Monday, January 19, 2009

Prayer Ruquest 1/20-1/26

China is considering altering the lifetime job security policy for her 12 million civil servants. Those who fail once in the annual evaluation will have their pay reduced and after two consecutive years of poor service will be dismissed. We are not suggesting that there are many preachers who are doing a poor job but there are many who are struggling with serving God faithfully, being strong in their marriage, and in integrity. Let us all humbly ask the Holy Spirit to lead us since we all will have to give a report to God.

Xian was once China's glorious capital for almost eight decades, but it has slipped significantly in terms of GDP output and average per capita income (even coming behind Urumqi in the Western China). Islam came to Xian in the seventh century, till this day, there is a large pocket of Muslim neighborhood.Let us pray for Xian, for the vibrant college ministries through out the city and believers willing to share the Gospel with their Muslim neighbors.

As one look deeper into Chinese churches, many would feel saddened by the secularization and many so-called believers but deem their faith as mere superstitions. Others must contend with churches where teaching of God's Word is missing, truth of salvation is neglected and pulpits are pre-approved by officials and downplaying the significance of Biblical miracles. Let us pray along with these Jeremiah of China churches, we too pray even fervently for a revival of Chinese churches.

Listening to radio is ubiquitous in China and there are countless radio stations. A whole spectrum of broadcast are unique to Chinese, many programs offer tips on investing and money matters, literally attracts millions of listeners. Other popular programs are talk show which give commentaries and retelling the Chinese literary classics. Many believers are just Sunday church goers, they have a great void in their lives and are without divine guidance. Let us pray for Christians who are seeking true direction in their lives, needing the wisdom in how to manage money and finding true gratification with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

There are many programs training young men and women for serving in church. Great majority of these students are relatively young with high school or less education. In general they are familiar with the Biblical knowledge but many are badly lacking in interpersonal relationship skills. Some do not have clear calling. Let us pray for all those who are in Bible training or seminary, we ask the Holy Spirit for the divine work of character molding and spiritual maturation.

Pollution has long been a huge concern in China, few streams and lakes escape dumping of chemicals and industrial wastes. Finding a safe water source in many regions is a dire concern. Local officials often turn a blind eye to such violation. The attitude of "do anything to save or make money" is so prevalent. Let us uplift all the believers in our prayers, so they may live a purified life in the midst of physical and spiritual pollutions.

The number of leprosy cases have dropped from 500,000 fifty years ago to less than 6000. Yunnan has the most cases, because much of the province is still listed as poor. One in 10 of the so-called "people of absolute poverty" in China live in Yunnan. The impoverished are easily forgotten and the Lord commands us to care for them. We remember all those who have little but need badly God's great love.



不少關心中國教會的人表示:「看到中國禾場的荒涼,教會的世俗化,信仰的迷信化,心中實在難過。」 也有反應: 「教堂並非真正讓神居首位,牧師所講的道必須經過政府的批准,神的教訓在那裡被更改。更甚者,那些教堂根本不講重生得救的事,視舊約記載的神蹟奇事為傳說。」讓我們為這些憂心中國教會的「耶利米」禱告,求神讓他們堅守信仰,繼續以神的真理影響人;也迫切求主更新中國教會,使教會真正以基督為首。





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