Gymnastics has always been a dominant sport for the Chinese Olympic team but they failed to score any gold or silver medals in Rio. This year they won the fewest number of gold medals they have won since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. It is only natural that Christians compare the attendance at their churches. Many churches in China feel inadequate and unable to evangelize due to their small size. May the Lord have mercy on us so we don't merely look at sizes but look on Him Himself.
Sports officials and coaches in China concluded that the Chinese team this year was too young and lacked experience. The level of competitiveness has slid significantly and their training was less than desirable. Many pastors enter ministry with theological training but lack interpersonal skill and maturity so they give up serving when they encounter setbacks. We pray especially for those who are having difficulty in ministry and the young pastors who are struggling with interpersonal issues.
China sent more athletes to the Rio Olympics than any other country (410) but seventy percent of them were first-time participants with an average age of only twenty-four (the youngest Olympic team for China since 2008). When many young pastors begin serving in their churches, they must shoulder all of the responsibilities without having any mentor to guide them. May the Lord have mercy on churches so they will honor those who labor among them and value these young pastors who work hard to serve the Lord.
People in China have a "victim mentality" about the Rio Olympics. Eighty percent of those surveyed believe that the referees were biased against Chinese athletes but many of those same athletes publicly apologized to the nation with tears for their poor performance. Believers in China usually blame their pastor for a lack of growth in their church which is one reason churches have difficulty in finding a pastor. May the Lord have mercy on those churches that have turned cold or are without a shepherd and may we each one repent of the places where we have fallen.
The authorities in China have announced a massive layoff in the coal mining and steel businesses which will leave 1.8 million people unemployed. We pray that believers will be sensitive and try to help those who are unemployed in their churches. There are many ways they can care for them materially but we pray the church will help them spiritually to walk closely with the Lord during this time of testing of their faith.
Currently there are about twelve million people engaged in the coal and steel industry in China and recent layoffs account for almost 15% of the workers in those industries. Being unemployed and with limited financial means is very hard in China where "face" or one's image is very important. We pray that churches will be a place for not only those who are comfortably situated financially or "very blessed of God" but a place where all members of the body of Christ practice His love.
The economy in China is facing tremendous recessionary pressures with some companies struggling to keep alive and without job openings. With the new wave of graduates looking for work, job markets promise to be very tight. As the economy in China slows down, we pray that churches will play an important role in helping believers to trust the Lord and continue to give to God in good times and in bad times as well.
目前從事煤礦和鋼鐵業的勞工大約有 1,200萬人,這次裁員的人數佔了該產業 15%的人力。在中國人眼中,失業和經濟陷困是一件很沒臉的事,甚至喪失個人的尊嚴。求神幫助眾教會,不僅是那些生活無憂的人的聚集處,更是那些窮乏人得著溫暖的地方。願神的兒女能靠著主,敞開自己的生命成為別人祝福,活出基督的愛。
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Prayer Request 8/23 - 8/29
Some of the churches in China have started Sunday schools for children but many still consider that a ministry with children is mere babysitting or story-telling so they do not support people to teach in Sunday school, nor do they provide resources for it. We pray for all of the children in the churches that God will bless them through the Sunday school, help them to know Him better and serve Him all of their lives by following Jesus.
Some pastors in China do have a vision for ministry among children so they have Sunday school in their churches and even age-specific classes for the children and retreats for the teachers. May the Lord remind all believing parents to focus on the spiritual health of their children the same way they demand their children do well academically.
In China, the vast majority of children's Sunday school teachers are young females. What they lack in experience they make up by their passion and burden to lead the children to Jesus. We pray for the training of children's teachers, especially those who are interested but need coaching and need to learn the basics about teaching.
The churches in China need Sunday school curriculum very badly. Some teachers create their own simple lessons, some even have an illustrated booklet or teaching props. We pray for the supply of curriculum for Sunday school, teacher's guides, and teaching aids for the churches that need them so their Sunday schools can be more effective.
In China overall, children's Sunday schools in the cities are improving. However, they greatly need people who can lead games, group activities, and retreats. Teachers in children's ministries need to improve their teaching skills as well. We pray especially for churches in smaller cities and towns where ministry to children is minimal that they will get basic training for their teachers.
In China, many pastors and seminary students who serve in impoverished villages feel they must farm to support themselves. Although they are very poor, they still serve the Lord faithfully. We pray that many more Christians will support these poor church workers and truly appreciate the role and needs of a country pastor.
Since the economic reform in China a lot of money has gone to erect new church buildings but fewer funds have been invested in training pastors. Well-trained pastors and those who are better equipped are far more important than having beautiful buildings. We pray that believers in China will have a transformed mindset and see the great importance of theological education and the equipping of their pastors.
Some of the churches in China have started Sunday schools for children but many still consider that a ministry with children is mere babysitting or story-telling so they do not support people to teach in Sunday school, nor do they provide resources for it. We pray for all of the children in the churches that God will bless them through the Sunday school, help them to know Him better and serve Him all of their lives by following Jesus.
Some pastors in China do have a vision for ministry among children so they have Sunday school in their churches and even age-specific classes for the children and retreats for the teachers. May the Lord remind all believing parents to focus on the spiritual health of their children the same way they demand their children do well academically.
In China, the vast majority of children's Sunday school teachers are young females. What they lack in experience they make up by their passion and burden to lead the children to Jesus. We pray for the training of children's teachers, especially those who are interested but need coaching and need to learn the basics about teaching.
The churches in China need Sunday school curriculum very badly. Some teachers create their own simple lessons, some even have an illustrated booklet or teaching props. We pray for the supply of curriculum for Sunday school, teacher's guides, and teaching aids for the churches that need them so their Sunday schools can be more effective.
In China overall, children's Sunday schools in the cities are improving. However, they greatly need people who can lead games, group activities, and retreats. Teachers in children's ministries need to improve their teaching skills as well. We pray especially for churches in smaller cities and towns where ministry to children is minimal that they will get basic training for their teachers.
In China, many pastors and seminary students who serve in impoverished villages feel they must farm to support themselves. Although they are very poor, they still serve the Lord faithfully. We pray that many more Christians will support these poor church workers and truly appreciate the role and needs of a country pastor.
Since the economic reform in China a lot of money has gone to erect new church buildings but fewer funds have been invested in training pastors. Well-trained pastors and those who are better equipped are far more important than having beautiful buildings. We pray that believers in China will have a transformed mindset and see the great importance of theological education and the equipping of their pastors.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Prayer Request 8/16 - 8/22
Taiwan has a large gay community and is one of the most progressive places in Asia in terms of LGBT rights. Many have expected Taiwan to be the first Asian country to sanction same-sex marriage. We pray for God’s mercy for all who practice a homosexual lifestyle. May the Lord convict all of us that we are all sinners saved by His grace. “As it is written: "There is none righteous, no not one;” Rom 3:10 (MKJV)
The island of Taiwan's annual gay pride parade is the biggest in Asia. Taiwan is also considered the most gay-friendly country in Asia. We pray for all Chinese churches that they will not only teach Biblical truth and speak against all kinds of sin but will put these teachings into action in their communities.
Homosexuality is still controversial with people in the older generation and gay marriage is opposed by politically influential, socially conservative, and Christian groups so many LGBT people won't "come out" to their parents or employers. We pray for young people from Christian families who are in a homosexual relationship or any other relationship that is not pleasing to God. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them and bring about repentance.
A poll in 2013 showed that 75% of Christians opposed legalization of same-sex marriage while only a slight majority of Buddhists, Taoists, and the greater portion of the public were in favor of it. LGBT supporters accuse Christians of hating them. We pray that believers will speak the truth in love and above all clearly proclaim "We do not hate you. We love you because Jesus loves all of us."
LGBT groups advance their causes in a well-organized and determined fashion but in contrast, the majority of the churches in China still do not even mention the topic of sex in the church and choose not to speak of any political issues in the pulpit. We pray the Lord will awake every sleeping church that is content with isolating itself within the four walls of its church building. May the Lord help each Christian to be a light in a dark world.
Chengdu and Chongqing in Sichuan province are known as China's most gay-friendly cities. Other cities with many migrants are more diverse culturally and the attitude of locals toward gays is usually "none of my business". A vast majority of churches in China avoid talking about sex or related topics, considering it unspiritual. We pray that churches will teach clearly and boldly in every area of the lives of people so believers will know what God's will is for their lives and bodies.
Gays in Mainland China face great pressure. Once parents discover their children are gay, many chose to disown them. Many gay men in China choose to conform to the social norm of marriage and start a family. We pray for believers when their children stray away from God and live in sinful relationships. May the Lord grant them His unconditional love to accept and love their prodigal children and never give up praying for them come to God.
台灣擁有亞洲最大的同志社群,也是亞洲最先爭取LGBT(Lesbians女同性戀)權益的地方。許多人認為台灣很有可能最早通過同性婚姻合法化。我們為同性戀者禱告,求恩主憐憫他們。又求主提醒我們都只是蒙恩的罪人,並不比任何人優越,「就如經上所記:沒有義人,連一個也沒有。」(羅 3:10)
根據2013年一項民意調查顯示,75%的台灣基督徒反對同性婚姻合法化,但半數以上的佛教徒和道教徒,以及大多數老百姓卻贊成。求主幫助信徒能持守真道、也有愛心,能正面地回答:「 教會的立場是恨惡同性戀的罪,愛同性戀者,甚願幫助同性戀者認識真神。」
中國的同性戀者面對很大壓力,很多家長發現自己的孩子是同性戀後,選擇的是將其「掃出家門」。許多同志還是會選擇「回歸主流」— 與異性結婚,建立家庭。我們為信徒父母禱告,當他們知道子女得罪神,有不討神喜悅的行為時,願主親自安慰他們的心,並賜他們力量,用主的愛和智慧來輔導孩子,幫助他們脫離黑暗。
Taiwan has a large gay community and is one of the most progressive places in Asia in terms of LGBT rights. Many have expected Taiwan to be the first Asian country to sanction same-sex marriage. We pray for God’s mercy for all who practice a homosexual lifestyle. May the Lord convict all of us that we are all sinners saved by His grace. “As it is written: "There is none righteous, no not one;” Rom 3:10 (MKJV)
The island of Taiwan's annual gay pride parade is the biggest in Asia. Taiwan is also considered the most gay-friendly country in Asia. We pray for all Chinese churches that they will not only teach Biblical truth and speak against all kinds of sin but will put these teachings into action in their communities.
Homosexuality is still controversial with people in the older generation and gay marriage is opposed by politically influential, socially conservative, and Christian groups so many LGBT people won't "come out" to their parents or employers. We pray for young people from Christian families who are in a homosexual relationship or any other relationship that is not pleasing to God. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them and bring about repentance.
A poll in 2013 showed that 75% of Christians opposed legalization of same-sex marriage while only a slight majority of Buddhists, Taoists, and the greater portion of the public were in favor of it. LGBT supporters accuse Christians of hating them. We pray that believers will speak the truth in love and above all clearly proclaim "We do not hate you. We love you because Jesus loves all of us."
LGBT groups advance their causes in a well-organized and determined fashion but in contrast, the majority of the churches in China still do not even mention the topic of sex in the church and choose not to speak of any political issues in the pulpit. We pray the Lord will awake every sleeping church that is content with isolating itself within the four walls of its church building. May the Lord help each Christian to be a light in a dark world.
Chengdu and Chongqing in Sichuan province are known as China's most gay-friendly cities. Other cities with many migrants are more diverse culturally and the attitude of locals toward gays is usually "none of my business". A vast majority of churches in China avoid talking about sex or related topics, considering it unspiritual. We pray that churches will teach clearly and boldly in every area of the lives of people so believers will know what God's will is for their lives and bodies.
Gays in Mainland China face great pressure. Once parents discover their children are gay, many chose to disown them. Many gay men in China choose to conform to the social norm of marriage and start a family. We pray for believers when their children stray away from God and live in sinful relationships. May the Lord grant them His unconditional love to accept and love their prodigal children and never give up praying for them come to God.
台灣擁有亞洲最大的同志社群,也是亞洲最先爭取LGBT(Lesbians女同性戀)權益的地方。許多人認為台灣很有可能最早通過同性婚姻合法化。我們為同性戀者禱告,求恩主憐憫他們。又求主提醒我們都只是蒙恩的罪人,並不比任何人優越,「就如經上所記:沒有義人,連一個也沒有。」(羅 3:10)
根據2013年一項民意調查顯示,75%的台灣基督徒反對同性婚姻合法化,但半數以上的佛教徒和道教徒,以及大多數老百姓卻贊成。求主幫助信徒能持守真道、也有愛心,能正面地回答:「 教會的立場是恨惡同性戀的罪,愛同性戀者,甚願幫助同性戀者認識真神。」
中國的同性戀者面對很大壓力,很多家長發現自己的孩子是同性戀後,選擇的是將其「掃出家門」。許多同志還是會選擇「回歸主流」— 與異性結婚,建立家庭。我們為信徒父母禱告,當他們知道子女得罪神,有不討神喜悅的行為時,願主親自安慰他們的心,並賜他們力量,用主的愛和智慧來輔導孩子,幫助他們脫離黑暗。

Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Prayer Request 8/9 - 8/15
There are only twenty-one seminaries with college level studies that are openly operated in China and their graduates all combined cannot meet the needs of the tens of millions of believers found there.We pray for the leaders of the churches in China that they will see the importance of training more workers to effectively shepherd and lead their churches.
It is important that China produce new leaders who are able to minister in a scholarly way, possess management skills, have social responsibility, and a sense of mission. We know God is able to raise up workers who seek His own heart and we pray that churches will humble themselves in supporting their pastors.
Heresies and false teachings are two of the grave dangers present in the church in China. One causes believers to be drawn away from the truth and potentially lose their salvation while the other causes the destruction of churches. May the Lord raise up preachers who can speak His word boldly and accurately and who can teach others how to discern the truth. May He protect all gifted and charismatic preachers so they do not fall into temptation.
Another key reason for the rash of cults in China is surprisingly the lack of denomination. After the Communist take-over, mainland China broke all ties with churches overseas and cut off contact between the church and orthodox Christian traditions. Believers in China pride themselves on being "post-denominational" and often look down on others who do not share their Biblical view. We pray for humility for all believers and unity among all churches based on God's love.
Once a church deviates from orthodox doctrine and loses the checks and balance mechanism, splits and extreme teaching tend to take over. Many cults take on terminologies and features of traditional Chinese religions. Although mature Christians find many of the claims cults make ridiculous. many naïve people believe them. We pray especially for the many rural believers who have little education and cannot read the Bible for themselves.
All of the heresies and cults in China have their roots in Henan province. Some suggest that the churches in Henan have sent out many preachers to plant churches but many of these workers lack solid theological training and instead they lead their sheep astray. We pray for solid Bible training for all of the pastors in China and a willingness to learn as well as humility for those who are being trained now.
Cults and heresies are widespread in China and that has something to do with the policy of the government. The persecution of people in the house churches has forced them to worship secretly and allowed them to be a breeding ground for extremism and unorthodox teachings. Officials in charge of religious matters often cannot tell whether a teaching is Biblical or not and many good churches are mistaken for cults. We pray for those people in the faithful house churches who face wrongful persecution.
若教會缺少教義和自省,就容易分裂和偏差,且失去對抗異端的能力,造成種種基督信仰和傳統民間宗教結合的奇怪東西。 雖然成熟的基督徒對異端邪教的荒謬覺得可笑,但是很多天真的人卻篤信不疑。我們為農村教育程度不高的信徒信徒禱告,不被欺騙。
There are only twenty-one seminaries with college level studies that are openly operated in China and their graduates all combined cannot meet the needs of the tens of millions of believers found there.We pray for the leaders of the churches in China that they will see the importance of training more workers to effectively shepherd and lead their churches.
It is important that China produce new leaders who are able to minister in a scholarly way, possess management skills, have social responsibility, and a sense of mission. We know God is able to raise up workers who seek His own heart and we pray that churches will humble themselves in supporting their pastors.
Heresies and false teachings are two of the grave dangers present in the church in China. One causes believers to be drawn away from the truth and potentially lose their salvation while the other causes the destruction of churches. May the Lord raise up preachers who can speak His word boldly and accurately and who can teach others how to discern the truth. May He protect all gifted and charismatic preachers so they do not fall into temptation.
Another key reason for the rash of cults in China is surprisingly the lack of denomination. After the Communist take-over, mainland China broke all ties with churches overseas and cut off contact between the church and orthodox Christian traditions. Believers in China pride themselves on being "post-denominational" and often look down on others who do not share their Biblical view. We pray for humility for all believers and unity among all churches based on God's love.
Once a church deviates from orthodox doctrine and loses the checks and balance mechanism, splits and extreme teaching tend to take over. Many cults take on terminologies and features of traditional Chinese religions. Although mature Christians find many of the claims cults make ridiculous. many naïve people believe them. We pray especially for the many rural believers who have little education and cannot read the Bible for themselves.
All of the heresies and cults in China have their roots in Henan province. Some suggest that the churches in Henan have sent out many preachers to plant churches but many of these workers lack solid theological training and instead they lead their sheep astray. We pray for solid Bible training for all of the pastors in China and a willingness to learn as well as humility for those who are being trained now.
Cults and heresies are widespread in China and that has something to do with the policy of the government. The persecution of people in the house churches has forced them to worship secretly and allowed them to be a breeding ground for extremism and unorthodox teachings. Officials in charge of religious matters often cannot tell whether a teaching is Biblical or not and many good churches are mistaken for cults. We pray for those people in the faithful house churches who face wrongful persecution.
若教會缺少教義和自省,就容易分裂和偏差,且失去對抗異端的能力,造成種種基督信仰和傳統民間宗教結合的奇怪東西。 雖然成熟的基督徒對異端邪教的荒謬覺得可笑,但是很多天真的人卻篤信不疑。我們為農村教育程度不高的信徒信徒禱告,不被欺騙。
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Prayer Request 8/2 - 8/8
The most populous provinces in China are Guangdong (106 million), Shandong (95 million), Henan (94 million), and Sichuan (87 million). Henan is also the bastion of house churches in China but they have suffered a great decline recently due to divisions, attacks by cults, and loss of young people. We lift up the believers in Henan for their growth into an unwavering faith in the Lord and revival in each church.
In terms of people with college education, the city of Beijing ranks first in China with 31%, Shanghai, 22% and Tianjin 17%. Surprisingly, Xinjiang is 6th with 10% of the population having a college education. We thank the Lord for the rapid growth of urban churches in China, especially among the well-educated. Ministering to a busy and intellectual congregation is a challenging task. We pray, too, for the need of pastors who are well educated to shepherd these churches.
Because many migrant workers in China take their children with them to work in the cities, these children are called "migrant children". One in four children in the cities is a migrant child but these children can attend only the expensive private schools because they do not have a residency permit (hukou) there. Urban churches often claim they have few resources to care for migrant workers and their children. We pray that some of the churches will do what they can to reach out the to these children with after-school programs and Bible stories.
Many migrant workers who earn low wages blame it on their poor luck and vent their frustration on their children which then deeply affects the school work and psychological well-being of the children. Let us pray for wisdom and faith for believing parents, especially those who are poor or do not have good jobs that the Holy Spirit will remind them of God's promise that He is merciful and shows kindness to those who love Him and that He will bless their families.
Although rural migrants earn more in cities than those who stay in the countryside, they are excluded from many of the social welfare benefits and subsidized housing projects often reserved for registered urban residents. Rural churches suffer because of the lack of younger and working believers who can give financially. We pray that they will trust in the Lord who supplies everything they need for their ministries.
Young migrant workers in Guangdong are typically thirty-five years old and younger with an average of ten years of schooling so they are better educated than the national average of only eight years--junior high school. Young migrant workers usually return home after a few years, if they are properly discipled, they can return to their province and bless the churches back home. We pray for those migrant workers who are being trained and equipped now.
For those who go to Guangdong Province for work, Shenzhen is the top choice, followed by Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Huizhou, in descending order. Many of the churches in Guangdong province specifically target migrant workers. We pray for them that despite this huge challenge of turnover of believers in their churches, the Lord will give them grace upon grace and the fervor to win new souls.
中國人口最多的省份是廣東省1.06億,其次是山東省(9千5百萬),河南(9千4百萬)和四川 (8千7百萬)。河南是家庭教會的大本營,然而近年因內部紛爭、邪教入侵和年輕人外流等等問題,使教會的增長及屬靈情況日走下坡。讓我們為河南的信徒禱告,求主在至聖的信仰真道上堅立他們,幫助他們常在主裏禱告,活在祂的愛中,以致信徒的質和量能漸見增長,教會得著復興。
不少民工帶著孩子到城市打工,他們的孩子被稱為「流動兒童」, 每四名「城鎮兒童」中就有一名是「流動兒童」。因為沒有城市戶口,他們只能上昂貴的私立的學校。許多城鎮教會感嘆,他們根本沒有幫助外地打工群的能力。我們求主興起弟兄姐妹,學習倚靠主,竭盡所能幫助外來民工家庭適應城巿的生活,幫助「流動兒童」的功課,並教導聖經的真理。
The most populous provinces in China are Guangdong (106 million), Shandong (95 million), Henan (94 million), and Sichuan (87 million). Henan is also the bastion of house churches in China but they have suffered a great decline recently due to divisions, attacks by cults, and loss of young people. We lift up the believers in Henan for their growth into an unwavering faith in the Lord and revival in each church.
In terms of people with college education, the city of Beijing ranks first in China with 31%, Shanghai, 22% and Tianjin 17%. Surprisingly, Xinjiang is 6th with 10% of the population having a college education. We thank the Lord for the rapid growth of urban churches in China, especially among the well-educated. Ministering to a busy and intellectual congregation is a challenging task. We pray, too, for the need of pastors who are well educated to shepherd these churches.
Because many migrant workers in China take their children with them to work in the cities, these children are called "migrant children". One in four children in the cities is a migrant child but these children can attend only the expensive private schools because they do not have a residency permit (hukou) there. Urban churches often claim they have few resources to care for migrant workers and their children. We pray that some of the churches will do what they can to reach out the to these children with after-school programs and Bible stories.
Many migrant workers who earn low wages blame it on their poor luck and vent their frustration on their children which then deeply affects the school work and psychological well-being of the children. Let us pray for wisdom and faith for believing parents, especially those who are poor or do not have good jobs that the Holy Spirit will remind them of God's promise that He is merciful and shows kindness to those who love Him and that He will bless their families.
Although rural migrants earn more in cities than those who stay in the countryside, they are excluded from many of the social welfare benefits and subsidized housing projects often reserved for registered urban residents. Rural churches suffer because of the lack of younger and working believers who can give financially. We pray that they will trust in the Lord who supplies everything they need for their ministries.
Young migrant workers in Guangdong are typically thirty-five years old and younger with an average of ten years of schooling so they are better educated than the national average of only eight years--junior high school. Young migrant workers usually return home after a few years, if they are properly discipled, they can return to their province and bless the churches back home. We pray for those migrant workers who are being trained and equipped now.
For those who go to Guangdong Province for work, Shenzhen is the top choice, followed by Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan and Huizhou, in descending order. Many of the churches in Guangdong province specifically target migrant workers. We pray for them that despite this huge challenge of turnover of believers in their churches, the Lord will give them grace upon grace and the fervor to win new souls.
中國人口最多的省份是廣東省1.06億,其次是山東省(9千5百萬),河南(9千4百萬)和四川 (8千7百萬)。河南是家庭教會的大本營,然而近年因內部紛爭、邪教入侵和年輕人外流等等問題,使教會的增長及屬靈情況日走下坡。讓我們為河南的信徒禱告,求主在至聖的信仰真道上堅立他們,幫助他們常在主裏禱告,活在祂的愛中,以致信徒的質和量能漸見增長,教會得著復興。
不少民工帶著孩子到城市打工,他們的孩子被稱為「流動兒童」, 每四名「城鎮兒童」中就有一名是「流動兒童」。因為沒有城市戶口,他們只能上昂貴的私立的學校。許多城鎮教會感嘆,他們根本沒有幫助外地打工群的能力。我們求主興起弟兄姐妹,學習倚靠主,竭盡所能幫助外來民工家庭適應城巿的生活,幫助「流動兒童」的功課,並教導聖經的真理。
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