Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Prayer Request 6/10 --6/16

An estimate of more than 4000 children were made orphan in the earthquake affected region, and many Chinese expressed interest to adopt them. Adoption in China is a new trend, government rules have made it difficult, fearing some would use it to get around the family planning.. Some estimate that China has placed 573,000 orphans last year. We pray for those who are recovering from the lost of family members from the earthquake, especially the children. We uplift all the Christians and ministries who are caring of and reaching out to the children in China .

Government is heavily promoting the "I Promise: to be a moral person" campaign among the million teenagers. Following the earthquake, almost all the schools are hosting pledging ceremony, "Be obedient in home, respect teachers in school and to love sacrificially in community…" Youth is the "missing link" of majority of churches in China. We pray for all the children of believers, especially those who have stopped going to church. May the Lord turn their hearts back to Him and church leaders willing to spend the effort reaching youths .

In the past ten years Chinese women are twice more likely to be single than men are. In Chinese churches female believers also outnumber male believers. Even though female preachers play a pivotal role in shepherding the flock in China, male pastors still "dominate" in church leadership. Single women preachers are often passed over for leadership. Let us lift up all the women who shepherd the flock, married or single, and ask the Lord to give them strength, wisdom and power to preach the Word effectively.

As parents in China leave home to find work in the city, they leave their child behind with relatives. When the parents are able to return, they have an acute problem in trying to communicate with the child left behind and family relationships are broken. Many believers realize the damage to their families by working away from home but feel they have little choice. We pray along with them that their child will appreciate the sacrifice the parents are making and will continue to have faith in their God.

Beijing is the divorce capital in China where there is a divorce filed for every two marriages. In spite of the fact that 70% of those who filed for divorce from 2000 to 2005 felt they had made a mistake, divorces still reached two million (an increase of 67%). Churches in Beijing have many young couples and divorcees. We pray for all those who are doing family counseling in the churches and trying to help families struggling with marital discord. We specifically uplift those divorcees who are going through healing in Jesus Christ.

Is China an international market or quicksand? Recent cases of high-profile swindling and imprisonment due to tax evasion have caused many Taiwanese businessmen to re-think their China investment strategies. Many Christian businessmen have discovered that it is not easy to conduct business in China without making compromises. Some churches have been wrecked because of these get-rich schemes. Let us pray for all the believers who are recovering from hurt and damages as victims of greed and dishonesty.

There are 300,000 Chinese in South Africa, the majority of whom are from Fuzhou. They are mostly merchants who thrive even in the most dangerous neighborhoods. There is a saying there about the Fuzhou people, "They are not afraid of being robbed or dying but they dare to go where they can make money." On the other hand there are only seven hundred Chinese Christians who attend church in South Africa. They play an important role in the society because most of them are immigrants and they plan to stay in Africa for the long term.

地震災區據估計目前有超過4000名孤兒,許多人都表示希望領養他們。在中國領養孤兒是個新趨向,政府為了避免影響國內的家庭計劃條例而訂立了嚴格的領養條規。去年中國的遺孤達573000名。 讓我們為因地震失去親屬的同胞祈禱,特別是孤兒們。求神也記念並扶持所有關愛災民並向那些孤兒們伸出援手的基督徒和傳道人。

中國政府極力向百萬名青少年推動「我承諾,做一個有道德的人」網上簽名運動。大地震之後,幾乎所有學校舉行鄭重宣誓,承諾「在家庭,孝敬父母;在學校,尊敬師長;在社會,奉獻愛心,做一個有道德的人。」 在多數中國教會裏,青少年是「遺失的一環」。我們要為他們禱告,尤其是那些離開教會的青少年們,願上帝憐憫,使他們悔改,也求主感動教會領袖們為這群迷途羔羊付出更多努力。



首都北京離婚率居全國之冠,每兩對夫妻,就有一對辦離婚。調查發現在2000年到2005年之間,七成的離婚者感到後悔而希望復婚。盡管如此,離婚人數還是上升了67%,達兩百萬。 北京教會有許多年輕離異者。讓我們為教會的輔導工作禱告,求主藉輔導人員來幫助婚姻失調的家庭。我們也禱告讓失婚者在基督裏得著完全的醫治。



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