Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Prayer Request 12/29 - 1/4

About 274 million migrants live in cities across the country. One in three people in the southern province of Guangdong are migrants from elsewhere in China. We pray for wisdom and compassion of Jesus for churches in cities, knowing how to care and minister believers from villages, so they will not be lost without shepherd. We too pray for those working in cities, they will not stop worship and fellowship in churches.
Many are alarmed by how quickly China churches are becoming secularized, people see churches a social gathering place especially after retirement. Also, churches are not transparent in its finance, causing believers to be cynical and not willing to be involved. We pray for revival of His churches, protection of those who love and serve Him. We ask God to corrupt the attacks of cults and punish the evil servants who treat the House of God as their own enterprise.
The population of migrant workers in Guangdong Province is almost twenty millions, they come from Hunan, Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Henan, these six provinces accounted for more than eighty percent of all migrant workers. We pray for Hong Kong churches will seize the opportunity to share gospel to workers in use Guangdong, because many migrant workers return to their hometowns, as a way to reach provinces in the inland China.
In 2012, nearly 60 percent of China's migrant population is 16-40 year old male. Four-fifths of migrant workers have completed at least secondary education. In 2010, the vast majority of construction workers and coal miners are migrant workers. The trend of finding work in the cities will continue. So, we pray churches in the cities will show sincerity in accepting believers from the villages, even though there are cultural and educational differences, but we are all members of the Body of Christ, to love one another.
China’s central government allocate funding for welfare and social services base on the number of residents with household registration, which totally exclude all the migrants residing in the town or cities. It is a fact that majority of rural Christians cannot find a spiritual home in the cities, stop attending church, or lost in sins without help. We pray for God’s mercy, giving churches practical ways to help rural believers lost in the cities.
City governments lack the funding to provide medical care and education for migrant workers in their cities, to cover those expenses, cities become overly reliant on selling land-use rights and borrowing. Rural Christians who moved to cities for works find city church cold and unwelcoming. Many cannot even find churches. We pray that church leaders will lead their people to care for migrant workers, and even start worship catering to the migrants in their community.
The wealth gap between Chinese urban and rural areas has increased over the last three decades. By 2012, people in cities will earn 3.1 times if those in the rural areas. We praise the Lord for the numerical growth China churches have experienced in the past 30 years, but we ask the Lord for how churches need to help believers grow spiritually, so we will have dedicated, victorious believers who would shine in this crooked age.

2012年,將近60%的中國流動人口是16-40歲的男性。五分之四的中國流動人口至少完成了初中教育。2010年,絕大多數的建築工人和煤礦工人都有流動背景。目前在城鎮打工仍有增多的趨勢, 求主幫助城鎮教會在主裡真誠接待民工,雖然在文化與習俗上大有不同,但是在基督為元首下互為肢體,當學習以愛心彼此接納,配搭事主。

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