Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Prayer Request 5/22 - 5/28

Churches in China have experienced tremendous growth in past decades. This has led to people optimistically predicting that China will one day have more Christians than any other nation on earth.​ We praise the Lord for this miraculous growth. We pray for faith in God alone as churches face the implementation of the new religious policy which has made many believers very concerned and anxious.
There has been a massive migration of rural residents to cities in China. Urban churches have grown in size and new churches planted. This is evident both in the registered and house churches. We pray that churches in the cities will intentionally minister and equip new members from the villages, rather than just providing a place of worship.
Many observe ​that ​the growth of urban churches in China is partly due to rural Christians migrating to churches in cities. The decline of rural churches in China is truly heartbreaking. We pray for churches without a shepherd or that are​ merely kept alive by lay people. May the​ Lord sustain them and protect them from ​the ​ attacks and ​ravages of cults.
Churches in China have experienced two pronounced growth spurts in recent history. The first occurred in the 1970​'​s and 80​'s in the countryside; the second, in the 1990's and early 2000​'​s in the cities. We praise the Lord for the great church growth during the days of persecution. We pray that the love and the zeal for Jesus would not be diminished in the time of great economic prosperity and personal wealth.
The revival of rural churches in China was marked by signs and wonders. Rapid evangelism took place largely along kinship lines. Henan and Anhui were the epicenters of this revival. Let us pray for churches in these two provinces because they have suffered many setbacks as young people left villages to work in cities and many churches are without shepherds.
After 1989, urban churches in China experienced great growth as many young intellectuals turned​ to Christianity. There was also the proliferation of campus fellowships that would later form standalone unregistered churches. We praise God for the young and educated believers who have made city churches vibrant and full of energy. And, amazingly, some of them have become pastors too. We pray for good strategies and serious discipleship to equip all the young converts to serve.
factors contributing to the growth. However, it is equally beneficial to note what brought about the declines. As the urban migration continues in China, we pray for the revival of churches and colleges campuses in the second and third-tier cities. We also pray that college student ministries will continue to bear good fruits.

數十年來中國教會大有增長,有人甚至樂觀地預測中國將會成為世界最多基督徒的國家。我們為神一直在中國的工作感恩!2018 年二月新宗教政法實施,令許多信徒憂心前面的服事,我們求主加添眾人信心,仰望恩主永遠的膀臂,在祂扶持下繼續聖工。
近代中國教會有兩次明顯的增長,第一次是七十年代和八十年代的農村, 第二次於九十年代至二千年年代在各大城市裡發生。 我們為中國教會在逼迫中經歷復興和成長感謝神。我們特別為信徒在經濟繁榮和富裕舒適的日子裡,對主的愛和熱心不會因為外在環境的溫飽而冷淡。

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