Monday, June 22, 2009


The city of Wuhan will literally be the new geographic center of China. With the completion of high speed train lines in 2012, Wuhan is only 5 hours from Beijing, Guangzhou, and all the seaports, reducing the time of travel by half. Churches in central China, which are few, are historically weak in comparison with the coastal provinces. Let us pray for the revival of churches near and in Wuhan. We pray especially for the seminary and Bible schools there; may the Lord grant us more workers for harvest in this region.


武漢市將成為中國的新地理樞紐中心,新京廣高速鐵路二0一二年竣工後,武漢到北京及廣州等其他口岸城市將縮短至五小時,交通往返時間縮短一半。相對於各口岸城市的發展,歷年來位於中國中部的教會不僅為數不 多,也較為虛弱。讓我們為武漢和鄰近教會的復興禱告,特別是為神學院和聖經學校代求,願莊稼的主差遣更多工人到這個發白的禾場收割。

The key piece of the Chinese economic stimulus plan is revitalizing central China with a new transportation network. "If Central China is connected, the whole country is connected; if it is revitalized, the entire nation is revitalized," said the Chinese Premier. Central China includes these 6 provinces: Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Henan, Anhui and Shangxi. Nine cities are considered key development points, Wuhan, which is in Hubei, is the most prominent. Henan and Anhui are the bastion of Chinese rural churches. Churches have suffered a decline as the young people leave for work in the cities. We pray, as the prosperity comes with the improved trasportation system, that rural churches will be prepared and not be swept away by materialism, but instead be a great source of encouragement and inspiration to other provinces.


中國主要刺激經濟方案是利用新交通網絡活化中部經濟。總理溫家寶曾說:「中部通,則全國通;中部活,則滿盤活。」中部重點六省是湖南、湖北、江西、河南、安徽與山西。六省中的九城又以湖北省武漢最為矚目。河南和安徽是中國農村教會的根據地,由於年輕人到城市工作,農村教會漸趨沒落。在面對交通網絡系統改善及隨之而來的繁榮的同時,我們禱告農村教會不至隨物質主義漂流, 反能以敬虔、信德鼓舞並為其他省份樹立典範。


The recent economic downturn has caused many factories on the coastal provinces to close. But, factories are also relocating to inland China en mass because of generous government incentives and much lower labor costs. This, in turn, creates a wave of factory laborers returning home and finding work much closer to home. We do not know how this will shape the rural churches, who have lost many of their young ones as they left for better-paying factory jobs. This will also open new opportunities for ministries in the so-called "second tier" cities in the inland provinces. We pray that churches in these inland cities and rural churches will benefit from the economic boom and, most importantly, experience spiritual revival.



In 2006, almost 2 million people in China filed for divorce. The ages are mostly between 30 and 50, according to a goverment report. Shanghai alone had 47,000 people who filed for divorce. The grounds for divorce are mostly poor communication, physical, emotional or sexual abuse, infidelity, economic problems, bad personal habits, in-law problems, and childlessness. When it comes to helping believers with marital problems, most churches in China offer little substantive assistance. Sunday sermons usually do not address family or marriage. Let us remember all the Christian couples who are struggling in their marriage now. We pray that they will know the will of God, and learn to love and accept, as well as love one another as Christ loves the church.


2006年中國有接近兩百萬人申辦離婚。 據官方報導, 這些離婚人士多介乎30-50歲。 單單上海,便有47,000人申辦離婚。構成離婚的主因包括性格不合,感情破裂,第三者,家庭暴力,經濟問題,不良生活習慣,婆媳糾紛,無子女等。對於婚姻出現裂縫的信徒,教會鮮有提供實質援助。主日講道很少提及家庭婚姻問題,讓我們記念婚姻關係處於緊張狀態的基督徒夫婦。祈求他們能明白上帝的旨意,彼此相愛,彼此接納,正如基督愛教會一樣。


One in six cities in China have a fresh water supply issue. There are 400 cities that lack an adequate amount of fresh water. 110 cities have a serious chronic shortage of water supply. Pollution of water sources and rivers with industrial waste is another issue the government is trying to tackle with mixed results. Jesus said, "I am the living water. Whoever comes to me will not thirst." Many churches preach the Word of God but fail to connect the Scripture with daily life applications. Sermons are often the same and similar. Let us pray for powerful teaching of the Bible in every church.  We must pray for those who preach and teach first. May the Lord give them a thirst to study and apply God's Word first, not just think that they are fulfilling an obligation.


在中國,每六個城市就有一個出現食水短缺。 全國有400多個城市供水不足,110個嚴重缺水。另一危機是工業廢物嚴重污染河道及水源的問題,政府正嘗試處理,但牽涉面複雜而成效果不彰。耶穌說:「 人若喝我所賜的活水就永遠不渴。」很多教會精於傳講神的話,卻少有能真正連結日常生活,講道流於形式化。讓我們特為負責講臺教導的同工禱告,願神賜下自己的話語,帶著屬靈的能力權柄供應新鮮、豐盛的靈糧,推動落實生活實踐,以美好見証榮耀神。


One reason many churches are unable to grow is because their members are mostly old people.  Church facilities are appalling and spartan, having simple stools on a bare floor without air conditionin g.  Newcomers find it both difficult to fit in and be accepted.  The preaching also does not target those with higher education; the sermons are not socioculturally relevant.  Many church workers are frustrated because they are not able to attract and retain newcomers.  Revitalizing old churches is not a simple task and there is no quick solution. We pray that God will answer the prayer of those who are seeking church growth. For those who feel frustrated, we pray along with them, for church unity and vision for growth, as they serve faithfully and wait upon the Lord to do great things.




Every year, many existing church buildings need to be rebuilt because they are too old or the neighborhoods they belong to are being revitalized. As the local economy improves, congregations are able to give generously.  Donations for a new building is usually not a problem. A great majority of these churches are registered churches who own their properties outright. Yet, it is often noted that after the new church is built, members lose focus and become less committed in serving the Lord.  Division also happens whenever there is a major project, like a church relocation or rebuilding. Let us pray for all the churches who have moved into newer buildings.  Pray for their ministries, unity of spirit and not being prideful to other churches.



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