Monday, December 29, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 12/30-1/5

Two giant pandas arrived in Taipei. Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan were offered as a goodwill gift from Beijing. Although this was announced 3 years ago, their arrival symbolized another major step forward in building relations. The names of the pandas together mean "reunion" in Chinese. Let us praise the Lord for the improved relationship. We are committed to pray for the future of all the churches and believers.

Beijing plans to send its navy to the Somalian coast to counter the problem of rampant piracy. Several Chinese vessels have been attacked. The Chinese are enthusiastic and proud of China’s involvement and new leading role in providing a solution for this international crisis. Chinese Christians also feel that God has a special purpose for the Chinese church in taking the Gospel “back to Jerusalem.” While vision and goals are important, let us pray for a revival of believers and passion to share the Gospel with their neighbors and Muslims in the cities, dedicating themselves to God and giving of themselves and money.

According to a business group in Taiwan, to be competitive in the China market, companies must be able to offer "lower quality products, lower cost/price, and a lower level of service". It is also vitally important to be able to get around taxation rules. Many want to be a part of China's huge domestic market but find the lack of transparency and the complex regulations disheartening. We pray for all the believers as they conduct business transactions that the Lord will give them and all of us integrity like Joseph who faced temptation but would not sin against his God.

In China, the center of gravity in the church world is shifting from rural to urban churches. Churches made up of students in the universities have mushroomed. Many of the members came from the background of rural house churches or Three-self churches. Student-based churches are vibrant and forming their own culture, meeting in homes with a very contemporary style of worship and a dynamic ministry. Let us remember these young churches that they will present solid teaching, know their mission, and have a strong desire to be involved in their communities.

Abortion is very common among young Chinese women. While premarital sex is universally accepted and demanded in relationships, the boyfriend/partner will invariably want them to terminate pregnancy. We pray for believers who have had abortion in the past, many had it done before they came to know Jesus. May the Lord give them close relationship with Him, renewed commitment to their family and opportunity to counsel other young women.

The"Second generation" of minggong (rural laborers) are in their twenties. They look no different than their city counterparts - dyed hair, wearing jeans, using mobile phones and Internet. They refuse to return to the village even after being laid off from the factories. Chinese churches tend to be older and are not receptive to young people and their culture. Let us pray for churches willing to outreach and minister to the vast number of unreached young people, especially those who are "waidiren" – literally, strangers.

Being a Chinese mogul can be tough, like a crab in a boiling pot. Recent downfall of several tycoons show their wealth and fame cannot endure media attention and legal scrutiny. Fame, power and money are huge temptations for young Chinese church workers too. Let us pray especially for many who are rising up to be leaders of their flocks and churches. May the Lord keep all of us humble and trusting not in our own strength and talents.






民工的第二代大多是出生于90年代初期的年輕人,看上去和城裏同齡的人沒有任何區別,也穿牛仔褲、染髮、玩手機、泡網吧。雖然目前隨著各企業倒閉,無工可打,不過他們堅决不肯回鄉。 中國教會一向以年長的居多,與年輕人的文化格格不入,也不太重視青少年事工的發展。讓我們為教會的屬靈承傳禱告,求神幫助教會領袖們願意走入廣大的青年群眾,關心下一代的靈性需要,尤其是所謂的「外地的年輕人」。

中國的企業巨頭們有如螃蟹一般「一紅就死」, 可能前不久才是一號風雲人物,幾個月後卻消聲匿跡,甚至淪為階下囚。 對年輕一代的中國牧者而言,名譽、權力和金錢亦是極大的的誘惑。讓我們為所有的教牧同工禱告,尤其是那些傑出有恩賜、崛起有潛力成為領導角色的。愿主賜給他們更多的謙卑與順服,不依靠自己的力量和才能服事,學習天天尊主為大,與主同行。

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