Monday, December 01, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 12/2-12/8

This essay by of Mao has been memorized by millions of students since 1949: "Leighton Stuart has departed and the White Paper has arrived. Very good. Very good. Both events are worth celebrating." Stuart was the American ambassador to China, a missionary and the son of a missionary as well as the first president of Yenching University. The Chinese government finally allowed his remains to be buried in China fulfilling his wish. We thank the Lord for all the missionaries who loved China so much and gave sacrificially.

Leadership training is of paramount importance in churches in China. Generally the older leaders are a "one-man-show" with tight control and no plan to train a successor. Older pastors often feel the younger ones lack spiritual depth and know nothing of the sufferings they have passed through. Many of the promising young leaders get restless and want to implement changes. Let us pray for all of these emerging and God-appointed leaders--for their godliness, humility, equipping, and theological foundation.

Many of the former house churches are now able to worship openly. They have very good pulpit teaching and leadership. However, because they still lack an official status, there are obvious technical difficulties when it comes to managing the offerings. One reason church members are hesitant to give is the lack of transparent accountability of church finances. Let us pray for the ministries of all of these open churches, especially for their finances. May the Lord use their wealth to further His Kingdom and bless their communities with their good works.

The huge gap and inequality between the rich and poor affect the young people deeply. Many feel they are helpless and worthless because their parents are poor and not able to afford the education they wanted. We pray for Christian teens who feel this way and even murmur against God, for understanding the will of God in their precious lives, willingness to honor God in their lives.

A governmental agency reported that 80% of the "redwood furniture" sold is not truly redwood. It is also reported that 80% of the red wine sold in China is reprocessed from an inferior imported red wine. There is little consumer confidence and many buy with great suspicions. Regaining confidence is a long and difficult process. We pray for those sheep who were led astray by false teachers or badly hurt in the church because of "wolves in sheep's clothing". May the Lord have mercy on them and help them to return to faith in Jesus Christ.

Millions of migrant workers are returning home early as waves of factory closures surge through Pearl and the Yangtze River Delta. Hunan, Henan, Jiangxi, and Sichuan are the provinces most affected by this problem. Rural churches have the unusual opportunity to minister to these believers who have returned home but are not busy with farming. We pray for the people in ministries concerned with this sudden shift in population and what it might mean for churches in these areas.

A few years ago Chinese were enamored with anything Korean, such as their soap operas, pop stars, music, and movies. Recently however, several unfortunate incidents have stirred up an anti-Korean sentiment in the public and there is a lot of strain between Chinese and Korean people. We acknowledge this upsurge of Chinese nationalistic pride but realize it can also dangerously affect the attitude of Christians toward foreign missionaries and churches including the Koreans. May the Lord give each of us a heart to serve others in humility along with a spirit of oneness in Jesus Christ.

「司徒雷登走了,白皮書來了,很好,很好。這兩件事都是值得慶祝的。」毛澤東的文章《别了,司徒雷登》是學生都背誦過。他自稱「是中國人更甚於是美國人」。曾任美國駐華大使,金陵神學院希臘文教授,第一任燕京大學校長。 他的遺骸終於被允許埋葬在出生地杭州,實現一生願望。 讓我們為所有熱愛中國及為神擺上的宣教士及傳道人感恩。




所政府機構的報告指出八成在市面出售的紅木傢俬並非真正紅木制造.另一報告指出,八成在中國出售的紅酒乃外國進口的劣等紅酒再組裝而成.這些事件導致消費者信心大跌,購買時對貨品真假存疑. 信心重建是個艱難又漫長的過程.讓我們為所有受假師傅迷惑遠離真道或遭教會「披羊皮的狼」嚴重傷害過的羊群祈求.願主憐憫他們,幫助他們重新信靠主耶穌基督.


數年前「韓流」一度席捲中國,韓 劇、韓星、韓樂、韓影,國人無不為之瘋狂.近年數件不幸事件引發國人反韓情緒,造成中韓人民關係緊張。我們一方面樂見日漸高昂的愛國情緒,一方面擔憂這種情緒可能影響國內信徒對國外宣教士甚至教會的態度。求神賜我們在耶穌基督裡同有合一的靈,使我們心存謙卑彼此服侍。

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