Monday, March 02, 2009

Prayer Request 3/3 - 3/9

Two rare bronze sculptures were sold at an astronomical price recently. The two disputed bronze fountainheads--that of a rat and a rabbit--had disappeared from China's Summer Imperial Palace in 1860. Although they are not considered to be artistic masterpieces, nationalistic pride and shame are connected with the lost of these two treasures. The rise of nationalism and patriotism have the effect of a double-edged sword on the Christian churches since they are still connected with Western thinking and even the imperialism of the past. Let us pray for the softening of the hearts of our kindred toward the gospel and that more intellectuals will come to truly know Jesus Christ.

It is estimated that the population of Henan province will reach 100,000,000 by 2010. Every day there are 3200 children born and although family planning is strictly enforced, the average birth rate is 1.65 child per family there with the peak coming in 2012. In terms of population, Henan leads China with five million more people than in Shangdong province. Henan is also the bastion of house churches in China but they have suffered a great decline due to divisions, cult attacks, and the loss of young people. We uplift all the Henan believers for their growth, an unwavering faith in the Lord, and revival in their churches.

A criminal indictment in Beijing shows that even the officials in the lowly garbage collection services can be very corrupted. Recent arrests show a trend that corruption is even worse in mid or low level. In fact, anyone who handle money can easily be corrupted. Offering and use of money among most of the Chinese church are handled by "trusted" leaders, with little transparency or accountability. We pray for guarding of hearts against greed for all who handles money in church. May the Lord also protect us from all temptations.

Churches in China literally divide among various theological beliefs. Furthermore, Chinese believers can be put into four generalized groups. The first (which we will mention today) is the "submitting" type who easily accept political realities and official mandates. They insist that the Bible teaches us to submit to those who are over us. Let us pray for favor for all churches in the eyes of the officials, the police, and those in charge of religious affairs. We realize that the officials know well all the meeting points but often leave the worshippers alone. We pray the good testimonies of believers will continue to give them a good relationship with the officials.

A second major category of Christians in China is those who choose to be "low-profile". They heartily believe that only the gospel of Jesus can change people and society but they prefer not to become involved in politics and even refuse to dialogue with the officials. They would rather merely preach the Word of God. Let us pray particularly for these churches. May the Lord strengthen their leaders with a strong bond of fellowship and joy in training a new generation of leadership to continue their ministries as they preach what the Bible teachers.

A third category of Chinese Christians is the "constructive" type who are mostly from urban churches and believe that Christians must be part of the society and community. In addition to evangelism they are involved in relief, rural community health care, and outreach to families through education. We pray that this group of believers will lead the churches of China forward in the coming years so that people can see the love of God for them and Christians will also have more love for their neighbors. May the Lord give us more believers who are willing to live out their faith and be light and salt in the earth.

The so-called "prophetic" type is the fourth category of Chinese Christians. This group strongly believes that change does not come from the heart alone but the social and political systems must also change. They are often frustrated with the status quo. We uplift our brothers and sisters who feel frustrated that there are few or very slow changes happening in the national policy toward religion and faith. We commit them into God's hand and pray for wisdom knowing that God is in control and He will give us His wisdom.

圓明園在戰爭時被掠奪的獸首拍賣激起了民族主義義憤。這兩個銅製鼠與兔形「水龍頭」的藝術價值,雖達不到「國寶」級別,但這些文物背負著的歷史和文化含義,使它們格外受人關注,以致「因為國恥而成為國寶」,價格暴漲成天文數字。 民族和愛國主義的崛起對中國教會是把雙刃劍,因為在一般百姓心中,基督教仍與西方,甚至過去帝國主義相關聯。求主軟化中國百姓對福音抗拒的心態,也讓更多的知識分子有機會明白基督信仰的真義。

預計2010下半年,河南將成為中國第一個人口過億的省份。河南省每天出生3,200多人,在強制執行的一子政策之下,其平均生育率仍高達每戶家庭1.65個小孩,且預計將在2012年到達頂峰。目前河南省是中國人口最多的省份,比排名第二位的山東省多520萬人。 河南是家庭教會的大本營,近年因內部分裂、邪教入侵和年輕人外流等等問題,使教會的增長及屬靈情況日走下坡。讓我們為河南的信徒禱告,求主堅立他們走在純正的信仰真道上,幫助他們常在主裏,活在祂的愛中,質和量能漸見增長,教會得著復興。



第二類屬「低調派」的基督徒, 相信惟獨福音能改變人心和社會。他們一心相信只有福音能改變人與社會,故不願太多參與政治,甚或拒絕與官員保持對話,寧願單單傳講神的話語。讓我們繼續為這些教會禱告.願上帝堅固這些領袖,在傳講聖經的同時,能與新一代領袖保持緊密聯繫,樂意培育他們接棒,作主事工。



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