Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Prayer Request 12/17 - 12/23

China has announced a curfew on online gaming for minors among new measures aimed at curbing video game addiction. The guidelines also place restrictions on the money minors can transfer to their online gaming accounts. During the summer vacation, many parents who are migrant workers will have their children join them in the cities. Children, however, simply play online games the whole time. We pray for God's mercy for parents who are believers and are separated from their children, that God will give them wisdom to know how to make up the long absences and the consequent difficulty of disciplining.
Under the new rules, gamers under 18 will be banned from playing online games between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. On weekdays, minors can only play for 90 minutes, while they may play up to three hours per day on weekends and public holidays. Many gaming addicts suffer a poor self-image, are introverted and are unsociable or are victims of bullying at school. We pray for healing for believers who have such children, and wisdom for parents to know how to discipline them and teach them self-control.
China is the world's largest gaming market, accounting for a quarter of the world's revenue. The new rules were aimed at creating a "clear internet space" and "protecting the physical and mental health of minors." Many parents do not pay attention to or give importance to spending time with their children, so they buy mobile phones for kids and pay to recharge their games token. We ask God to enlighten believer parents that we must spend meaningful time with children, do things together and not forego playtime with children.
The new rules emphasize the responsibility of corporations that make games and also execute the government's duty to supervise the problem. Government units are required to study the rules and ensure that corporations abide by the requirements. Adolescents build friendships and feel a sense of accomplishment and belonging online. We pray that Christian parents will understand the influence of friends on their children and the importance of Christian friends. “But flee youthful lusts, and follow righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Tim. 2:22 MKJV)
The administration in China is also working with police to set up a real-name registration system, and to enable gaming companies to check the identity of their users against the national database. The new guidelines are China's latest move in an ongoing campaign to increase the regulation of the gaming industry. Students with gaming addiction play all night long, are sleepy during classes and do poorly in their studies. We pray that believers can discipline effectively their children, build good self-discipline, have a good parent-child relationship and be able to talk about their faith in their conversations with their children.
In August 2018, Beijing announced plans to limit the number of new online games to "reduce nearsightedness in children and adolescents." It also criticized a popular mobile game, "Honor of Kings", for allegedly causing addiction in young people in 2017. Parents can't simply prohibit children from playing online games, but are unwilling to spend time with them or involve and encourage children to be in real social interactions. We ask God to help parents to know how to raise a child to love the Lord, love people and have a healthy body and mind.
Addiction to gaming, known officially by WHO as Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in June 2018. IGD is diagnosed when an online gamer plays compulsively to the exclusion of other interests, including school and family life. And, men may be more susceptible to gaming addiction than women.We pray for children from Christian homes who are addicted to online games. May God's mercy come upon them, help their parents to change their teaching methods, and answer their prayers for healing. At the same time, we pray that churches will pay attention to the spiritual life of the believers' children and the temptations they face.

中國宣布了針對未成年人在線遊戲的宵禁措施,其中包括旨在遏制電子遊戲成癮的新措施。該指南還對未成年人可以轉入其在線遊戲帳戶的金額,進行了限制。暑假期間,很多在外打工的父母,都會讓孩子來到自己的城市相聚. 然而很多孩子來到城市,卻又中了 “網游” 的毒。求主憐憫與子女長期分離的信徒家長,賜下智慧知道如何正確和健康的彌補親情,和施行管教。
中國是世界上最大的遊戲市場,佔全球收入的四分之一。新規定旨在創造一個“乾淨的互聯網空間”和“保護未成年人的身心健康”。有許多家長不重視與孩子一起的重要性,而是以金錢取代,給孩子買手機,給他們 遊戲的充值 錢 。求主光照信徒,在子女成長的過程中, 要真花時間與孩子在一起,做有意義的活動,自己也不推諉陪伴孩子玩樂的機會。
政府新的規定強調了網游公司的責任,並履行了政府監督問題的責任。並且會有政府部門研究規則,並確保公司遵守這些要求。中國年輕人在虛擬世界裡, 因著得分,結交朋友而得到成就感和歸屬感。 我們為信徒家長能關注孩子朋友的重要性,也用心為他們能有共同信仰的朋友來祈求,正如聖經上的教導 “逃避少年的私欲,同那清心禱告主的人追求公義、信德、仁愛、和平。”提後2:22。
政府與警方合作建立實名註冊系統. 並且使遊戲公司能夠依據國家數據庫檢查其用戶身份,旨在加強對遊戲行業的監管。喜歡玩手機的學生“晚上是會犯癮的”,於是白天上課就犯困,甚至在課堂上睡著,嚴重影響學業。我們為信徒家長能有效的管教子女禱告,不單是養成好的自律,也能有良好的親子關係,更是能談論信仰。
2018年8月,北京宣布了限制新網絡遊戲數量的計劃,以“減少兒童和青少年的近視”。它還批評了流行的手機遊戲“王者榮耀”,據稱該遊戲在2017年引起了大量年輕人的成癮。家長不能一味的禁止孩子玩網游,而不花時間跟孩子們一起,更是要帶孩子參與到更多現實社交中,在他們的成長中盡量多參與陪伴和關懷。 求主恩待信徒家長明白,如何養育孩子愛主,愛人,擁有健康的身心靈。
網路遊戲的沉迷,正式稱為互聯網游戲障礙(IGD),於2018年6月首次被加入世界衛生組織的國際疾病分類。當在線遊戲者強迫性玩遊戲而排除其他興趣,包括學校學習和家庭生活,就是淪為瘾 癖,而男性可能更容易患上游戲成癮。我們為沉迷於網游的信二代祈求,願神的憐憫臨到他們,幫助父母們改變教導方式,也垂聽他們求醫治的禱告。同時,也為教會關心信二代的靈命,正視他們受到的引誘。

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Prayer Request 12/10 - 12/16

In China, the average salary for those working in a tier-one city today is around 7000 RMB (approximately 980 USD) per month. However, a young pastor fresh out of seminary or Bible school might make only 1500 RMB (about 211 USD) per month. Poor financial compensation for pastors is one factor that could imperil the future of the churches of China. We pray that believers will care about how their pastors and their families are doing and whether they have adequate resources to live and support their children for a decent education.
Many pastors rely on donations from church members and relatives for food, clothing and rent money. As a result, pastors and their families live in constant worry about how they will provide for their families. A significant number of the marriages of Chinese pastors ended in separation and divorce because of financial strain. Let us pray for all the pastors especially when they face a huge decrease in offering or outside financial support because of the new religious policy.
Historically, Chinese Christians have always insisted that material poverty means spiritual devotion for the church workers. Christians also believe that material things are “worldly” and even insist that a pastor’s salary should not be more than the poorest of the congregation. The Bible teaches us, "But let him who is taught in the Word share with the one teaching in all good things." (Gal 6:6 MKJV) We pray that believers will know the heart of God and not ignore the truth.
Some churches in China simply cannot afford to pay their pastor an adequate salary in rural churches or churches made up of predominantly migrant workers in the cities. The cost of living has risen sharply, especially in the rural regions, forcing many pastors and their families to scramble to make ends meet. It is difficult for small churches to support a pastor. We pray that larger churches will find ways to partner and support the smaller and struggling churches.
It is considered shameful for a pastor to ask for an increase in compensation, since he will be seen as ungrateful and lack the correct motivation and integrity for church ministry. It is a disgrace that churches treat their pastors so poorly so they are unable to provide for their families (1 Tim. 5:8). We pray that churches will know the desire of God and provide adequate compensation for the workers so they can serve wholeheartedly.
One ploy the evil one uses to distract a God-honoring pastor from following the call to shepherd and care for God’s people is to disrupt his family with financial insecurity and add strains to his marriage and family. We must pray for the pastors in China as they face pressure from the religious policy, misunderstanding of their members and even their own families. May the Lord safeguard their calling and strengthen their faith as they live in a harsh time.
The low salary of pastors in China is one big reason others are hesitant to enter full-time ministry. Many parents, even Christians are reluctant to let their daughters marry a future pastor because they know the financial hardship ahead. We pray for God's grace to all churches as they prepare their annual budgets, not only to include the improvement of their buildings but also improve the compensation for their pastoral staff.

從昔日至今,中國教会多半只給牧者微薄的物質津貼,以示他們是敬虔愛主的工人。許多基督徒認為物質是「世俗的」,所以牧者應該為上帝的緣故棄絕精美的物質。某些教會主張傳道人的收入不應超過教會中最貧窮的人。聖經教導我們 「道理上受教的,當把一切需用的供給施教的。」(加拉太 6:6) 求主憐憫,將真理顯明出來,修正門徒的觀念。

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Prayer Request 12/3 - 12/9

The authorities in China are now monitoring teachers and students with religious beliefs, secretly threatening them with termination and expulsion, or facing prosecution. The goal is to eliminate religious beliefs on all campuses. Much if not all of the student ministries throughout China has come to a halt and those involved have left China. We pray for God’s comfort for those who had given their lives in leading and discipling students. May the Lord reward their efforts and help them to continue to serve Him.
Anti-religion measures in all colleges in China include those that officially prohibit teachers and students from having religious beliefs. Regular and random inspections are carried out to ensure no religious activities take place on campus. As the foreign missionaries have retreated, their Chinese coworkers are scattered because of lack of leadership and financial support. Perhaps the Lord is teaching us a difficult lesson and we pray that local churches in China will step up to fill this gap.
Officials in China have also recruited many student informants to report any suspicious religious conversations and gatherings at the schools. Under the multi-pronged strategy, many university professors are punished or dismissed, and students are forced to give up their faith or face expulsion. It is easy to denounce those who are the Judas believers. When college students are blacklisted by the Party, they forfeit any possibility for social advancement. We pray for His mercy and abiding love for those who were threatened and even forced to renounce their faith.
Once students are caught engaging in religious activities, school authorities and parents are informed, students are threatened to renounce their faith, face termination or be blacklisted for future employment. More and more students are fearful and refuse to attend Bible studies and church meetings. We know the work of God will continue, just like in the time of the Cultural Revolution half a century ago. We remember those who persist in serving Him and ask the Lord to protect and bless their sacrifices.
The Chinese government has different methods of suppressing different religions. For the Christian religion, the authorities have pushed the strategy of "replace churches with entertainment places and replace beliefs with traditional culture".The goal of the government is clear, that is replacing the God of the Christian faith with the Communist ideology. A few years ago, many had naively thought Christianity would become mainstream socially and welcomed in China. We lift up all the believers in China in our prayer, knowing His plan will prevail.
Once Christians in China are all in the Three-self churches, the official policy is to convert churches into community or cultural centers, and force the Christians to abandon their faith in God and accept the traditional culture.Memories of the Cultural Revolution are still fresh among the older believers. We pray that they would share their experience and their abiding faith with younger Christians, lead them in prayer and strengthen them.
Some churches were forced to sell their buildings and when they refuse, officials threatened to sell it cheaply if churches continue to resist. Under threat, churches will have to give in. Nowadays, these church buildings have become a recreation hall for the villagers and believers are without a place of worship. We pray for God’s comfort for believers who have lost their church buildings, knowing that they are the Body of Christ and not the building.

官方招募「間諜學生」舉報可疑言論,在多措並舉的策略下,許多大學教授遭解雇和迫害,學生則被迫放棄信仰或遭到開除。校園裡的基督徒被告發後,政府往往將其列入黑名單,喪失個人發展的機會。我們為那些受到威脅甚至被迫放棄信仰的信徒禱告,求主施恩給他們,在四面受敵,心裡作難時不致失望,遭逼迫卻不被丟棄,身上常帶著耶穌的死,使耶穌的生也顯明在他們身上。 (林後4:8-10)
宗教局一旦獲知學生從事宗教活動便會通知校方及家長,以事業前景作為要脅,要求學生放棄信仰。越來越多學生因害怕而拒絕參加校園 查經班和教會聚會。我們深信神永遠掌權, 祂的手仍看顧中國教會,就像半個世紀前文革時期一樣。「求祢這些年間復興你的作為、在這些年間顯明出來、在發怒的時候、以憐憫為念。」(哈3:2)
當基督徒都只能在三自教會中聚會時,官方可能會將教會轉變成為社區或文化中心,並迫使信徒以傳統文化來取代對上帝的信仰。過去文化大革命的記憶在老信徒中仍然歷歷在目。求主給這些年長信徒有機會, 向年輕信徒見證信實的神曾如何保守他們,並引導年輕信徒以禱告來堅定自己的信心。
中國政府強行迫使教會售賣聚會建築, 一些教會一開始不肯出讓教堂,這時官員便會介入談判,威脅若不簽字廉售,便會找藉口把教堂拆掉,在重重威脅之下,教會最終只得讓步。如今這些教堂已成為村民玩樂的場所,而信徒們卻陷入無處聚會的困境。教會最大的挑戰從來不是來自外在環境,而是教會內部。求神幫助教會在面對「中國化」政策越來越嚴峻時,神的眾兒女愈堅信,更同心。