Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Prayer Request 5/29 - 6/4

Since 2014​, many churches in Zhejiang Province in China have had their crosses forcibly removed which caused a dire outlook for the gospel. But the great door for the good news was not shut even as churches throughout the whole land have reported increased interference or clampdown on them.The days ahead will definitely be challenging and we pray for the churches in China as they face a tightening of religious policy and regulation. We know that God is in control and He will care for His churches. May the Lord give comfort and bless all believers.
Those churches that had their crosses demolished are still very much active today. Their focus is no longer on their buildings, but they are​ much more willing to invest their resources in building up spiritual leaders. Churches are always about people rather than the building​s​. We pray that more churches will see the great need for building leaders and training co-workers in every aspect of ministry, and seriously equipping new and younger leaders.
In the past few years, opportunities to publish Christian books have decreased in China. However, a lot more Christian contents are available through digital publishing, the effect of books has expanded enormously. As churches in China adapt to tightening regulations, we pray for the grace of God and boldness, that they will ​continue to obey God's​ calling and seek new opportunities for their churches.
The new generation of pastors in China has better education and resources. At the same time, they face huge challenges in how to pastor a more educated congregation and in a changing social environment. We praise God for many believers in urban churches who are highly educated or professionals. We pray for wisdom and vision for church leaders, to know how to minister to​ the younger and more ​educated believers, especially when they themselves do not have high education.
In general, believers in the rural churches in China do not tithe regularly so their pastors must work to support themselves. Many of these people have given up serving in the churches and sought better lives for their families in the cities.We pray for those pastors who have chosen to stay in their villages. May the Lord give them strength and passion to serve Him faithfully and fruitfully. We pray, too, for their spouses and especially the educational needs of their children.
Sunday Chinese people value greatly social status and higher education. Rather than praising the sacrifice and determination of young people who go into the ministry full-time, many look down on young pastors and consider them as "failures" in their lack of academic and career pursuit.​ We pray for young pastors who feel inadequate and even intimidated because of their youth, less education and work experience.
Young pastors in China have more formal theological training​ than the older ones. Often, they were recommended by their senior pastor to attend seminary. However, they face high expectations once they start serving. We pray that believers will respect their young pastors and not be critical or look down on them because of the​ir​ youth and lack of experience. We pray, too that older pastors will know how to mentor and promote the precious young leaders.


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