Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Prayer Request 2/21--2/27

Thirty years after Deng Xiaoping declared that getting rich is glorious, China now claims more than 300,000 millionaires. Today, China ranks as the third largest consumer of high-end luxury goods on earth. The newly-built Hangzhou Chong-Yi church seats 7,500 people and is now the biggest Chinese church in the world. Let us pray for the people in this new church and their witness in the city of Westlake as well as their participation in mission

The biggest question that faces ten percent of the population of China is what to do after retirement. Senior universities now provide an alternative to watching TV and playing mahjong. In Shanghai there are 350,000 seniors enrolled in these educational programs. Serving in a church is a possibility for many retirees. Let us pray for ministries which help churches better equip their retirees in Bible knowledge through audio or corresponding learning courses .

About eighty-five percent of Chinese seniors spend most of their time watching TV. Over sixty percent still work around the house but only about one percent knows how to use a cell phone or the Internet. The majority of the fifty or so pastors serving in the open churches in the Beijing area are over seventy years old. Let us remember their vitality of preaching and physical health in their faithful service to the Lord .

A medical school student won her reinstatement after her school expelled her because she gave birth. Since last September, government has lifted the restriction that students cannot be married while in college. Having abortion is common among college students. Let us pray for all those whose goals are to reach college students for Christ, through Bible studies, coffee shops and English tutoring .

Four generations living under one roof may be a traditional family ideal, but half of the seniors interviewed prefer to live alone. They like to live near their grandchildren but not in the same building with them. Three-fourths of elderly Chinese dread the thought of going to a retirement home. Let us pray for a vision by the church to serve the rapidly aging population of believers through visitation, caring for them, or even church-run retirement homes .

A majority of senior citizens in China do not want to live with their children. They feel there is a large "generation gap" in their attitude toward money. The emphasis of the seniors on saving and thrifty spending is one big factor. Elderly people in China are quite independent but lonely. Many churches have up to a hundred people attending senior ministries. Let us pray for the willingness of those in leadership in churches to invest in ministry to the elderly.

In any major Chinese city, about ten to fifteen percent of the population is composed of senior citizens. It is very common to see them doing morning exercises along the roadside or taking a stroll in the afternoon. Few churches open their facilities to seniors or have any organized ministries for them. Any one who has a burden for seniors could partner with a local church and have a wonderful outreach to them. Let us pray for God to send people to minister to this largely-neglected group of people .








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