Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Prayer Request 10/21 - 10/27

TuesdayFor various reasons some churches in China still do not have a children's ministry. Some pastors feel that children interfere with the adult services so they prohibit children from attending. These churches have no children and no ministry for them. It is sad that such churches will have no godly second generation and barely any future. We need to pray for them about this terribly wrong attitude. May the Lord be pleased because every church has young people who love Him.
Some churches in China do not have people to be Sunday school teachers. The quality of teachers in the churches varies widely depending on their training. Many teach children as if they are adults since they are unable to communicate well with children. Children's Sunday school teachers in China need training in methods of teaching and learn to know it is more than just their personal enthusiasm that makes a good teacher. We ask the Lord for many training courses for Sunday school teachers so the next generation of churches can be blessed.
Parents in China tend to give their only children a lot of freedom and end up indulging and spoiling them. Many good Christian parents fail to teach their children about the Bible so when they are grown, they stray away from God. Let us pray for wisdom for Christian parents to raise their children Biblically. May the Lord bless the children's ministry in the churches so the little ones will know Jesus early and the parents will take responsibility in building up their children's spiritual life.
Parents in China have caught on to the importance of giving their only child the benefit of learning to read early. Many are willing to pay for expensive children's books and publishers are more than eager to meet that huge and profitable demand. We pray for good reading habits and the availability of suitable materials for children in Christian homes. May the Lord raise up more people and ministries to prepare good reading materials that will build up the character of children and help them learn Biblical values.
Many churches in China do not know how to start a youth ministry so they lose the young people to many outside distractions and temptations. Teenagers in the churches need to own their faith and live it out but the traditional church worship style does not attract them. We pray for churches, and especially the leaders. that will see the importance of youth ministry and will be willing to do more than just pay lip service in that area. We pray that God will raise up more leaders who have a passion for helping young people find God and be willing to be a part of this sacred work.
In Northwest China, churches are small, gospel work is difficult, and the availability of Bible training is limited. There are no full-time meaningful training courses to equip pastors.Please remember to pray earnestly for the spiritual needs of this region. May the Lord raise up churches that are strong and willing to spread the gospel so they can send forth dedicated and trained teachers to train local pastors and equip them to minister to their fledgling churches.
Job ads in China have long lists of a range of desired qualities for the applicants, sometimes even including height and weight. Faced with so many biases in getting a job, some female students in the universities say cynically, "It's more important to marry well than to study well". Many churches will allow female workers but will not ordain them. They want the ladies to marry but still serve in the churches will little compensation. We pray that churches will not only respect all pastors whether they are married or not and will honor both male and female co-workers.

中國仍有一些教會基於種種原因不願開展兒童事工。有教會牧者以「妨礙」成人聚會為由,在聚會門口懸掛「禁止兒童進入」的牌子。結果教會不准兒童進入,更不可能有任何兒童事工。 這種禁止兒童進入 教會的觀念和作法,將難以培養出敬虔的下一代,也難以看到教會的未來。我們需要為這些教會能即時改變錯誤的觀念來禱告,願在每一個教會裡都能栽培出許多愛神的新生代。
教會常對青少年事工感到無從下手,而讓年輕一代白白流失。社會上各種引誘與試探的力量都在搶奪青年人的注意力。青少年迫切需要被神得著及引導,但傳統的教會敬拜模式已難以吸引青少年進入教會或留住他們。求主帶領教會看到青少年事工的重要性,願意付上時間和資源;同時也積極裝備及發掘更多對事工有熱情和負擔的牧者共同參與 。
中國西北地區目前的教會瘦弱,也是福音荒涼之地。神學教育工作荒涼無助,一些地方根本沒有一個全職神學老師留守,有系統與策略來培訓工人,更沒有教會差派工人到外面唸神學和進修。請切切記念這地區的屬靈需要!求主在當地興起剛強的教會來傳揚福音,也振興當地的工人培訓事工,差派全然委身的神學老師起來回應建造同工的迫切需求,裝備他們能有力服侍當地信徒 。

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