Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer Request 3/24 - 3/30

The Taiwan baseball team lost to China again and was eliminated in the World Baseball Classic series. The sentiment that is pervasive in Taiwan these days is, "If we can't even win in baseball, what other way can we beat China?" The coach of the Taiwanese team conceded, "China is getting better quickly while we are stagnated." Will churches in China be helping the churches in Taiwan some day? We pray that believers can worship and praise God together and encourage one another in the near future.

China traced and captured twelve hundred corrupt officials who escaped the country in 2008. At home there were a total of 41,179 corrupted officials who were brought to justice last year--a ten percent increase over 2007. Since the mid 1990's twenty thousand corrupt officials have fled China. Corruption is getting worse despite the government's repeated efforts to educate people and stop it. We pray that the Holy Spirit will constantly remind believers and church workers alike of their need for purity and that He will keep us all from greed. May the Lord give our church leaders integrity and humility.

Now that the Beijing Olympics are but a memory, the spotlight is moving to Shanghai as she gears up to host the 2010 World Expo. With an anticipated seventy million visitors and two hundred participating countries, this six-month long World's Fair promises to be enormous by any measure. Shanghai is mainland China's most cosmopolitan city but historically churches there have been subdued. There are many open churches which have unique ministries to migrant and factory workers. Let us pray for revival of the churches in Shanghai and especially those fellowship groups of Christian businessmen.

Yu dan, a lady Beijing professor is a household name because she put her modern spin to the ancient Confucius literature. Her televised talk shows and books made the obscure Chinese texts of ethics understandable and relevant to common Chinese. Admittedly, non-believers will be lost listening to most of the sermons preached in churches in China. Let us pray for wisdom of all the Chinese preachers and their ability to make Biblical principles applicable to their congregation.

Yu dan was superbly successful in making old Chinese classic popular, because she managed to make the writings of Confucius (551-479 B.C.) and Zhuangzi (369-286 B.C.) understandable, relevant and even entertaining to laymen with "colloquial re-wordings and vivid short stories". Many Chinese pastors are lost in how to connect with their audience in a personal and transparent way. Often, messages become "same and stifled". We pray for powerful preaching of God's Word across China, convicting hearers, turning believers from hearers to doers.

China has many of the Western-styled women and men magazines; they appealed to the wealthy, fashion-conscious urban middle class. While pornography is illegal in China; these magazines walk the fine line of being racy and sex-appealing. In a way, they push the cultural boundary of timidity and taboo of display of body. China churches usually take a condemning or unhealthy negative view about sex. We pray for guarding of hearts against sexual temptation, but a healthy and Biblical appreciation of sex and a more open discussion of marital problems of believers.

Many children of migrant workers are not able to afford the extra fees levied by the local schools. Although government has prohibited those charges but other obstacles kept these children from getting the adequate education. Unable to afford the basic education and facing discrimination. Families of migrant workers are "second class citizens" in their own country. We pray for all the rural pastors who entered into cities to minister to mingong and urban churches caring especially the rural workers in their communities.

世界棒球經典賽中(WBC)台灣隊又再一次輸給中國隊(上一次是2008 北京奧運)。「如果連棒球都輸了,台灣還有什麼能贏大陸的呢?」這句話,顯示出台灣對大陸複雜的心理情緒。總教練賽後說:「中國棒球隊的進步很快,我們卻停滯不前。」中國教會會有幫助台灣教會的一天嗎? 讓我們禱告在不久的將來兩岸弟兄姊妹能一同敬拜讚美上帝,能在主裏彼此鼓勵。



北京師範大學的一位女教授 – 于丹,現在在中國家喻戶曉,因為她對孔子的古典文獻“論語”作出了她自己的現代化詮釋。她的電視訪談節目和書籍,使原本艱深難解的中國古典道德著作,變得讓普通中國老百姓容易理解並覺得與自身息息相關。誠然,現在中國教會中的許多講道信息常常讓非信徒感到茫然不知所云。讓我們禱告求神賜給傳道人智慧和能力,使聖經的原則容易被理解並且被應用在生活中。




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