Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Prayer Request 8/6 - 8/12

The Urban Administrative Law Enforcement (Chengguan) are quasi-police in various cities in China who are mostly responsible for the arrest of unlicensed street vendors. Recently the chengguan have come under public wrath for their heavy-handed dealing with these people. On their way to church Christians walk by countless street vendors but do not stop to share Christ with them. May the Spirit of the Lord quicken each of us to see the lost souls all around us and help us to be willing to daily share our testimony with them.
The market economy in China actually dates back to the street vendors of the 1980’s when the government encouraged them to work as a way to boost the local economy. Later these people became the large scale malls. Street vendors have the public sympathy but in general they are looked down upon. We give thanks to God that today more believers than before are educated and are well-off financially but we pray that the church in China will have a heart for the poor and those who are dispossessed.
The majority of the cities in China discourage street vendors and even ban them on major streets and tourist spots. Chengguan often use tough tactics to clamp down on illegal street vendors. Because of this they have earned for themselves the ugly reputation of bad police. May the Lord continue to remind us today as He revealed to the prophet Micah, “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does Jehovah require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?
Social changes have been taking place incredibly fast in China, particularly during the past two years, as people have moved from the country to cities and towns. As a whole, Chinese people tend to be introverted so they tend not to make friends with their neighbors in a new environment. We pray for young Christians as they deal with their loneliness and the need for friendship, and intimacy. We pray that God will give them godly friends and that they will find meaning and discover joy in God whether they are single or dating.
Millions of young Chinese are plunging enthusiastically into the world of apps for social contacts which are often location-based and with a hookup element. New technology and the old lust and desire together produce new possibilities for adults to casual sex.Many young believers struggle with following God’s command on sexual purity and their need for friendships of the opposite sex, We pray that all of us will see that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and have faith in God that He knows our need and has a great plan for us.
Chinese churches have fewer salaried staff in contrast with the Western churches. The danger of those who serve in church is the delicate balance of ministry load and their own personal spiritual development. We remember all believers who are involved in serving in church. May their spiritual lives be vibrant, their zeal not diminished. May the Lord renew us all and the churches will put emphasis on training healthy church workers.
Only 51.3 percent of migrants hold fixed-term employment contracts with their bosses and they work an average of 54.6 hours per week, far above the 40-hour legal limit. Over 30 percent of the country's migrant workers are employed without a proper contract. In many ways pastors face a situation similar to that of the migrant workers. Chinese believers should be considerate of their shepherds and not merely demand that they themselves be cared for. They should care for their pastors, especially those who labor faithfully, never mistreating them but honoring and loving them.

現在多數大城市對沿街擺攤的態度,從支持轉為限制和取締。在城市主要街道和主要景區,城管對違​​規商販採取強硬態度,常常在這些衝突中產生摩擦而造成弱勢者傷亡,城管的輿論形象幾乎崩潰。 求主再次提醒我們,如同彌迦書68提醒我們的:世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。
數以百萬計的中國年輕人一頭扎進了社交應用的網路世界裡,這些通常基於位置的應用帶有成人交友的元素。新的技術及性和慾望,兩者相結合產生這個新的可能性。 許多年輕信徒雖然知道神的誡命,但是在保持性的純潔及與異性交友上卻是無法自拔。 我們來為信徒都知道我們的身體是聖靈的殿,求主加添我們信心,相信神知道我們的需要,也在我們生命中有祂美好的計劃。
傳道人和農民工在許多地方都有相似點。流動人口的工作時間普遍較長,平均每週工作54.6小時,遠超過勞動法規定的每週40小時。此外,流動人口勞動合同簽訂率亦普遍較低。求主幫助信徒合情合理的照顧那些為自己的靈命擔憂, 時刻警醒的傳道人,在物質上他們不缺乏。

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