Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Prayer Request 9/24 - 9/30

In China there are many jobs in factories that are open with no one to fill them while many educated young workers are unemployed or underemployed. Among those in their early twenties, those with a college degree are four times as likely to be unemployed as people with only an elementary school education. We praise God for the many college students who have received salvation and we pray for follow-up for them since many are lost after graduation. May the Lord give us even more students who want to find true value and direction in life through campus ministries.
China’s swift expansion in education over this last decade includes quadrupling the number of college students each year which then produces millions of engineers and scientists. The best of these graduates can have their pick of jobs at any Chinese company. We pray that more churches will support ministries on college campuses. They can use holidays to host various events to equip young believers and help them to become more mature spiritually and then have powerful testimonies.
China is turning out millions of graduates with few marketable skills, coupled with a conviction that they are entitled to office jobs with respectable salaries. Jobs in the banking sector pay very well so parents push their child into finance-related studies. Many Christian college students give up their faith when they cannot find work after graduation. We pray for the moving of the Holy Spirit so the faith of these young believers will be deeply rooted in the Bible and they will walk closely with the Lord.
Young, educated Chinese without steady jobs spend long hours surfing the Internet, getting together with friends and complaining about the shortage of office jobs for which they believe they were trained. Let us pray for all the campus ministries that badly need pastors and spiritual mentors for all of these young believers. We ask the Lord for more workers with passion to reach out to college students and help them grow spiritually.
College students in China are very choosy and they have a common aversion to factory labor since they are accustomed to seeing themselves as part of elite group when they enter college. We pray for maturity in interpersonal relationships for all the Christian college students so they will not be despised because of their youth, but will rather honor God in all things, rejoice in the Lord, and learn to serve with a pure heart as an example to many.
China has an old Confucian tradition which says that educated people will not engage in manual labor but the economy in China today is still dominated by blue-collar jobs. Chinese believers feel that pastors are God’s servants but they would never want their own child to be a full-time church worker since they know that pastors are poor and many people look down on them. May the Lord have mercy on churches and help believers change their attitude toward God’s servants.
The glut of college graduates in China is eroding wages even for those with computer science degrees. There are so many of them that their salary in Shenzhen has fallen to only 550 USD. a month which is less than twice the wage of a blue-collar worker. We pray for more workers to be involved in college ministries and that believers from every walk of life will partner in reaching out to college students. There is always a tendency to “build one’s own turf” and not be willing to share resources. We pray for unity and a vision for building the Kingdom.

畢業生供過於求,壓低計算機科學等熱門專業所能得到的薪水。在深圳他們的月薪降到了550美元,不到一個藍領工人的兩倍。我們為有更多人參與大學生福音工作禱告,求主感動社會各階層的信徒, 一起配搭發展大學生事工。願大家能善用資源,而不是分化地盤界限,服侍大學生群體。

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