Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prayer Request 3/31 - 4/6

Historically Tibetan Buddhism has had both a religious and a political influence. The temples own land and have their own bonded farmer-servants. Since the liberation the temples must be financially self-sufficient and depend on the offerings and the work of the monks to support their operation. We pray for all of the believers in Tibetan Buddhism whether in Tibet, Quinghai, or Sichuan. Many would consider them to be "hard soil" and even inferior ethnically. We pray for removal of their ethnic pride and genuine compassion for lost souls in this vast region where spiritual darkness prevails.

In general the life of the average Tibetan has improved in recent years and giving to the temples has greatly increased as well. With an increase in tourism and more interest in their religion, Tibetan Buddhism has experienced a financial resurgence and a greater exposure to people of the world. There is a long-standing feeling of strain between Han Chinese and Tibetans which is compounded by the Han Chinese people's sense of cultural and ethnic superiority over the Tibetans. Let us pray for all Chinese believers since we all need to be humble and thankful before God and cultural pride has no place in our outreach to ethnic minorities and people of other cultures.

Officially, 100 million Chinese have various mental illnesses, most commonly anxiety and depression. Less than half of the afflicted know about their illness and even fewer receive help for it. From those with severe mental illnesses, only one in four have received any formal treatment. China churches are really not equipped to handle the myriad of mental and psychiatric problems of their believers. Churches have little resources; few pastors have any training to cope or counsel their afflicted. Let us pray for those who are suffering psychologically and their families and churches who must cope and deal with them.

Juvenile delinquency has been on the rise in China. In Guangdong, minors account for 10% of criminal cases, mostly robberies and thefts. A new law went into effect in 2009, imposing that minors must go home to sleep. Breaking the law, internet and game addiction, smoking, drinking and loitering are problems facing China youth today. Many Christian parents are at a loss of how to discipline their only child. Let us pray for wisdom, love, patience and divine guidance in raising up children for God.

Taoism does not have as many followers as other major religions in China, but its influence is pervasive in the Chinese society. Much of the superstitious practices and worship of spirits are tied to Taoism. Once strictly forbidden, today these superstitious practices have roared back to life. We pray for many believers who have relatives who practices these superstitions and mixed-Taoism practices, warding off evils, fortune-telling. May the Lord give them good witness and courage to share the Good News and Peace of God with them.

Gambling is a rampant problem for both the city residents and farmers alike. There are plenty of gambling avenues from legal lotteries to illegal gambling houses. Not only the rich are gambling, the poor are in it too. Chinese work hard and they gamble hard too. We pray for believers who have family members who are addicted to gambling, especially those wives who could no longer trust their husbands and must protect themselves from the debts and debt collectors.

It is estimated that China has about 83 millions handicapped people. Government provides little medical subsidies, their communities often have no facilities for handicapped persons. Being a handicap in China is a literally a "burden" on the family, there is no employment and must depend on family members to survive. We pray for believers who are crippled or bedridden, may the Lord comfort them and bring them joy. We too pray for those who care for their handicapped parents or children, may the Lord grant them patience and strength, knowing He is pleased by their sacrificial love.

歷來藏傳佛教是採用「政教合一」制度,上層僧侶在宗教及政治上都具有很大的影響力。經濟上,寺廟擁有大量土地和農奴。自從解放後,西藏寺廟實行以寺養寺,依靠外來的捐獻和僧人的生產來營運。 很多人視藏族為福音硬土,讓我們爲西藏、青海及四川各地的藏傳佛教徒禱告,求神除去各人的種族優越感,以仁愛和憐憫爲着這班被黑暗勢力所籠罩、失喪的靈魂代求。



青少年犯罪率一直在上升之中。在廣東,未成年人犯罪,主要是搶劫和盜竊,占到了刑事案件的10 %。最近有一項2009年正式生效的新法律,規定未成年人必須要回家睡覺。今日的中國青少年,正面臨著違法、上網、玩遊戲成癮、吸煙、酗酒和遊蕩等諸多問題。許多基督徒父母在如何教育約束自己的獨生子女上已不知所措。讓我們禱告求神賜給基督徒父母們智慧,愛心,耐心和從神而來的引導,為榮耀上帝的緣故來用心養育子女。




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