Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Prayer Request 12/4 - 12/10

China is urbanizing at a rapid pace. In 2000 nearly two-thirds of its residents lived in the countryside. Today fewer than half do. Yet, Uighurs and Tibetans feel left out of China’s economic boom; ethnic discrimination is not helping. These two ethnic groups are perhaps the most difficult in terms of evangelism. We pray that churches will not give up in sharing the Gospel with them, starting with repentance of our own ethnic pride that Han Chinese are hardworking and they are not striving and trustworthy.
Uighurs and Tibetans are staying on their farms, often because discrimination against them makes it difficult to find work in cities. As ethnic discontent grows, so too does the discrimination, creating a vicious cycle. We pray for binding of the power of Satan, so the true light of Jesus Christ will come upon these two ethnic groups, and many more Uighurs and Tibetans will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.
Some Tibetans prefer to stay in the fields but many feel excluded rom the benefits enjoyed by ethnic Han Chinese who make up more than ninety percent of China's population.We pray for those who serve among Tibetans and Uighurs and face fierce spiritual battles, persecution, loneliness, and fatigue. May the Lord strengthen their faith and add steadfastness, patience, and God's abiding love for im and His people.
There has been far less violence in Tibet than Xingjiang, but separatism in the region is no less a headache for China’s leaders. There are more than six million Tibetans in Tibet and four neighboring provinces. The proportion of farmers is nearly eighty percent. We pray that some of the well-educated Tibetans will become Christians first and share Jesus with their own people. There are some Tibetan churches outside of Tibet, we pray that they will be revived and be passionate about sharing Jesus with their own people.
Neither Uighurs nor Tibetans enjoy ready access to the job market that has drawn tens of millions of Han to cities in recent years. They are unwelcome, and they know it. It can be said that Tibetans and Uighurs live in spiritual darkness and are most resistant to the Gospel. We pray more urgently for them so the salvation of Jesus will soon come to them.
Part of the problem of Uighurs and Tibetans in being unable to fit in with Han Chinese is the languages. Uighurs and Tibetans brought up in the countryside and often have a very poor grasp of Mandarin, the official language of the land. There are so few Han Christians who really understand the culture and language of Uighurs and Tibetans. We pray for those who are seriously learning the language skills and are preparing more spiritual content in the languages of ethnic minorities.
The effort by the Chinese government to promote Mandarin in schools has encountered resistance in some ethnic regions where it is seen as an attempt to suppress native culture. In southern Xinjiang, where most Uighurs, many schools do not teach Mandarin at all. We pray for the easing of ethnic tension and antagonism toward Han Chinese in this vast region of China. Chinese churches cannot effectively do mission work outside of China, if they continue to ignore sharing the Gospel in their own backyard, in Xingjiang.

雖然相比於新疆,西藏較少有攻擊事件發生,但該地區的分裂主義一直令官方十分頭疼。西藏及其四個鄰省約有超過六萬藏民,其中農民佔人口約百分之八十。 求主繼續施恩給那些擁有高學歷的藏民,讓他們先接受福音,再以他們的影響力去帶領其他藏族人歸主;也求主加力西藏以外的藏民教會,能在本族中見證主名。

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