Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Prayer Request 6/3 --6/9

The earthquake in China also affected Gansu, but the province received little media and rescue attention. Many of the victims in this area are ethnic Tibetans. June 1 is Chinese Children's Day and there are tens of thousands of children without families, homes or schools there. My eyes are red from crying, my stomach is in knots, and I feel sick all over. My people are being wiped out, and children lie helpless in the streets of the city. (Lam 2:11) Let us pray for the 30-plus churches there, for the Christian effort to start long-term children's ministries to help the children in the earthquake regions.

Since the colleges in China began admitting a more widely diverse group of students in 1999, education there has changed from elite to mass education. As a result, a college diploma is no longer a ticket to a job. In fact, some educators have pointed out that the quality of students in college has dropped. Many students get their very first exposure to the gospel on college campuses and after two or three years of discipleship there, they leave the student fellowship. Unfortunately many are lost due to lack of follow-up. Let us pray for the growth of new believers as they graduate this year.

As a country, China has had the greatest number of foreign missionaries come to her. However, there are only one thousand Chinese missionaries worldwide and the majority of them are from Singapore and Hong Kong. There are nine thousand Chinese churches outside of Mainland China which means there is only one missionary for each nine churches and every year the number of new missionaries is comparable to the number of those leaving the fields. We uplift these one thousand missionaries and commit their needs, their ministries, and their families into the hand of God.

More than half of the believers in the house churches in China express concern for the poor spiritual state in their congregations. There is a pressing need for improvement in the quality of those who work in the churches. The cost of living has skyrocketed recently and many who labor for the Lord must also find a full-time job to supplement their income, thus having less time for sermon preparation and other aspects of ministry. Let us pray for the spiritual health of these shepherds and that they will be faithful to their calling.

In recent years there have been more evangelistic meetings overall in the house churches than before but the passion for believers to share the gospel has diminished in general. More church workers have been trained but for the most part they lack the time and desire to evangelize. Let us pray for a passion to share the gospel in all of the churches. May the Spirit of the Lord remove their sense of contentment and idleness and stir up many to care for the lost.

Many pastors of rural churches have gone into the cities for various reasons but few of them are willing to minister to the "ming gong" (those who came to cities to work). Cities are attracting both the shepherds and sheep from the villages in droves but the shepherds end up not doing their ministry and the sheep are not receiving the help they need. Rural believers are not able to fit into churches in the cities. They feel inadequate along with being too busy or disconnected. We pray for all them who have not found a church in the city or have drifted away from fellowship.

Seventy percent of the house churches in Beijing have an attendance of 40 to 85 people. Packing fifty people into an average size apartment is not only physically uncomfortable but it also takes away the incentive for outreach and growth. Newcomers are also less likely to feel welcome. We commit the Beijing churches into the hand of God, especially during the upcoming Olympics. May they sense the call to be light and salt in their communities.

此次中國震災殃及甘肅省,藏民為主要受災者,然而災情鮮獲媒體及救援當局重視。六一是中國的兒童節,成千上萬的兒童正承受著家破人亡,無家可歸,無學可上的苦難。「我眼中流淚,以致失明;我的心腸擾亂,肝膽塗地,都因我眾民遭毀滅,又因孩童和吃奶的在城內街上發昏。(耶哀2:11) 」 讓我們特別記念甘肅省內三十多間教會,尤其是基督教團體在災區展開的長期兒童事工,能有效地支援當地受災兒童。







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