Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Prayer Request 3/8 - 3/14

Confusion grips Hong Kong with Beijing’s unexpected acceptance of Tung Chee-hwa’s resignation as the HK SARS chief executive. A recent survey of HK residents shows a 7% drop (to 57%) in confidence level toward Beijing. Many churches in Hong Honk are involved in mission, not only to the neighboring China, but also cross-culturally to Muslim and even Africa. Let us pray especially for the 200 plus missionaries from Hong Kong .

Guiyang, the 3 million population capital of Guizhou, enacted a pioneering ban on abortion after 14th week. It hoped to deter gender selection by ultrasound. After 25 years of the one-child policy, abortion of female fetus and routine killing or abandonment of baby girl is widespread. Let us remember all the adopted Chinese children and their new families worldwide. Many will now be teenagers and seeking to understand their roots .

Tsinghua, Beijing, Zhejaing and Fudan are the top four universities, in a media ranking released recently. Many of the top Party officials are also alumni of these schools. Entrance to these elite school are fierce but are the dreams of millions of students. We praise the Lord for the flourishing of Bible studies and fellowships on nearly all university campuses. Connecting the students into church lives prove harder. Let us pray for good harvest through student ministry and badly needed follow-up once students graduated .

Despite the unprecedented economic boom, 29 million Chinese still living on less than 2 yuan ( 0.25USD) a day. An increase of 800,000, according to Xinhua. Since the discontinuation of free medical care a decade ago, skyrocketed medical care and education cost have further impoverished the poor. Work of the Gospel means also assisting the poor and community development. Let us lift up all ministries who demonstrate the compassion of Christ in rural China, and all who participate in the short term mission for these projects .

In March, Beijing will abolish completely all restrictions on the influx of migrant workers, eliminating bias and fees. Untold millions of farmers move into cities yearly, seeking better lives, and filling menial jobs.Few urban churches have the vision and resources to outreach to these new residents.Many believers cannot find churches to attend in cities and are lost to follow up. Let us pray for this epic migration of people and the strategy churches need to formulate to reach them .

Beijing derided the USA Human Rights Report released this week, attacking the American’s own violations and “hypocrisy”. Human rights and religious oppression remain thorny issues between the two countries. An outdoor evangelistic meeting in Jiangsu last summer attracted thousands of people without interference. Elsewhere, some unregistered meeting sites were ordered to be demolished. Let us continue to pray the unique situations between Three-self and House churches, and the Religious Affair bureau who oversee all churches .

In the city of Guangzhou, 10,000 new single-parent families are added yearly, mostly as a result of divorces and out-of-wedlock. Educators note that single-parent children have severe character defects, namely selfish and lack of warmth toward others and even their mothers. Within the church, single mothers are becoming a large block of believers. But, majority of churches have no program for these youth. Let us pray for people raised up to fill this void. We too pray for faith, hope and love for all the single mothers in church.

總 理溫家寶會見來向中央政府辭職的香港特首董建華,對他的工作成效給予 “充分的肯定”,但至今官方尚未對辭職事件發表正式聲明。民調顯示,香港市民對政府的信任比率,下跌了7個百分點。歷來香港教會不僅積極幫助內地教會,對 於各種跨文化的培訓及短宣也積極參與,在許多中東回教國家甚至非洲都有他們的美蹤。求主繼續把合一興旺福音的火焰,在香港的弟兄姊妹心中燃燒,讓我們常以 禱告與200多位宣教士在主裡同工。

貴 州首府貴陽市,這個擁有三百萬人口的的城市,率先通過了禁止孕婦懷孕十四周墮胎的法令,以期能夠減少選擇胎兒性別的墮胎,國內重男輕女思想仍濃厚,在“一 胎政策”下,放棄未出世的女嬰是普遍的現象。讓我們為將要成為父母親者禱告,無論孩子是男是女,都是神所賞賜的尊貴產業。也記念那些被收養在世界各地的孩 子,現在他們許多已是青少年,因為膚色的差異,開始面對 “我是誰,我從哪裡來? ”的問題,求主親自保守他們的人生路滿有屬天的恩惠。

一 份全國性知名的經濟類報紙公布的2005年中國大學排名榜上,清華大學,北京大學,浙江大學及復旦大學仍是媒體公認的名牌大學.今天許多活躍於官場的黨政 要員,多是出身名校.想要進入名校是千萬高中生的夢想,入學競爭是十分激烈的.感謝神在校園興起了查經班及團契,但因學校和社會環境的差異,領學生到一般 教會是一大挑戰.讓我們為在學校所結的果子禱告,盼望他們畢業後能繼續持守信仰,並能在各地教會內忠心的服事.

雖 然現今中國的經濟是史無前例的繁榮,但仍有二十九萬的中國人過著每天只賺得2元人民幣的生活。 經濟改革後中國政府不再提供免費的醫療福利,民眾看診、療病與教育的花費,成為一般家庭沈重的經濟負擔。在中國,踏著福音腳蹤的宣教士面對的往往是最貧困 的一群,讓我們為這些願意為主擺上的弟兄姊妹禱告,願他們在村落中的服事能真正為人們的生活帶來無限盼望.

北 京市以往對外來民工的種種限制,將于三月份廢除。每年有無數的民工湧進城市,尋求更好的工作機會,預料政府這項措施將吸引更多農民工到大城市來,誰願向他 們傳講主耶穌的福音呢?主可以差遣你嗎?讓我們在禱告中記念近郊服事民工的教會,願神賜充足的智慧和愛心能有效將福音傳開來,也願更多離鄉背井至城市中尋 夢的中國人能找到耶穌基督祂自己。

針 對美國上週發布的最新人權記錄, 北京評擊美國自身亦存在嚴重的人權問題。壓迫人權與信仰自由仍是兩國間爭拗的焦點之一。江蘇省去年夏天舉行的一個戶外佈道會曾吸引了數千人,也沒有遭公安 的干涉。但在別處的佈道會卻常被勒令取消。讓我們爲處在特殊環境下的教會和主管宗教事務的政府單位禱告。

廣 州省每年增加一萬個單親家庭,多數是由於離婚或非正式婚姻關係而組合。教育工作者發現單親家庭的孩子普遍有嚴重的性格缺陷,譬如個性自私,對人冷漠不關心 甚至對待自己的母親亦是如此。在教會肢體中單親母親的人數已為數不少,但多數教會卻沒有配合這些需要預備相關課程或活動來幫助他們。求神感動更多人齊來堵 住這破口,也爲堅固這群單親母親的信心,盼望和愛心來禱告

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