Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Prayer Request 10/28 - 11/3

TuesdaySome of the urban churches in China are very vibrant with weekly Bible studies and leadership training classes. Some even have regular outreach and​ testimony meetings in public areas. We pray for all of the young leaders of churches in China that the Lord will give them vision, courage, and innovative ideas for ministry so they will not only be able to minister to their flocks but will also know how to lead their churches in this new age.
There are urban churches that have a library with the ability to distribute devotional and Bible readings, and church news through cell phones which promotes better fellowship among the members and also reaches out to seekers. Many churches are taking advantage of technology to connect believers. We pray for the increasing use of these tools to improve follow-up of members and help believers to grow spiritually in their Christian lives.
People who work in the churche​s in China today are busy even to the extent that many do not find time for a quiet time or even prayer. Not a few pastors resort to "copy and paste online sermons". May the Lord refresh all the busy people who work in churches so they will have time to meditate and apply God's word, not merely for preaching but also to be personally renewed in spirit so by their close walk with the Lord and their steady sustained faith in Him, they are good examples for all believers.
Some churches in Eastern China face a bottleneck in ministry. Their young people have left for work in the city and since their pastors have their own businesses to care for, they are serving only part time. To make matters worse, many older leaders are reluctant to loosen control of church affairs. ​We pray for a radical change in the status quo, for revival, for the training of a new generation of leaders.​ It will not be easy but we pray for faith for leaders and believers not to be discouraged in their seeking to know God's and help their church to grow.
The middle-aged and older leaders in the church in China need to affirm and support their younger counterparts more. Younger leaders need the support and blessing of their church to reach young people which then shows the church beautiful teamwork. We pray that more churches in China will live out this picture of their leadership team working effectively together, raising up more full-time workers, and allowing young people to reach their potential​ with "the young and the old serving together as a team" in an ever diverse congregation.
​"Going Countryside" refers to the custom colleges have of sending students to rural regions to provide assistance in culture, science, technology, and health each summer. It is a way to allow students to apply what they have studied and to expose and familiarize them with the rest of the nation. Churches in remote areas are often very poor and in desperate need for teaching about the Bible and the Christian life. We know the need is great and we pray with great faith that the Lord will move people to support these needy remote churches.
The original intention of "Going Countryside" was to expose college students to the​ remote rural areas of China but in doing this, through these students the schools are also being evaluated and ranked. If a student does any special thing in the field or a TV interview, that would increase the ranking of their college. Churches in Southwest China are poor but they are persistent in serving the Lord faithfully. We pray the Lord will open the doors of the gospel there and supply the needs of the pastors and cause the churches to thrive in this spiritually desolate region.

同工事奉繁忙,有時甚至沒有時間靈修和禱告。不少傳道人講道前沒有足夠的預備,只好就地抄襲網絡上的講章。 求主憐憫牧者能在靈裡得著更新,作神流通的管子,能成為信徒的榜樣;也給他們更多學習和實踐聖經真理的機會,繼續在事奉道路上走得更遠,更有果效。
「三下鄉」的本意是給大學生體驗邊遠地區或是農村的生活, 但是學校也要經過考核排名,如果學生有 一些特殊成果可以加分,而新聞報導正是加分的重頭。 中國西南地區的教會經濟條件差,但仍持守使命、堅守崗位、忠心事主,我們為這些教會感恩!求主繼續打開福音的門,供應同工的需要。祝福神的家能在荒涼的地區興旺!

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