Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Prayer Request 2/1 - 2/7

The government in Guangdong is planning to raise the minimal wage by 18% this year and as a result many foreign-owned factories are not planning to hire new workers because then they would have to raise wages to retain their current workers. They must choose between either moving to countries in Southeast Asia that pay even lower wages or expect 20% of their factories to shut down in three to five years. Churches face the touchy problem of deciding whether they should give their pastors a raise this year. With inflation and low wages, churches in China have an ever-growing problem with a shortage of shepherds. May the Lord move the churches to think about how to take good are of His workers.
Last year in Taiwan only 160,000 children were born--a record low. If this trend continues officials estimate that sixty colleges will close in ten years. They hope that the birth rate will increase in the coming years of the Rabbit and the Dragon which are considered auspicious years to have children according to the Chinese calendar. Let us pray for all the newborns coming into the Chinese church during these next two years. Pray that churches will put an emphasis on the second generation in their midst and have well-planned strategies for child care, Sunday school, and teaching parents to raise up Godly children.
Although the fertility rate in Taiwan hit a new low last year, the number of marriages has jumped by 20,000 couples to 140,000. Officials have said that although the economy in Taiwan has rebounded, the cost of living has increased and companies are not giving bonuses so couples are not likely to have more children. We pray for all the young couples in the churches, for their spiritual growth, that they will learn to love and honor each other as well as have commitment to honor Jesus in their plan to buy an apartment and prepare for pregnancy.
Churches in China struggle to deal with all sorts of cultural phenomenon in the society. For example, whenever a popular film is released, the church feels obligated to give an "official analysis" from a Biblical perspective. Such an endeavor is overwhelmingly time-consuming and can be divisive. Chinese believers like to analyze and debate issues which is not bad but this tendency often leads to arguments and hurts the unity within the church body. May the Lord grant us wisdom and humility especially among the intellectuals in the urban churches.
The generation born after 1980 has witnessed many extra-marital affairs and broken marriages so it is of little wonder that many of them feel anxious about marriage themselves, consider marriage futile, or are afraid of marital commitment. Many young believers have come from broken families. Although they know God is the source of love, they have many worries about marriage and many have also made mistakes sexually in the past. We pray for healing of the emotional wounds they carry and ask God to prepare the best for them.
Typically, the house churches in China have a shallow understanding of orthodox theology. They fight over minor issues or stress denominational views. Such bickering destroys unity and leads to pride and mistrust among the believers. We pray that all believers will be humble before the Lord. We ask the Lord for the spirit of unity in these churches because we know that without confession of sins, humility and unity, there cannot be a revival.
According to an official survey by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), domestic violence exists in thirty-one percent of the 270 million families in China with ninety percent of it committed by men. It is not a secret that not all men attending church are good husbands at home even though many of them even serve in leadership roles in the church. We want to pray that Chinese male believers would be godly men, as the apostle Paul said, "I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting." (I Tim. 2:8)

家庭教會一般而言對神學認識普遍地流於膚淺,信徒間常因一些宗派或解經細枝末節的問題而發生爭吵,這往往是阻礙彼此合一的原因。求主幫助我們在主面前「凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容,用和平彼此聯絡,竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心。」(弗4:2-3) 因為我們深知,若是沒有在神面前悔改、謙卑及合一,教會就不會有真正的復興。
中國婦聯統計數據顯示,每年四十萬的解體家庭中,家庭暴力佔了四分之一。在中國二億七千萬個家庭中,百分之三十一的家庭有暴力行為,而百分之九十都是男人犯的。在教會中並非所有男人都是「好丈夫」,甚至教會領袖在這方面亦有缺欠。讓我們為中國教會的弟兄們祈求,願主幫助他們管理自己的心,從神的話語裡學習做合祂心意的人,如同使徒保羅所說:「我願男人無忿怒,無爭論,舉起聖潔的手,隨處禱告。」 (提前 2:8)

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