Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Prayer Request 6/9 - 6/15

More than half of the provinces in China report a decrease in the number of students taking the college entrance examination this year. One big reason for this is that many college graduates have not been able to find jobs and this was made even worse with the recent financial crisis. Most Chinese parents still believe one must have a college degree in order to be successful. We pray specifically for all the Christian families whose children are not getting a college education. May the Lord give them assurance that God has a good plan and they can glorify and serve Him in whatever course they pursue in life?

Although more than ten million people took it, the number of students taking the college entrance examination dropped this year for the first time in its history. One reason for the decline is that these examinees were born after 1990 which is the end of the third peak (1985-1990) of population in China. Let us remember all the Christian families whose children are taking the examination this year. Children are an inheritance from God and we pray that these parents, no matter the results of the examination, can trust God knowing that He has a wonderful plan for their children.

Finding work is difficult for young people, especially those who are freshly out of school and those without a skill. One in 4 college graduates from 2008 have not found job and most of them are living with their parents. Among the unemployed, 85% are between 18 and 49 years old. Being unemployed usually means returning home to live with parents. Without gainful employment, these young people are experiencing a great psychological toll. Let us pray for all who are without work, especially believers who are experiencing stress, family turmoil, making ends meet and even doubts about the goodness of God.

This is the eightieth anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China. His palace-like burial grounds have become a "must see" for people who visit Nanjing. There are also memorials (some of them to foreigners) nearby that pay tribute to all the martyrs of the Republic and the Sino-Japanese wars. It is very easy to forget that the church is founded "on the blood of the martyrs". We thank the Lord for the thousands who stood for their faith and looked to God for final deliverance. Let us pray even more fervently for the church in China because "prosperity kills churches", and makes us complacent and lose our focus on God.

More women file for divorce than men in Shanghai. One reason is it is easier for women to find work and stay financially independent. Another reason is women in Shanghai have a higher standard for quality of life and for what kind of husband they want to marry. There are many divorced sisters in China's churches. Although it is no longer an issue of shame, they lack support both spiritually and friendship-wise in church. We pray for their special needs, in overcoming loneliness, forgiveness, financial stress. We pray that they will have wisdom to raise their children to know the Lord.

Teaching children’s' Sunday School in China is a very different experience. Teachers must be very resourceful and flexible. Often, children of a wide range of ages must share the same classroom and the teacher has very limited training and curriculum. We thank God for the great push to train more Sunday School teachers, but more are needed. The drop out rate for Sunday School children is high. We pray for more churches not to just know the importance of training the young ones but also to have the determination to recruit the best people to teach the young ones, especially the older ones who get bored with the traditional church services.

China's government is pushing hard to instill ethical values among millions of teenagers with an online pledge. The pledge is "to honor parents at home, respect teachers in school, and be a loving, ethical and sacrificial person in the community." We know building ethics takes time and requires much more than an online pledge. We pray that young people in China's churches will have godly models whom will inspire them to love God sacrificially and demonstrate humility that is genuine and in a way that connects with the youth culture.

「高考降溫」,中國今年有超過一半的省份高考人數減少。投考人數下降的主要原因是大學生就業難,去年金融危機爆發後,目前就業更為嚴峻。 不過,絕大多數家長仍相信孩子能進大學才會有前途。 讓我們特別為信徒家庭中那些沒機會升大學的年輕人代禱,願主堅固他們,相信主有祂美好的計劃,無論他們進到那一行業,際遇如何,都能一生服侍、榮耀祂。

雖然報考全國高考考生將超過1000萬人,但有史以來今年報考人數首呈下跌。下降原因之一是應屆考生大多數是「 90後」。換言之,他們大都出生在中國第三個生育高峰( 1985-1990)之後。 我們為今年有高考考生的基督徒家庭禱告。兒女是耶和華所賜的產業,不論考試成績如何,求主幫助父母能相信祂要在各人身上成就奇妙的計劃。






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