Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Prayer Request 2/7--2/13

Giving elaborate gifts is a part of Chinese culture, but it is often abused. The favorite gift used to bribe officials this Chinese New Year is an ornate book or scroll made of pure gold with an engraving of Mao or a classical Chinese saying and the cost is about $2000. US.The prophet Malachi warned his people who gave better gifts to officials than to God. Let us pray for a year in which believers give their very best to support their church and workers.

According to statistics five years ago, the top ten brands of merchandise in China were American. This year the only American brand in the top five was Coke. Five years ago "flaunting your status" was the number-one priority in choosing a brand. This year, the number-one priority is design.Churches in China are searching to define their own cultural identity in worship style and music. Let us remember all the younger church leaders as they lead their flock with new vision in this coming new Year.

During the annual Spring Festival Eve TV party, the names "Tuan Tuan" and "Yuan Yuan" were given to the pair of pandas China donated to Taiwan. The names combined literally mean "Reunion". Taiwan churches have long been partners with Chinese house churches. Let us pray for all those who will be going to China this year to do student leadership training on college campuses or short-term missions.

It is estimated that during the Spring Festival, a white-collared urban family in China will spend about 10,000 yuan ($1250. US) which includes a visit with relatives back home. Children will receive a sizable amount of money gifts in "red envelopes" during the New Year season. Let us pray that all Christian parents will teach their children how to tithe and the meaning of giving offerings to God.

In 2004 poverty forced an estimated 2.3 million students in China, junior high or lower to give up schooling. The average cost of a college education is about 7,000 yuan ($900.US) yearly or about four years worth of the savings of a rural family. Trying to support education for their children is one of the biggest reasons pastors of rural churches are leaving their flocks. Let us pray for faith for thousands who struggle with this dilemma and are planning to leave their posts this year.

Not everyone will be able to enjoy the tradition of family reunions during the New Year. The three top reasons are that one must spend time visiting relatives; some feel they have inadequate ability to earn money, and some are still single without any prospects for marriage. Most church workers do manage to return home to visit their parents. Many are not able to openly talk about their ministries and their dedication to the Lord. Let us remember their time with families and the opportunities they have to share Jesus with their relatives .

Contrary to the Western concept that a dog is a faithful creature, in Chinese culture one thinks of a dog with traditionally negative connotations. The saying, "No ivory is found in the mouth of a dog" implies a lack of education.Preaching the Word of God powerfully has little to do with one’s education. Let us pray for all the Christian workers as they prepare their sermons for this Year of the Dog .








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