Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Prayer Ruquest 1/6-1/12

Hong Kong expects a big drop in tourism and trade as the direct flights between China and Taiwan are initiated. Up to now Hong Kong has been a transit point and financial center for businessmen from Taiwan who were headed for China. Many Chinese mission agencies are also headquartered there. Recently, Hong Kong ranks top among Chinese cities in terms of competitiveness, safety and most generous in giving toward relief (40-50% more than Shenzhen). We praise the Lord that the churches in Hong Kong have always had a strong missions emphasis. May God continue to raise up many of His faithful servants to act as a model for all of the Chinese churches.

Mainland Chinese are extremely optimistic about 2009 while Hong Kong residents are pessimistic according to an international poll. China’s stock market suffered a whopping drop of 60% in 2008. Just about all the ministries in China expect some cut backs because of fewer donations. Let us pray that church work and the vital training of pastors will not suffer because of less giving. We also pray that Chinese believers will have unwavering faith in God.

Many factories in China are closing due to the "financial tsunami." Workers are being laid off or being told to "go home early for the Chinese New Year." Finding jobs for millions of unemployed is the biggest challenge China's leadership faces. Workers returning home to the village is good for their family relationship because so many of them have left their children behind for years. We pray for the rural churches as they embrace these returnees. We pray that they will be able to minister and strengthen them while they are at home.

It is the 30th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relationships between the US and China . Bilateral trade has mushroomed but Taiwan continues to be a thorny issue. Chinese churches in North America have played an important role in training pastors in China and supporting the churches. The divisive issue of Three-self versus House churches is not so contentious as before. We thank the Lord for opening China and the rapid growth we have witnessed. May the Lord continue to bless the mission efforts of North American Chinese churches in China.

Having a professional and extravagant wedding portrait is a must for new Chinese couples. The idea is to capture the youth and beauty of the couple in a romanticized "art" work. Poster size wedding photo was originally a practice imported from Taiwan and was quickly adopted in Mainland. Many Christian couples need teaching and counseling, but few churches offer such ministry. Let us pray for all the newly-wedded couples in church, for their adjustment, having Jesus as the head of their family and their serving in church.

Thirty years ago, as the Chinese economic reform started, "Ten-thousand yuan household" (wan yuan hu) was the dream of rural families (making 10,000 yuan a year). The new buzz word today is "New Village," which means continuing prosperity, development and democratic rural economy. China's rural churches continue to face challenges in growth as young people leave for work in the cities. Let us pray for all those who serve faithfully and those who continue to inspire and train young men and women to serve despite of their poverty and lack of high school education.

In the past 30 years (1978 - 2007), the average yearly increase of Beijing city government workers' wages was 15%, rising from 673 to 39,867 yuan. In other sectors,workers in finance enjoyed a 33% yearly increase,but in service sector,the yearly increase is only 7.5%. In terms of wealth,urban churches have become prosperous and they have extended their help to churches inland. We praise God as wealthy churches support new ministries,missionary efforts,setting up community projects, and even rural church workers.

中國與臺灣兩岸大三通, 將會帶給香港的運輸業、旅遊業很大的損失。過去香港的轉運及經濟地位都會受到影響。 最近香港在中國最佳城市排行榜中,在競爭力,最安全城市,十大愛心城市等方面皆榮膺首位。 香港也是捐款數額最大的城市,估計總值高過深圳四至五成。香港的教會一向有熱切的宣教負擔,讓我們為此向神感恩。願神繼續呼召更多忠實的僕人,祝福他們成為眾華人教會的好榜樣。

一項全球調查結果顯示,中國內地民眾對2009年的年抱持樂觀的看法。但香港民眾卻極為悲觀。中國股市2008年全年下跌60 % 。預料中國福音事工也因奉獻減少而需要縮減。讓我們祈求教會事工和教會同工培訓不因奉獻減少而受到太大的影響。也禱告中國信徒能在任何景況下都堅定信靠上帝。





在過去的30年( 1978年至2007年)中,北京市政府職員的工資從673元人民幣上升到39867元,平均每年增長15 % 。金融界享受著每年33 %的工資增長,而在服務業,年平均增長率只有7.5 % 。城市的教會在財富方面已變得十分豐富,他們也擴大對內陸教會的幫助。我們為富裕的教會在支持新事工,宣教,建立社區項目和支持農村教會同工等善工讚美神。

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