的禱告聚會,教會領袖也願意鼓勵弟兄姊妹同來為教會守望,共建神家,使教會走在合神的心意的路上。
已往中國教會的會友流動不大,教會信徒委身度高。現今卻有到處聽道的風氣,一旦教會的信息或紀律影響了某些信徒的利益,他們就選擇離開,再選一個感受舒服的教會,這是一個非常危險的情況。求主校正信徒的目光,也幫助牧者曉得如何牧養群羊,讓他們能健康成長,對教會有歸屬感並委身服事。 「若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架,來跟隨我。」(太16:24)。
婚前同居行為在年輕人中變得越來越普遍。三成以上的80後男女曾有過婚前同居行為,在某種程度上已趕上甚至超過了許多西方國家。由於許多年輕人在信主之前就已經有過婚前性行為,或者長期被淫亂視頻或淫亂行為捆綁, 我們為他們在信主之後,在悔改成聖的路面臨許多挑戰有主的恩典和力量來禱告。

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