Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Prayer Request 6/25 - 7/1

The topics of "church authority" and "power" are very touchy in churches in China but the new generation of believers are a lot more vocal, demanding the right to know, decide, supervise, and remove leadership. Younger believers want to know who is in charge and openly question the cost of maintaining church unity. Church leaders tend to portray themselves as highly spiritual and sacrificial. We pray that each of us sees our own brokenness and sinfulness, we all need renewal and more faith, as we strive to please our Master.
When believers move from one church to the other, they create division in churches because their theological views are different and likely more radical. Conflicts ensue when their views are not accepted. Christ is the head of the church and the church is the body of Christ. Each of us is a member of the Body. We are called to build up His church, We ask the Lord to forgive our arrogance, strife, division and so often, the splitting of a church.
When believers move about from one church to the other, conflicts follow. First, they are likely to be critical and not willing to serve. Second, they band together with like-minded people and split up a church. We pray that God strengthens His people and heals our divisiveness, so we have the heart of Jesus, always seeing others better than ourselves. ‘Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.’ (Eph. 4:3)
When a church splits because of conflicts, deep suspicion lingers between the two affected congregations for a long time. If the gap is not bridged, a generation of believers will be deeply wounded. We know our Lord takes no pleasure in the strife and division among His people which cause the ministry to suffer, people to be discouraged and church growth slowed. May the Lord have mercy on us so we can learn true humility and unity in Christ.
Newly established churches resulting from a split tend to have some "sheep stealing", although it is inevitable it always leaves a bad feeling for all concerned. Scandal in one church damages the reputation of many churches. Division within a church also confuses outsiders and affect those within. We pray that none of us will ever shame His Name and the Lord protect the weak believers from stumbling and stop attending church.
Churches in China, especially the houses churches are known for vigorously insist that their own theology is orthodox and denounce others as apostasy. Such vicious attitude only hurts His body and corrupting of innocent believers. Once again, we pray for His sacrificial love and humility, so we can submit to one another and leave the devil no room for attacks.
"Once bitten, twice shy", After a church suffered split because of outsiders," a church becomes reluctant to change, especially in training new leaders, and much more conservative in theological thinking and all aspects of ministries. We pray that church leaders will be strategic and patient in nurturing their people. The Lord bless the churches abundantly so the power of the gospel is revealed through His churches in China.

因分裂而新成立的教會,總是會有一些「拉羊」的現象,是傳統教會所不齒的,也造成無法彌補的虧損。每個信徒都是基督的肢體,「一榮俱榮、 一損俱損」,教會之間的紛爭不僅讓教外人士困惑,更會絆倒教內會衆。但願神的名不受虧損,脆弱的信徒不因此跌倒而遠離神。我們也禱告新教會能成為福音的新出口,新社區的明亮燈台。

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