Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Prayer Request 2/27 - 3/5

When China first opened up in ​the ​1980's, what the old pastors preached of those days ​still deeply influence​ and shape​ the theological tradition of churches in China today, especially the eschatology- their view of the end of time. We praise God for the older generation of pastors who endured severe persecution and understood intimately the meaning of suffering for Christ's sake. We pray their legacy and example of faithfulness under testing will always ​be ​a blessing to all believers in China.
The older generation of pastors in China were trained in the 1940's. They deeply believe “The world is corrupt, we should pursue the spiritual world. And, the world is increasingly corrupt; to seek growth in spiritual life, one must give up all attachment to the world.” ​We praise the Lord that the prevailing teaching of the churches in​ China is still to endure suffering and pursue a spiritual life. We pray that young believers will glean the benefits and values of those who suffered greatly for the sake of God's name.
Leaders of the churches in China have been deeply influenced by​ ​their predecessors because they were led to Christ and mentored by them. Those today still believe very strongly that the material world is corrupt and believers should have no part in it. Churches in China have a different tradition and theological interpretation than their Western counterparts. We pray that church leaders can lead their flock​s​, applying the Word of God in this ever changing society and not simply stay unchanged with traditions and the​ir​ preferences.
Older pastors in China always preach: “ Loving God means​ a​ believer cannot love oneself or money. So, Christians should not engage in business, ​since ​having a business to make money is an expression of one's​ love for the world.” We believe God has blessed His churches in China greatly both spiritually and materially. We pray churches can endure the seduction of materialism and stay faithful to His calling to preach His Gospel in a society that is mad with money.
The pastors in old China believed and preached, "There is no need for Christian counseling since all one needs to do is to pray and pray. They also taught that one should deny oneself, any talk about money was not spiritual, and that prayer is the answer to every problem. Such dogmas are still influential there. ​There are many forms of extreme teachings in the churches in China and each one denounces all others as non-Biblical​. We are called to pray for humility and a balanced approach to ministries and administration in the church and we also pray for healthy growth and unity.
Church leaders of China today started serving in ​the ​1980's when China was opening up. They had little Christian resources and received all the​ir​ teaching from older pastors. This means, in terms of theological and spiritual tradition, they are identical to the previous generation of pastors. Believers in China have access to all kinds of teaching via the Internet. We pray for solid Biblical teaching in all churches and for tech-savvy believers. The Lord gives them discernment, not to be led astray by false teachers and extreme teachings.
Many church leaders in China today still uphold the spiritual values of the previous generation, especially in regard to social issues. Younger church leaders worry such social conservatism will lead to more criticism and will give​ the​ impression that churches refuse to change with time. We pray for the younger generation of church leaders as they assert influence and implement changes. May the Lord give them integrity, a vision of how churches could minister to young people who know little of past persecution, and want to engage in society.​

今日的中國教會領袖,大多是在改革開放初期開始事奉,那時基督教資源不多,他們完全順服上一代牧者的教導, 可以說教會的屬靈傳統在世紀之交仍沒多大變化。現今中國信徒藉著網路,能吸收到各式各樣的屬靈教導。求主賜給眾教會有優良的信息教導,栽培信徒有能力分辨何為真理,更要棄絕假教師,遠避異端邪道。

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