Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Prayer Request 9/11 - 9/17

Some churches in China impose restrictions on the pastor's wife or ignore her roles which depresses her and impairs the pastor's service also. Pastors should protect and promote their wives and teach the church to respect them, not to take the wives for granted. We pray for believers who will pray and care more for their pastor's family. As more sisters befriend their pastor's wife and encourage women in churches to serve together, they can bring about revival in their churches.
The pastor's wife is very important because she stands guard with the pastor to provide counseling and care for the women in the church whether they are married or single. Many single women in the church are pressured to marry non believers, partly because there are no eligible brothers available. We pray for God's comfort and joy for them, having the wisdom to fend off pressure from their unbelieving parents.
In China, there are many indigenous heretical groups with names like "Eastern lightning", "Disciples", "Three servants", "Ling ling jiao", "Cold water", "Crier", and "King". These heresies have much influence on the rural churches but are less a threat to the more educated urban churches. May the Lord have mercy on those believers who have fallen victim to the cults and deliver them from deceit and bondage. We pray the truth of Jesus Christ will set them free and give them the true salvation of the mind and soul.
In rural China, many pastors and believers are ignorant of or lack basic Biblical truths, and they are easily swayed by false doctrines spread by the cults. Lack of spiritual teaching means that believers are easy prey for the cults and heresies. We pray that our Lord will give them the wisdom to discern what the false is and not to spread it.
Many heretical groups and cults lure church leaders with bribery or sex. They also intimidate pastors with bodily harm. It takes a long time and great effort, through counseling and orthodox teaching, to recover from the ravage of wolves. We pray for wisdom for believers to discern truth from falsehood and to prevent the savage attacks by the cults. We also ask the Lord to comfort His children when their church suffers turmoil, vicious lies, and a split, knowing that our Lord is on His throne.
In many parts of China, heresies and cults are rampant, many have infiltrated the local churches and forced believers to leave. Despite official suppression, cults are still active. We pray for pastors and believers to possess the basic Biblical truth. Many leaders are content to have a large congregation, but fail to provide the solid teaching and lack faithful workers who desire to do His will.
Churches in China have benefited from the South Korean missionaries, but the heresies and extreme teachings from South Korea have also done much damage to many churches in China in recent years. False teachings from Korea have been particularly active in major cities, attracting students and even intellectuals. We ask the Lord to corrupt the trickiness of these wolves in sheep's clothing. May the Lord protect His own sheep that they "will be no longer infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming." Ephesians 4:14

許多異端行賄教會領袖們,或以色財引誘教會帶領人,或恐嚇殺害不從者,軟硬兼施最後達成目的。被異端衝擊過的教會,需要經過相當長時間的牧養和教導才能扭轉康復過來。求主賜信徒智慧,能分辨真理並拒絕傳遞歪道,免得落入異端的陷阱,被披著羊皮的狼吞吃。又求主安慰祂的兒女,當教會受盡困難,內爭分裂,離經叛道時,讓他們看見耶和華仍然坐著為王 ,神一直掌權。

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