Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Prayer Request 8/16--8/22

Chinese Valentine's Day is August 11th (7th day of the 7th lunar month). Buying gifts for loved ones has caught on as the society has become westernized. However, reports of domestic violence have increased dramatically partly because more women are now speaking out against abuse. We ask your prayer for the integrity of marriage for all the pastors and church workers. Hard work and temptation have destroyed many, many of God's workers.

Shenzhen, a city across from Hong Kong, became a metropolis of twelve million in a period of twenty years. It has now experienced its first season of decline in the influx of rural workers--down 200,000 people over the previous year. The educational level of sixty percent of the city is ninth grade or lower. Let us pray for all the churches there and their hard effort in reaching out to the factory workers.

Sixty percent of youth aged 10-29 years participate in fortune-telling or luck-changing activities. One in three of them believes in and practices these activities with great interest and a hope to change the future. Hong Kong has long been known for her proclivity toward superstition. Let us pray for a powerful testimony of the people in the nearly three thousand churches there.

The online auctioneer eBay expects its revenue from China to jump thirty percent or more this year. In spite of the lack of a system for easy payment, China is the world's fastest growing e-commerce market. The government expects the number of online shoppers to reach 16.2 million as it grips the internet tightly with content filter. Let us pray for all those who use the internet to get Bible study materials and share church news news.

Snow White and the Seven Shaolin Monks? Walt Disney plans to shoot a kung fu version of its 1937 animated classic for the Chinese market. Disneyland in Hong Kong expects large crowds from China when it opens in September. In spite of these opportunities for children to enjoy worldly entertainment, there is very little indigenous and contextualized Bible story or reading materials for them. Let us remember all the children's ministries and the development of materials for Sunday schools.

China has produced and sold more cars this year than ever before--a 9.35 percent increase. Nearly sixty-seven percent of them are Chinese brands. Shanghai now has two million cars which is the number officials had originally projected for the year 2020. Driving to church is not new in many Chinese cities. However, urban churches must cope with unprecedented parking problems. Let us pray for the growth of large churches and the trend toward branch churches.

China ranks at the bottom in terms of equitable health care and the government admits the current medical system is not working. Even minor surgery can deplete one's life-time savings. Church workers have no medical insurance at all and there is virtually no money for even simple medical care or preventive check-ups. Let us pray for ministries that will see and help meet this great need .

今年七夕情人節 (農曆7/7 )在西曆的8/11。西風東漸,中國人也開始流行彼此送禮在這個特殊的日子表達情意。近來女權意識的普遍覺醒,受虐於家暴的婦女越來越勇於站出來,使得每年家暴案件數量大幅上升,家庭與婚姻品質令人憂心。求主特別保守牧者與同工們,在人前能見証神所賜福的聖潔婚姻與完整家庭,不因忙碌的服事及世俗的試探而忽略經營與配偶、家人的關係。



儘管缺乏一套方便付帳的系統,和在政府設下更嚴密的過濾監控閥之下,預估中國上網購物將達1, 620萬人,是全球網路商品交易市場中成長最快速的國家。著名網上拍賣公司e-Bay預期該公司今年在中國的營收成長將超過30%。讓我們求主親自以智慧與能力引領網路福音事工,並預備人心能得見神的真光來禱告。




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