Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Prayer Request 8/30--9/5

Delinquent youth aged 14 - 25 now account for seventy percent of all violent crimes committed in China. Recently there has been a dramatic increase in theft, robbery, and gang activities by youth. Historically Chinese churches have been unable to attract or reach youth. Youth workers and advisors are sadly lacking or unheard of. Let us remember the small minority of churches that have youth fellowships or Bible studies for their young people.

The very first group of Chinese who left Shanghai in 1872 and went abroad to study was a group of thirty teenagers sent by the Qing Dynasty to Yale University. That formally opened the door for every Chinese student to study abroad. This year a record number of Chinese students will arrive in North America, Europe, England, and Russia. Let us pray for the harvesting of this new crop as churches gear up to receive them .

Recently a national debate focused on the affordability of medical care. Medical doctors are accepting "red packets" (red envelopes packed with money) from the families of patients. It is customary to give 3000-5000 yuan ($500. US) in order to ensure "special care". The Bible assures us that God is not partial. Let us remember all the believers who require medical care, especially all the church workers, because they are unable to afford medical insurance .

In the interior of China only four percent of the women consider themselves pretty. Chinese women desire these plastic surgery procedures the most: removing wrinkles (29%) whitening of skin (25%) facial (18%) and breast augmentaton (8%). How do the Chinese women believers see themselves, their role, and their contribution to the church? Let us pray for more women's Bible study groups and support groups for single mothers .

How do Chinese couples say, "Till death do us part"? The current favorite wedding vows are literally "You are my heart, my liver, 75% of my life" or "You are my gut, my stomach, and the rose of my heart". During the Cultural Revolution, the newly weds sang patriotic or anti-American songs.Government says divorce rate increased by 21% last year. Let us remember all the Christians who pledge their lives together to live for Jesus .

Shenyang's food festival featuring the "Mang Han Banquet" drew criticism for its great excess. The 196-course dinner was originally served for the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. While the living standard has greatly improved, many believers in minority groups in the Western provinces still live far below the poverty level. Let us remember the vast economic gap between the Han Chinese and believers in minority groups .

No one knows the exact number of babies that are "thrown away" every day. All these abandoned infants are either girls or have congenital deformities. Poor parents justify their actions because of high medical costs. The "one-child" policy adds to the pressure of having a healthy boy. Let us pray for all believers who have "not-so-perfect" children. For them we pray for the patience and mercy of God as they rear these children .




七成以上的亞洲女性仰賴他人(丈夫/伴侶)的觀點定義美麗與否,內地女性這一比例只占到15%,內地女性缺乏自信?僅4%認爲自己美麗。中國七成的女性認爲30歲前最美,45%的女性自認體重過重,八成會使用化妝品修飾自己。最熱衷的美容手術是拉皮(29%),美白 (25%)、臉(18%)和隆胸(8%)。中國女性信徒如何看待自己、自我定位和對教會的貢獻?求主親自看顧、供應更多的婦女查經小組和單親支援小組。


瀋陽美食節展演「天下第一宴」的清宮御膳滿漢全席,共有冷熱葷素196道菜品, 耗資二十餘萬元人民幣。當人們生活水平大幅提昇時,西北省份許多的民眾仍處在貧窮線以下。讓我們記念存在於漢族與少數民族信徒間的貧富差距,求主感動兄弟姊妹有愛心彼此肢體相顧。


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