Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 11/11-11/17

The Guangzhou Expo, a barometer of Chinese exports, recently concluded with dismal results. Many factories face a tough time ahead as orders drop sharply. A new wave of factory closures and massive layoffs is happening in the Pearl River Delta. This will have a ripple effect on the rural churches in China since much of their offerings come from those who work in the cities. Let us pray for the "coming cold winter" of the rural churches both spiritually and financially.

After sixty years of animosity the chilly relationship between Beijing and Taipei is warming quickly. Both sides exchanged pleasantries and valuable gifts--pandas from China and a rare deer and a goat from Taiwan. Direct transportation and exchange of mail are coming soon. Many of us would not have even dreamed of this thirty years ago. Let us pray that churches on both sides will learn from each other and share the blessings God has given them to encourage one another.

There are at least six types of churches in Beijing and they are distinguished by the type of members they have, such as: local residents, migrant workers, out-of-town businessmen, overseas returnees, student groups, or young professionals.Each of these churches has unique needs and the members find it difficult to mix with each other. We praise God for His mighty work in Beijing and pray that the Lord may especially use the shepherds, the leaders of these churches, to feed and care for His sheep.

China is the nation with the highest percentage of women active in church ministry, both in Three-self and house churches. Among those being trained to be church workers, females always outnumber males. Once called into ministry, women often encounter unequal treatment in benefit and respect. Many Chinese women pastors experience loneliness and frustration because of the high expectation placed on them and a lack of meaningful support. Let us pray for strength, comfort of the Spirit, and people who will encourage and appreciate them.

A survey of college students on "What would make you consider committing suicide?" revealed the following: Failure of an interpersonal relationship, 59%, stress from school work, 55%, breaking up with a close friend, 51%, and unable to find work after graduation, 35%. We are seeing more and more college students attempting suicide. Let us pray for the emptiness and disappointment found among many of these intellectuals. Again, we lift up those who are especially reaching out to college students.

Many Christians and their ministries have responded to the great need of reconstruction in Sichuan where the earthquake struck. Some have literally moved their work to Chengdu and made it a new center of Christian activities where they have started new ministries such as counseling for the victims and assisting communities with education. We pray that this area will be fertile ground for the gospel and that these ministries will be able to change the lives as well as the hearts of people. May the churches there be revived and strengthened mightily by God.

Walmart which offers international brands as well as local goods, opened thirty new stores in China during this past year but only three of them are in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Since the major cities have already become saturated, they are opening stores in the so-called "second- or third-tier cities" which are small by the Chinese standard but actually have populations of two to three million people. There are many churches in these smaller cities that often have fewer restrictions in their worship but also lack the resources bigger cities have. Let us remember them in our prayers, especially those who have not had a shepherd for a long time and those needing revival.

作為中國外貿「晴雨表」的廣交會剛落幕,受到歐美經濟衰退的影響,今年的訂單大幅縮水,打擊了出口企業對明年的信心。同時近期珠三角企業欠薪倒閉事件越來越多。這股經濟衰退寒流已經波及到中國的農村教會,因為許多奉獻是來自那些在城市打工的會友。我們為「將來到的寒冬」 對這些教會的影響來禱告,求主在靈命和經濟上的信實的供應。




一項有關大學生「你為何會考慮自殺?」的調查顯示,促成自殺的原因包括:失敗的人際關係(百分之五十九) ;學校的學業壓力(百分之五十五) ,與密友關係破裂(百分之三十五) ,畢業後找不到工作(百分之三十五) 。越來越多的大學生企圖自殺的趨勢,令人憂心。讓我們一起為那一大群對生命感到空虛毫無意義的知識分子禱告,也讓我們特別記念那些肩負重任,關懷、服事校園學生的同工們。


從賣舶來品到當地土產商品,全球最大的零售商的沃爾瑪去年在中國新開設的30家分店中,只有3家設在北京、上海和深圳等大城市。由於大城市需求幾近飽和,他們開始在中國的二、三線,按中國標準屬小規模,但人口則達到二百至三百萬人的城市設立新據點。 相對於中國大城市的教會,座落於小城市的在信仰上有較大的自由度,但資源卻相對匱乏。讓我們以禱告記念他們的需要,尤其是那些長期得不到牧者牧養,等候復興的教會。

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