Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Prayer Request 12/8 - 12/14

China actually has fifteen cities with more than ten million people each, including all the migrant workers and suburban residents. We focus our prayer time on these mega cities today and pray that prosperity will not rob the church of its impetus to share the gospel with others.
In 1980​ only nineteen percent of the people in China lived in cities but by 2020 that figure might reach sixty percent. Migrant workers from rural areas or other smaller cities already account for about half of China's urban population. Let us praise God for the amazing growth of urban churches in China even though many hidden problems still exist. We ask God to help the city churches not to become secularized and that believers will be bold and fervent in sharing the gospel.
There are more than six hundred ​cities in China with a population of more than a million people. Urbanization in China has turned out to be the biggest challenge the rural churches face due to the huge migration of people into the cities. Churches in rural areas have not adapted and started new churches for their members who are working in the cities so they keep losing their young people. We pray that no churches will be complacent, just taking comfort in maintaining the status quo but that they will be urgent in their outreach to new people.
Many Christians in China have gone to the cities but were unable to find jobs so they have fallen into sin.​ Some of the sisters have even turned to prostitution. Many Christian couples have broken up because they went to different cities or became so busy in their work. We pray for wisdom and discernment to know God's will so all of us put the Lord Jesus first in our lives and seek His kingdom and His righteousness first of all.
House churches in China have many problems in getting an official registration and some are rejected outright because of their lack of transparency and some churches do not even consider registering with the government. In China, a lack of transparency in finances or administration has always plagued the house churches. May the Lord have mercy and give the churches the unity they need as to know whether to register or not. We pray that the leaders will be selfless and humble and not consider the church as their own little kingdom.
Many pastors in the house churches are not healthy because their churches are not healthy.​ Some of the pastors take the offerings for their own personal use or even gambling because of a lack of accountability. There are also many poor pastors. We have faith that God can transform the churches in China using the leaders and pastors. We pray the Holy Spirit will make us humble, cleanse us, and give us new hearts so we will each one be blameless and not bring shame to God's name.
Many leaders of house churches in China practice nepotism by rejecting those who are called by God and have received theological training abroad. They do not allow them to return to their own churches to serve God.​ Too many church leaders see the church as their own enterprise so they must make all of the decisions. We pray that none of us will be jealous of the spiritual gifts of another but will be gracious and empower others to serve the Lord.

中國目前有十五個特大城市, 包括外來務工人員和郊區居民在內,人口超過千萬。我們為這些大城巿禱告,求主提醒信徒在享用物質豐富的同時,不會自滿自足,對屬靈的事物冷淡,失去了傳福音的動力。又願主使教會健全增長,眾信徒愛慕追求主,熱心將屬天的真福樂分享給周遭的骨肉同胞。
1980年,只有19%的中國人口居住在城市里裡,到2020年可能達到60%。來自農村地區或其他小城市​​的外來打工者,在中國城市人口中的比例已經達到一半。 城巿教會不斷有增長,我們為此感謝神,但是隱藏的問題亦很多。求主幫助教會不走向世俗化,使教會能為主發光發熱,信徒有力量為主作見證,願意大胆熱心傳揚福音。
很多家庭教會領袖,用人往往親戚優先或搞裙帶關係;而真正蒙主呼召,按主心意行又受過純正神學訓練的傳道人,最终卻無法回到自己教會。一些領袖常把教會視為自己的 "企業",所以有「一山不容二虎」的大問題。求主挪去我們好嫉妒,看別人恩賜而眼紅的罪性,願意為主、為教會的承傳,提拔有恩賜的新一代。

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