Monday, September 26, 2016

Prayer Request 9/27 - 10/3

It is difficult to explain exactly why so many young people are turning to Buddhism in China but the policy of the Communist Party has moved toward treating Buddhism more favorably than other religions. Many believers in China will not share the gospel with Buddhists because they think Buddhists would not change their faith or practices. It is our prayer that we will be more loving with the love of God and ever more willing to share Jesus with people of other faiths.
It is estimated that 30 percent of Wenzhou people work or have business in other cities, while so many migrants come to Wenzhou to work. We pray for the revival of churches in Wenzhou, not to take pride in their own wealth as before, but rather continue to be great example to all believers in China, because of in their zeal to evangelize and generous giving toward God’s work.
A lack of professionalism skews everything in China. A century into China's quest to be a modern state, ''the norms and standards of medical professionalism'' and ''the independent civic organizations that could promote and enforce them'' are still missing. Lack of professionalism also extends into being a member of the clergy in China. Although believers consider them called by God, few really respect them as a professional. We pray that believers will honor their shepherd and God’s workers can truly be effective in managing God’s church.
igarettes are a national pastime in China, especially among men. Wedding banquet tables routinely feature plates of stacked cigarettes for guests. Cartons of expensive brands have long been given as presents or to curry favor with officials. Socializing in China is about liquor and cigarettes. We pray for Christians who must attend social functions. May the Lord safeguard their minds and souls so they will know how to decline gracefully and be able to be a witness for God at the same time.
For churches in remote counties or villages in China, it is difficult to openly share the gospel. These churches do, however try to make themselves visible for weddings and funerals. Even as such churches must exist with many restrictions, we praise God for those that are able to find innovative ways to publicly share their testimonies.
Some of the rural churches in China encourage their members to learn to play musical instruments and drums so they can form musical bands to march for weddings and funerals playing hymns and thus, publicly share their testimony. May the Lord mightily use these marching bands with their joyful or comforting music to touch many who otherwise would not even know about Christianity.
In 2016, 7.56 million young people graduated from colleges in China, an increase of 180,000 people over 2015. Besides all of these, there are high school graduates looking for work so that altogether there will be fifteen million young people seeking employment this year. We pray for young Christians searching for jobs that the Lord will provide them mentors who can give them good advice and help them make good career choices. May they learn to trust in God even during times of waiting and disappointment.

2016年高校畢業生是765萬人,比去年增加了16萬人,而且中職和初高中畢業以後不繼續升學的大約也是這個數量。青年的就業群體加在一起大約有1500萬左右。我們為正在找工作的年輕基督徒禱告,求神為他們安排能給好職業選擇忠告的良師益友。尤其在等待甚至失望中,仍願緊抓住神、依靠神, 相信神的帶領和信實預備。

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