Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Prayer Request 7/23 - 7/29

As the population in China ages, there are more people suffering from cancer and diabetes. Many of them can't find or afford effective medications, so they resort to making their own medicine or buying medications illegally out of desperation. What Chinese rural residents dread the most is a serious illness which means certain financial ruin. This is also one key reason rural believers hesitate to give to a church. We pray for more faith, because our God is gracious and faithful, and He will care for His people.
Although the government in China has invested heavily to provide a medical safety net, official data shows that illness is still the key reason Chinese families fall below the poverty level. Rural residents have received medical subsidies from the government recently, but old people still expect their children to help them financially. We pray especially for believers who have aging and sick parents, that they will fulfill their duty as son and daughter, to care about their parents' spiritual health, and be able to share the gospel with them. 
To stay alive, many sick people in China and their families knowingly break the law to buy illegal medicines for treating serious illnesses, these vendors are online dealers who run underground pharmacies. In some cases, cancer patients and their families make the drugs themselves, finding the ingredients and the instructions online. We pray for compassion and healing from God for believers who have relatives stricken with cancer or long-term illnesses. We pray the Lord gives them gentleness and love, and the ability to share the salvation of the Lord Jesus with them.
China’s rudimentary insurance system doesn’t begin to cover the ever-rising prices of treatments and drugs. Coverage also depends on where a person lives, and some rural residents still lack access to many drugs. Many elderly rural believers in China have experienced miraculous healing. We praise God for His sovereign grace and healing power among the poor and the sick. We pray that those who have received healing will experience the forgiveness of their sins, having peace and joy, and the boldness to proclaim what God has done.
Chinese women born during the years following the “one child” policy are now reaching or have already passed their peak fertility age. There are simply not enough of them to sustain the country’s population level, despite new efforts by the government to encourage families to have two children. We pray for all young mothers in churches that God will give them strength, wisdom, joy and help them to continue to grow spiritually. May the Lord also give them sisters in the churches with whom they can share and forge friendships.
Many parents do not want their daughters to stay at home and raise more than one child. They want their daughters to have a fulfilling work outside of the home and not “ waste their lives raising children.” Many of the young Christian couples are the "only child" who does not see the need for having more children. We pray that more Christian families will see that children are a gift and a blessing from the Lord, and will seriously teach their children to know the Lord and pay attention to their spiritual growth.
The new generation of believers in China face a very different kind of pressure from the previous believers, these sources of stress are mostly from work pressure, children’s education and the tension with mothers-in-law. We pray for wisdom for church leaders, wisdom so they will have deep insight into the lives of young believers, and the determination to make Biblical teaching applicable and relevant to them, such as cohabitation, abortion, social values, homosexuality, online games and so on.

中國老齡化人口中患癌症和糖尿病的人數越來越多,其中許多病患找不到或買不起藥物,只好自己製造或是購買沒有經過檢驗的藥物。 農村居民最怕的就是生病,因為那必定要花掉所有的積蓄,這也是農村教會奉獻少的其一因素。求主加添信徒信心,神既恩慈又可信,必然眷顧屬祂的人。
許多老一輩的不願女兒做全職主婦或多生孩子,他們寧可女兒趕快結婚,生一個孩子之後就繼續回去工作,不要耽誤太多時間在孩子身上。 許多年輕基督徒夫婦自己就是獨生的一代,也不太願意多生孩子。但願基督徒家庭能看見孩子是神所恩賜的產業,用心教導孩子認識神,關心孩子的靈命成長,是神對父母親鄭重的託負。

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