Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 11/18-11/24

China said it planned to spend $586. billion in a bid to spur economic growth and that the government would also lower the forecast for next year's GDP. In the meantime the cost of living continues to climb with rural consumers paying more than those in the cities. Rural believers face the rising cost of living and many have lost their jobs in the cities and returned home. We commit them into God's hand that they will trust Him in this time of crisis and shaken confidence as we all must do.

Lin biao was once Chairman Mao's closest comrade, but in 1971 his plane crashed in Mongolia fleeing from China. His status and label as the "counter-revolutionary" and reviled traitor has quietly been removed recently.Cultural Revolution was indeed a tumultuous time for China, but the deep scars on the China churches still healing slowly. We pray for the continuing healing of these wounds, forgiveness and grace of God for all of us.

"Do anything to make money" mentality permeates the whole society. There is a serious lacking of morality which is seen in the rampant corruption of officials and greedy unethical merchants. Such myopic and tunneled vision also affects the churches. Let us pray for purity of hearts, protection from greed and integrity for all the leaders and shepherds, and that include all of us.

The once old factory district has transformed into China's most vibrant enclave of artists. It is nicked named "798" because it was once a Russian, East Germany supported factories back in 1950. There are some old church buildings that are preserved, but most face demolitions. Many congregations whose buildings are old and inadequate for their needs and need rebuilding, let us pray for their financial need and renewed sense of purpose.

Many well-meaning pastors from abroad go to China to train pastors and leaders. Overall, majority of content must be contextualized and adapted. Many China pastors are interested to learn about the church growth methods of megachurches abroad. There are plenty of churches who are frustrated by lack of growth despite of different methods and techniques. We thank God for their desire to grow, and pray for health of their church, their leadership style and unity of believers.

At any given week, the list of "top 10 most popular songs" as reported by the local radio station will be totally different in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. It goes to say that what is consider popular in one region may not be true in other parts of China. A person is always cautious not to generalize about China churches. But, we pray for the near-universal need for youth ministries for all churches, for vision and burden of church leaders of its importance and people who are willing to work with teenagers.

"Watch Television with Me" is a huge Broadway-style production which shows how television has been a vital part in all areas of Chinese society from the rich to the poor, from city to village, and from great dreams to shattered dreams. What made it special is that the casts are from the China mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Believers in Taiwan and Hong Kong usually do not have much in common because of the difference in their spoken language but in China both groups work together well. We thank the Lord for what believers from these two islands have done for the churches in China helping them to grow and supporting them and their pastors.

中國政府表示它計劃花費五千八百六十億美元來刺激經濟增長,並且還降低了對明年國內生產總值總值( GDP )的預期。與此同時,民眾生活費用持續不斷攀升,農村消費者所支付的生活費用相對地多於城市消費者。 農村基督徒面臨著不斷上升的生活費用,許多民工失去城市的工作而需要回到農村。讓我們以禱告將他們交托在神手中,在這一經濟危機和信心容易動搖的時刻,我們都需要更加地信靠神。



原是人去樓空的北京老廠區,如今已變為全國最具活力的藝術家聚集區。這一暱稱「798 」的老廠區,因為早在1950年它曾是俄羅斯和東德所支持工廠的所在地。現在該區仍有一些老教堂建築物被保存下來,但大多數將面臨被拆毀的命運。許多教會的建築物目前已老舊不堪需用,需要重建。讓我們為這些教會在財政上的需要和在使命感上的更新向神祈求禱告。




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