Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Prayer Request 10/8 - 10/14

The Math Olympiad Classes became popular in China in the early 1990’s with the purpose to cultivate interest in mathematics. Later, as math and science became key subjects for the college entrance exam, the interest in the Math Olympiad Classes intensified. Christian parents naturally worry about their children’s academic performances and the financial burden of their various expenses. We pray that parents will have faith in God and believe that He does reward their love for Him because He blesses their offspring.
Top-ranking schools offer special classes for “guaranteed admission” and the spaces are offered on an invitation basis. The ranking in these classes along with those in the Math Olympiad Classes determines whether the student will receive early admission to those schools. Not every child can enter the elite schools since not everyone is able to do well in examinations. We pray that God will give our children wisdom along with healthy physical and spiritual growth and that they will find favor in the eyes of God and people.
Early admission offered by schools to special classes contradicts the openness and fairness principles espoused by the school. Subtle messages by teachers such as, “We welcome your child to our school” or “Don’t worry about admission” imply guaranteed admission. Parents spend a great deal of effort to ensure their children get into the best schools. We pray that children from Christian homes will know the Lord personally early in their lives and own their faith in Him personally, not merely grow up in the church
As a whole, Chinese pastors refrain from opening up about their own personal struggles and feelings. Many quit the ministry because of guilt because they consider themselves unworthy and powerless. Then they live under the duress of self-denial with no one to help them. It is natural for pastors to become discouraged when the church is not growing and the people in the congregation are buying houses and cars. We pray that there will be someone in each church who will become a friend to the pastor, encouraging, comforting, and supporting God’s servant.
In China many older believers need emotional renewal because of their own broken family background and the influence of traditional culture. This is especially true for those who are entering church ministry because many of them are unhealthy emotionally. Pastors are afraid to admit that they are jealous and discontent because the people they serve are getting richer every day. Let us pray for God’s constant reminder that He is impartial and that He does not forget our labor for Him and His people.
Pastoral care is non-existent or unheard of in China but the real issue is that Chinese pastors are not transparent because believers falsely think pastors serve by faith so they get all of their needs met by God Himself. We pray for those who once served full-time in the church but have now become discouraged, disgruntled, or even departed from the faith. May the Lord strengthen their faith and stir up their love for Him once again.
There is much disunity among the leaders and co-workers in the churches in China. A dictatorial style of leadership often leads to churches splitting. Let’s pray for a stable and healthy church environment for all believers. We pray that each of us will appreciate the limitations of the pastors and leaders in the church in China. May the Lord grant us wisdom to deal with the conflicts in the church in healthy ways.

整體來說,中國教會領袖都拒絕透露個人的掙扎與情緒,以致常常覺得自己不配、不行,活在罪疚之中 。長期的壓抑和自我的否定,加上無處尋得幫助,最終導致離開了事奉的工場。牧者也是常人,當看到別人購屋買車,享受好的物質生活時,想到自己事工的不順利,有心灰意冷也並非罕見。求主在每一個教會興起一群關心牧者的肢体,因著他們的鼓勵、安慰與代禱,能成為神僕的強力支柱。

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