Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prayer Request 2/22 - 2/28

In China 1.96 million couples filed for divorce in 2010. The number of divorces has steadily increased by 7.65% in the past five years which may inidcate that the personal income of married men and women is growing and there is also a growing sense of independence among married couples. While there are more and more divorced believers in the churches now, there is usually no special group or fellowship for them and they are often seen as outcasts. We pray for comfort and healing for these "hurt" Christians, especially for those who are now looking for another mate but are seeking to know God's will and honor Him this time around.
Sichuan has the most divorces of any province in China and Tibet, the fewest. One reason is that Sichuan is the most populous and also has a high number of immigrants. After the economic reform and the"Westward Development", tens of millions of people left Sichuan to seek better lives elsewhere. This culture of looking some place else for work is very common among those born in Sichuan. As might be expected, the churches in Sichuan have historically been week. The young people do not stay around because they leave for the coastal cities to work. We come before the Lord with faith, praying for a revival of all of the churches in Sichuan, in its capitol, Chungdu, and in the huge city of Chongqing.
Tens of millions of young people from Sichuan become migrant workers far from their homes but they cannot re-locate and settle their families in the new places. Usually the wife must stay at home to care for elderly parents, thus keeping the young couples separated for long periods of time and causing problems in the marriage. We pray for believers who are living apart because of their work and are unable to see each other regularly. May the Lord through His grace protect and guard their hearts and keep them away from temptation so that their relationship can endure and continue to grow. We also lift up their children who are often left with grandparents and get only phone calls from their parents from time to time.
Until 2003 Chinese couples filing for divorce had to get written approval of the official of the neighborhood. Many couples chose to live in a "dead marriage" to protect their privacy and avoid shame. The simplification of marriage registration now allows couples to get immediate divorce at the local department of civil affairs. We take this time to pray for believers whose marriages are less than healthy or in a poor condidtion. Even the families and marriages of many pastors are not in a healthy state. We pray for God's mercy on our marriages and families. Churches cannot be healthy when the families of believers are sick and dysfunctional.
Two and a half years ago Taiwan allowed Chinese from Mainland China to visit which has led to a boom in tourism and generated a lot of earnings and business opportunities there. Since January of this year the number of tourists from China has increased from 3000 to 4000 a day. It is possible the number will be 5000 daily visitors by the middle of the year and in the near future escalate to 10,000 daily. With so many visitors from Mainland China arriving and the possibility of self-guided tourism, we see the probability of believers attending church in Taiwan or the opening for churches in Taiwan to share the gospel with these people. We pray that this will be a wide open opportunity for the spreading of the gospel and that believers from both sides of the Strait will be worshipping together.
Officials recently dispelled the rumor that China had plans to introduce new higher denomination banknotes. At present 100 yuan (about $15. US) is the bank note of the highest value in China. Although 100 yuan is barely enough money to buy a decent dinner in a big city, it would be difficult to find 100 yuan notes in the offering plates of an average church in the city. We pray that Chinese believers will quickly learn to be cheerful givers and faithful stewards of that with which the Lord entrusts them.
Why do the people of China save so much and spend so little? One reason is the lack of a social security system so they must save for their retirement. They also save to send their child to a private school to get ahead academically. They must also save to have money for medical bills. Christians are not exempted from anxiety and worry. We simply pray that all of us will affirm our faith in the heavenly Father Who promised to take care of us. We do want to remember those who are old, or are ill and lack financial resources. May the Lord provide for them through the kindness and love of believers in their churches.

2003年以前,離婚還需要單位或居委會出具書面證明。許多夫妻為保護個人隱私,避免被人指指點點,不得不維持名存實亡的「死亡婚姻」。現今簡化婚姻登記手續,已不需「對簿公堂」,當場即可取得離婚證書,使人們更願意到民政部門申辦離婚。 讓我們禱告記念婚姻有難處的肢體,特別記念那些婚姻狀況不良的牧者,求主醫治、憐憫。因信徒婚姻關係欠佳或功能失調,教會也同樣深受其害。
中國人為什麼存錢多而花錢少呢? 原因之一是缺乏社會安全福利體系,需要為退休後的生活而儲蓄。中國人存錢也因想送孩子上私立學校,可以在學業上領先一步。另外一個原因是公共醫療不完善,需存錢以應付生病。基督徒似乎也無法免除存錢養病養老和念私校的情況。聖經告訴我們天父上帝是我們的依靠,求主堅固肢體的信心。也在禱告中記念年老、帶病、無經濟基礎的信徒,求主感動弟兄姊妹在主裏相互幫補,一起見證經歷神的信實。

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